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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. Hopefully you guys are dvring this one. Another great one. I'm pulling for Boston just so we can have one more game.
  2. I've read all the comments multiple times. I don't see where you are getting this from. Nobody is excusing this stupidity because the other side has idiots too. Saying that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle is true and in no way condones the stupidity from anyone. Plus, as you put it "the amount of responses" would only be one and you would have to be applying your own interpretation to think that one was any kind of excuse. Why, when everyone seems to be in agreement, are you attempting to make this into something it clearly isn't?
  3. Based on this new information, I now have more questions. Hypothetically, if my wife were to receive one of these 'rape kits', could it retroactively prevent the birth of my teenage children? It's scary to think people like this are proposing, debating, and passing new laws.
  4. Tried this one on Saturday. It wasn't as spicy as I thought it might be but still a little too hot to enjoy it. Used it to boil some bratwurst before grilling- worked good for that. If anybody thinks they might like a somewhat spicy chili beer, try Billies Chilies by Twisted Pine brewery. They're the same guys who make Ghost Face Killah but I really like the Billies Chilies. Very good chili flavor and just enough heat to let ya know about it.
  5. Ha, I like their brew names. You doing the brew fest? I think I'm going Saturday afternoon. I would have, but I didn't want to walk around by myself lol Well don't feel bad, I didn't end up going either. The wife wanted to tie it into a bunch of shopping in the FOCO area. I'll go buy stuff when I need it but I DON'T SHOP.
  6. Yeah, another great game in the series. It's hard to believe nobody has dropped the gloves yet (if they did I missed it). There were a few cheapshots tonight that woulda started something regular season but not in a one or two point cup finals. I like that about hockey; those guys are in complete control even when fighting or taking a cheapshot. If some other pro sports were played with the same amount of heart.................heck, I might even watch the NBA again.
  7. The inverter will get the job done and quieter but some of the newer generators are scary quiet. If you go the inverter route, really look at jumping up to minimum 1000w and maybe 1200-1500. Also I like the direct wire suggestion. Cig lighter outlets aren't designed for that constant amp draw.
  8. Grilled asparagus for the first time this evening. Very tasty and quick. Also did some brats. I always boil them in beer first. Used Ghost Face Killa and Billies Chilies beer lended a bit of heat. Used just enough beer to cover the brats and one large sweet (Vidalia or Walla Walla) onion cut in fairly large pieces. After removing the brats to the grill, remove the lid and turn up the heat and add about a half stick of butter. Boil it down until virtually no liquid remains. The onions are awesome served with the brats.
  9. I would suggest a higher wattage inverter. The 600W will probably handle a lot of TV's but not all and there isn't much else you can do on only 600 watts. I think the thing you have to think about is how long do you plan to operate the TV? Running off an inverter, you will drain your battery if you go for any significant length of time. I wouldn't worry about that too much if you have provisions for getting your vehicle started with a dead battery. Shouldn't be too tough in a lot full of Husker fans to get a jump or maybe you have one of them jump starter dealies. But, if you want to run that big screen TV for 2+ hours, and you have a little coin to blow, get a nice quiet power generator. Won't have to worry about draining your battery or not having enough power for multiple devices. And, those things are really handy for many other things; camping, remote operation of pitching machines, crock pots and other electrical appliances, etc. I'm just a bit down on low to mid powered inverters. That is what I have and I've run into numerous things I just can't do with it. They're handy if you know for sure it's high enough wattage but they're frustrating when you run into their limitations.
  10. And to think, all of this started because I had the audacity to call someone like Sarah Palin, who said you can't be too far right, "a radical." Yeah, you're probably right. It couldn't be as simple as me underestimating the lengths you would go to defend your overstatement that Palin is no better than "any radical muslim cleric". How on earth did I ever think a moderate centrist might give one inch on that one?
  11. Whatever knapp. I don't want to argue this anymore. The only label I gave you is left of me and more liberal than me. You are the one choosing to treat me as so far right that, of course, others are left of me. I don't feel there is much ground between us on the political spectrum. The only real difference I see is that I have more of a tendency to defend conservative things and you likewise with more liberal things. That doesn't necessarily mean either one of us is as extreme as who or what we may be defending at any given point in time. I tried to avoid the P&R forum for awhile because it seemed inevitable that I would end up arguing with people that otherwise I'm sure I would get along with. I'm gonna try that again and hopefully I won't get suckered back into these stupid quibbles.
