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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. Glad you didn't say now we got Po. Already have one of those.
  2. i was surprised too. but i am who i am. i do not know what answers lead to those results, but whatever. No worries, I think you're ok and isn't that what's most important? The thing I didn't like about the questions was that there were no options right down the middle. I found myself wanting to pick a neutral response on many questions but was forced to go to one side or the other. Plus some other questions, where I felt rather strongly, were worded such that I could not select the stronger position. Words like "always" and "never" will usually make me moderate my stance because they are just too absolute.
  3. A couple observations. Let me preface this by saying I like Bo, and Paps for that matter. However, liking guys does not necessarily mean they are the right guys for the job. And, I'm not saying Bo is not the right guy for the job but, I am reserving judgment on that. 1- Bo is a firey, low tact type of guy. Old school football coach type if you will. That doesn't bother me at all. Being the HC at a D1 program like Nebraska is much different than most other professions where that type of behavior is frowned upon. I've worked with guys like this, my dad was a bit that way, and I can also be a dick when presented the right opportunity. I am sort of tired, really tired actually, of all the whining about Bo yelling at coaches and players. Passions run high in the middle of a game. These guys are big boys- they can handle it (much better than some fans obviously). Praise in public is always a good thing but criticize in private may have to fall by the wayside on the sidelines. Bo has these guys backs and they know it. It is obvious that the players like him. Please let it go. 2- Paps appears to be a nice guy. Sorry but that isn't a compliment for a DC. To some extent the players reflect the attitude of their coach. IMO the last thing you want on the defensive side of the ball is a congenial, timid, nice guy attitude. I have been trying to come up with the name of a well known successful defensive coach that wasn't a hardass and I am drawing a blank. I would bet there are a few but I think you get my point. Paps is in a sort of catch 22 position. He isn't/wasn't qualified for the job yet he has it. And, sure Bo is responsible for him being in that position but, if he is going to be the defensive coordinator, regardless the conditions, he has to be able to handle the repercussions when his unit isn't performing. That many substitution penalties is not performing. I don't blame Bo at all for blowing his stack over it. This isn't coffee klatch at the local church so grow up and welcome to the jungle. Hold these guys, Bo and Paps, accountable for the results and performance on the field all you want but, can we stop with the sniveling about the angry faces, yelling, and sideline behavior. It's all just a little too wimpy for me. /rant
  4. Is this for reals or did you intentionally try for an extreme result? I would only guess you at maybe 75% of that, worst case. Those are Bill Ayers weather underground type numbers I would imagine.
  5. -13.5 seems low to me and would appear to be a good chance to make a little $$$ but, I basically am incapable of telling what this team might do on any given week. When I start thinking I've got a handle on it is usually when they prove me wrong. Probably the number one reason I don't gamble on football anymore. There are no sure things and that would apply double to this years team.
  6. I would love to sit in those seats and I'm sure your boyfriend will love them too. Attending a game live is about so much more than having the absolute best angle to the field of play. You'll get a perspective that not many do and if you happen to be partially obstructed for some big play on the field, well that's what those jumbo screen replays are for. The likelihood of that applies to any seat in the stadium. For seeing the game there are no seats as good as your easy chair and big screen TV at home but, in the stadium, it's about the spectacle and those are as good or better than most. Who knows, you might even be able to hear Bo yelling and see the spittle fly from his mouth. Priceless.
  7. Where does the KB catch rank? Best one in the game. Best one I saw all day Saturday across CFB. Best one of the season for the Huskers (so far anyways) I would have to say behind the Newcombe and Davison catches though. Davison's if for no other reason than it was a more critical, game impacting event. No matter how we rank it, it was a thing of beauty.
  8. Actually, I'm questioning your ability to deal with it. He did what he did, the ref did what he did, you got all wrapped around the axle, I said what I said, you wrapped yourself tighter, I'm letting it go, so the next and final move is yours. Everything is fine here. If I got wrapped up tight (btw-you don't know me very well if you think THAT was wrapped up and tight) it was simply in defense of Kenny. I'll leave it at what it was; a ridiculous penalty that should've never been called and one that nobody, Kenny included, could've anticipated.
  9. Your opinion only counts when you are wearing the striped shirt and carrying the yellow flag. Myself, I don't think it should have been penalized either. But seeing as Bell can 100% control whether he gets a flag for unsportsmanlike conduct after the play, it's all on him. Don't crowd the line and you'll never have to worry about crossing it...right? Anal retentive officials seem to be a fact of life these days. They're here and they're not going to go away. Both Kenny and you will have to learn how to deal with them. Good luck to both of you, I hope you guys are up to it. I never said it wasn't a fact of life and neither my opinion nor yours mean dick in the grand scheme here. I just choose to give Kenny a break on the deal because nobody could've guessed a ref would flag that before it happened. You didn't think it should have been penalized either so I have to question why you're being so belligerent about Kenny learning how to deal with it. I'm sure he won't do the same thing again and has learned from this but, if that finger to the lips is all it takes to draw a penalty, these asshats could throw a flag for virtually anything. What's next? They don't like the way a player drops the ball, or hands it to them, or smiles? I think this is something worth complaining about and not simply accepting it as the way things are because if this is what college football has come to, things need to change. And if this one ref was just overzealous somebody higher up needs to set him straight about what really is unsportsmanlike behavior. It is just my opinion that Kenny can do this all he wants every time he makes a play like that. I realize that doesn't change the fact that in todays pussified touchy feely world some ref might call it. I'll trade the fifteen yarder for catches like that all day long.
  10. Thanks guys. It seems like it was only yesterday...... I sure was worried about my first post, sending it off with that Pony Express rider just didn't feel right.
  11. Haha, I see. Well it did take a perfect storm of circumstances to make it possible. 1- an official had to make the stupid call and 2-the some Nebraska fans had to try to blame KB for it. That's likely why it hasn't occurred before. Well that and I'm a little "off".
  12. I'm literally taken aback by this post. Why? Please explain. My point was that what he did was so minor and innocuous that it should never have been flagged. Players are getting away with much worse behavior than this on a regular basis. Just because some ref is having his period is no reason to give them this kind of latitude in judgement.
  13. Your opinion only counts when you are wearing the striped shirt and carrying the yellow flag. Myself, I don't think it should have been penalized either. But seeing as Bell can 100% control whether he gets a flag for unsportsmanlike conduct after the play, it's all on him. Don't crowd the line and you'll never have to worry about crossing it...right? I still call bullsh#t. You can't hold KB responsible for that flag. Nobody in their right mind would expect that minor action to draw an unsportsmanlike penalty. You said it yourself, it shouldn't have been called. So, it's not "all on him", it's on the anal retentive official. He wasn't taunting another player or the team or their fans and it sure as hell wasn't excessive or obscene. I don't blame Kenny one iota.
  14. C'mon Broncos. Dallas is playing way over their heads, it can't continue this way.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Foppa


