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Red Five

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Red Five last won the day on January 2

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Defensive Coordinator

Defensive Coordinator (16/21)



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  1. Hope @Saunders is doing well.  I really liked the season preview stuff he would do.

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    2. Saunders


      Hey Guys, thanks for reaching out! I'm doing well, I've just absolutely swamped between work, and coaching multiple kids sports teams since January. I also noticed that the preview sources I used to use have been fairly dry, so I haven't really had as much to work with. That being said, I'll gear up to get that stuff posted in the next couple weeks. Once I start getting preview mags, I'll really dive in. Looking forward to the season! #GBR

    3. Red Five
    4. Saunders


      I went ahead and created the master, and I'll try to get some placeholder threads done by the end of the day.

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