  12. Ha, I like their brew names. You doing the brew fest? I think I'm going Saturday afternoon.
  13. ...but hey - I'm a whackjob leftist liberal, so what do I know? Amirite? because there is a large contingent of folks here on HuskerBoard who staunchly defend every utterance the far right comes out with. Amiright? Based on what I stated and your martyr response, I would so no you're not right. I can't make it much clearer than saying "I know you aren't some far left liberal goofball and I respect your positions on a lot of issues". Not sure how you take that the wrong way and then turn it into the opposite. People who disagree with you are far right because you are a centrist moderate? I think you are about as far left of center as I am right of center. For the record, I would say we are both near center but there is a bit of a minor gap between us. Since you want to say I am far right, what is that assessment based on? Defending Palin when she is correct? Being generally suspicious of Obama? Because I don't like Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, & Gore? What makes me so far right and you the gold standard of center of the road? A large contingent staunchly defending the right? Really? More defending the right than the left here on good ole HuskerBoard? Conservative viewpoints are dominating this forum? Yeah, ok, sure. The reason we don't see people defending the likes of Olbermann is because those types are so far over the edge they can't be defended. All I did was side with a Syria position that Palin supports and I stated I agreed with "some" of her other positions. How is that equal but opposite of an Olbermann defender?
  14. I'm in the same boat as well. I used to feel that we were the best situated and fair minded country to handle these types of international problems. I have changed in that regard immensely since September 2001. Sure I wanted to go kick some ass after 911 but I have since come to the realization that our cultures are so completely different that the best course of action now is to stay the heck out of it and focus all security on keeping things safe here. I'll probably catch hell for this but I would have no feelings whatsoever (other than relief) if some of those Mideast countries simply disappeared off the face of the earth. I am totally done with the US being the worlds police force. If those radical whack jobs want to kill themselves, their own people, whatever, I could give a F. And that is not going to change no matter which party controls our government or the WH. I simply have adjusted my thinking.
  15. One of the main reasons for that is that Palin and Olbermann are not remotely the same level of "hack". The fact that you may disagree with that assessment likely has some bearing on why some of us more conservative posters would consider someone like yourself more liberal than ourselves. And you did "remotely" put her in that category when you used the Stalin analogy. It matters little that we all know she isn't responsible for the same level of atrocities as those other guys. Look Knapp, I know you aren't some far left liberal goofball and I respect your positions on a lot of issues but, when a person posts as much as you do and such an extreme percentage of it is defending Obama and attacking repubs and conservatives (even if it is well deserved much of the time) is that "liberal" term really deserving of this mocking incredulity?
  16. Where are you going to make your own shampoo? I found all of the ingredients at Open Harvest and I made it on my living room floor. I've heard of people making their own soap but never shampoo. Why not, huh? But, if it's anything at all like making your own beer, it sure isn't going to save you any money.
  17. I wouldn't say I support her. At this point in time, I would agree with you that it would be best if she just went away. However, before she morphed into one of the most divisive figures ever in American politics, I agreed with many of her policy positions. I still do agree with some of them. I feel she is not near as bad as most make her out to be, more a victim of circumstance, not being ready for the limelight, a few too many foot in mouth situations, and aligning herself a little too far right on the spectrum. I did not mean to imply that you had been inconsistent as regards your position on Palin- you haven't been. I understand your position better now due to your Stalin analogy. I suppose even Hitler had some good ideas or positions but, it would be counterproductive to ever use his thoughts to advance any agenda. Not that I put her in the same category as Stalin or Hitler but, for those who do, I guess I can understand. We've just gotten way too black or white with everything.
  18. Looks to me like that part of the world has no shortage of interested parties and leadership capabilities. I say let em handle it, destroy it - whatever, and the US can STFO. Of course, since that is the same position Palin has, it must be wrong It's too bad that we struggle to give credit where it is due based on a persons past transgressions or party affiliation. Why do you think she's wrong? The face palm would indicate that I think she is right. Sorry, I was taking a bit of a shot at this statement of yours; "...it's as dangerous to listen to her as it is to listen to any radical muslim cleric." I understand your being fed up with some on the far right and the timing and inconsistency of many things done by those representing the republican or tea parties. But, when somebody is correct, I think we need to give credit regardless of what other concerns we have. If we can't do that, then we are no better than those on capital hill who fail so miserably every day. Basically, I have grown weary of the constant violin song. If you want to try to claim a higher ground than the partisan hacks you disagree with, I would offer that maybe you shouldn't act in the exact same manner. Of course you can make any comment you wish and are free to either agree or disagree with Sarah Palin on any issue but, when you choose this position of hers to say "don't listen to this nutjob", then I think you run the risk of having people interpret that as we should get involved in Syria and, based on what I think I understand about you, I don't think that would be your position on this issue.
  19. Looks to me like that part of the world has no shortage of interested parties and leadership capabilities. I say let em handle it, destroy it - whatever, and the US can STFO. Of course, since that is the same position Palin has, it must be wrong It's too bad that we struggle to give credit where it is due based on a persons past transgressions or party affiliation.
  20. coconut, rosemary, thyme, and mint I believe the correct lyric is; parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.
  21. Something manly; engine grease, sawdust, and if we can't pick beer then bourbon. Seriously though I like how American Crew shampoo smells bit I have no idea what that scent is.
  22. First he travelled then he was prison raped. Why is this even being discussed? THAT is what happened.
  23. And there aren't a lot of howls about Obama blaming now?
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