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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. My first mortgage was 10%……on a $90k house. Late 80’s. That same house now goes for about $350k. I don’t know when my kids will be able to afford a house. I don’t think expecting interest rates to remain below 5% was ever realistic but with home prices and down payment requirements what they are now, it ain’t near as easy as it was for us.
  2. I finished it. It does get better and I liked it. Be sure to watch the bonus content, especially The Winning Team and Follow Your Nos.
  3. I’d be seriously tempted to lie my a$$ off just to get on the jury. And then rat out any pro-Trumpers that made it into that room. But it would have to be for something that could put him away for at least ten years, not just misappropriated hush money payments. Don’t need a rich vengeful president after me
  4. I would retire right now if I had all the money spent on roller hockey, ice hockey, softball and volleyball. Not exaggerating at all.
  5. Only the very old and mentally challenged. Same demo that routinely gets bilked out of money by fraudsters. Perfect target demo for the “new” RNC. New is in parentheses because it’s not really all that new. It’s been a CF ever since Trump came on the scene (and this is a reference to his political life, not anything he may have done with Stormy Daniels or hookers in Russia).
  6. They should throw his a$$ in jail for a few days for contempt of court. I’d say for years but that’s just wishful thinking. What a complete POS….and idiots in this country still want to and will vote for him. I. Don’t. Get. It.
  7. Not bad. About the equivalent of doing club sports.
  8. Yes it is. But the special school for the troubled only serves to separate them from the other kids. I don’t think there is any great rehabilitation going on there. The dropout rate is extremely high and they have a very high level of continuing discipline problems, stabbings etc. I’m sorry but high school is too late to be turning these kids around. Lack of proper parenting has doomed them. JMO but I would guess it really helps fewer than 5% that get banished there.
  9. I’m curious. What does it cost per year for Creighton Prep?
  10. Greeley has a special HS for the rejects and worst problems. Complete waste of taxpayer money imo. They should just cut em loose and let them get an early start on their careers in prison.
  11. Yes, for sure some of these schools have more educational rigor and the exclusivity helps weed out problem kids (and problem parents). At best they provide some better alternatives for people that actually care and can afford it. On the other hand, many use their wealth to avoid certain demographics for suspect reasons. We never went to that extreme with our kids but we did opt out of our home middle school and high school boundaries. At the MS level it was to avoid rougher schools that had known behavior issues. We actually sent our daughter to MS in a neighboring town because all the public middle schools here are pretty much cesspools. At the HS level it was to provide a better AP curriculum. Oddly, 2 of the more popular HS choices for the people of means were highly clickish and had more drug problems. It was always pretty obvious that most people that transferred to those schools were more concerned about image and avoiding certain POC.
  12. ….and a private high school…..in Nebraska for example, would lead to what great connections? I get that much of the time it’s who you know and not what you know but I struggle with the prestige aspect at the HS level. Sure there may be a few nationally that move the needle but that’s way less than 1% of the people who are paying out the a$$ for private schools.
  13. I watched the first season awhile back and enjoyed it but it started being a little predictable and redundant. I like Alan Tudyk (Firefly, Dodgeball) so I’ll prob try to finish it sometime.
  14. I have not played the game and am not familiar with it but I was looking forward to this series based on the trailers I saw. I usually like post apocalyptic stuff. I guess I was expecting something a little different and more serious. I’m only 4 episodes in and 3 & 4 have been better but I wasn’t too impressed with the beginning. It’s an odd mix of being light and unserious but with serious violence mixed in. It’s growing on me but I’ll need to see more before I’ll say it’s good.
  15. I don’t watch SNL very often but I did watch this one. Nothing beats the early days with Aykroyd, Belushi etc. and then with Farley but after that it was so bad for so long I sort of gave up on it but it’s been much better lately so I’ve started watching more often again. The whole show with Gosling was very good.
  16. Disturbing the peace Disorderly conduct Vandalism Can anybody explain why the cops can’t simply go in , cuff ‘em and haul them off? Also it would be for their own good. It’s only a matter of time before somebody snaps and just drives through them.
  17. Weird how out of hand this rift has gotten. Who woulda thought a simple disagreement over which exclamation to use, sheeeit or sonuva…, would come to this?
  18. Oh it isn’t bothering me. I just find it extremely sad this is something that someone thinks is laughable. Pretty serious problem considering it is actual elected officials. And worthy of mocking anyone who thinks it isn’t real.
  19. Hotel tip. Book one now….if it’s not already too late. Pretty much anything downtown or in the Haymarket would be fine.
  20. Who TF thinks it’s funny (laughing emoji) that US politicians have sided with Putin and are doing his bidding? Or maybe you’re just stupid and refuse to believe it in the face of overwhelming and unquestionable evidence. There are only two choices here. 1) you are amazingly stupid and don’t deserve an opinion or 2) you are also a traitor to the US and deserve the fate of a traitor. Well and a 3rd option I guess, both.
  21. Oh man, that takes me back. I can still hear the sound that fat red bat made when you crushed a ball with it. Booom! With the skinny yellow bat, you had to hit it perfectly to not foul tip it and it just made a quick little crack sound.
  22. I’m just glad he made the cut. Cashed that big free bet for 11 smackers I do like watching him play though. Went to the International in Castle Rock back in 1998 and 95% of the people were following Tiger. It was bonkers. Unfortunately Spieth cost me a couple bets by not making the cut. Can’t finish top 20 or win that way. That +2200 flyer is off the board now. Still have Scheffler, Mcllroy, Rahm, Schauffele and Koepka alive.
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