      Holy heyzeus...care to show up on defense Denver? My lord you think they'd decide to cover Witten once in a while.

    3. True2tRA


      Del rio will fix it Rahim Moore is as useless as an a-hole on your elbow right now.

    4. True2tRA
  15. Nope, they aren't. It is the 15 yard penalty it cost THE TEAM that people don't like. Kenny needs to decide which comes first, I guess. bullsh#t. He should be able to do what he did without getting flag for it. I, for one, am only upset at the officials for flagging it and I do not feel it was selfish of KB in any way for doing it. I'm glad he did it and even more glad that the coaches didn't say jack to him about it. It was a stupid call that never should be made. If he makes a catch like that again, I hope he does it again. This sport is getting too pussified and anal.
  16. This was the most disturbing part of the game to me. This was Illinois. What's going to happen when we go up against some good O lines and good rushing attacks? But apparently concerns like that after a nice victory make you a naysayer, pessimist, and negative nancy.
  17. Maybe you've read TOO MANY of RR's comments, or have other unresolved issues, if you felt that was homosexual in any way, shape, or form. Just sayin. I was going for crude, not homo.
  18. The really ironic thing is that KB only made the shhhhhh gesture, to nobody in particular, and got flagged for it. He could've gestured to stroke his big boner, flashed a vag sign, and rode off with two birds a blazin and the penalty would've been the same (unless it happened in an $EC game- then kids will be kids). Why do we attract the reffing squads that seem to be the sheltered bookworms of the college football world?
  19. Haha, funny as hell that nobody can comment on Bucky's trolling status. Good work mods.

    1. Excel


      Funny you think it's the mods

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Oh I see what you did there. Well played.

  20. Came back today to survey the gif bombing carnage. Disappointed.
  21. Kenny fro >>>>>>>> Axe body spray
  22. Maybe I expect too much. Looking at game scores today and this season in general, ain't nobody playing much defense. Holy cow the number of games 40 something to 30 something. Fricken crazy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NUance


      Sparty says 'hi'

    3. krc1995


      agree SD. If you play hard nose D the only your going to get are personal fouls. Might as well put all your energy into the O and special teams.

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      NUance- I should've specified. Nobody seems to be playing both o and d. Of course there are a few but the amount of scores north of the thirties......wow.

  23. I probably just don't know enough about the scheme and x's and o's of the qhole deal so, I'll take you at your word that pursuit angles are a lot of the problem. I guess that makes some sense because we were noticeably more athletic than Illinois so it stands to reason that angles may have been the problem. However there is a more glaring basic problem too. Wrapping and tackling on initial contact. We have got to get better at bringing the guy with the rock down and preferably before it's the second or third guy getting to him. Some of that could also be angles and not hitting the guy square but it sure seems, in many cases, like we're just being a bit wimpy. I'd like to see more hits with bad intentions ala Stanford. I can live with aggression penalties as long as we're being mean and aggressive nearly every down.
  24. I get that Mr. A. In fact I was one who thought they might light us up. But that belief was based solely on comments on HB about how good Sheelhaase and their offense were. I hadn't watched them play one down before today. Hell I picked them for the upset in the game prediction forum. Boy do I feel stupid after seeing what little they had to offer today. Sure some of that was because our D played better (thankfully) but I also got the distinct impression I had been misled about Sheelhaases capabilities. If he would've thrown as much as I expected, we would've picked him a couple more times and would've destroyed them. But they went to the run a lot and we had some very real noticeable problems with that. Overall I'm pleased because our D seems to be moving in the right direction. I'm just concerned it might not be quick enough for our opponent in three weeks.
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