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Crusader Husker

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Everything posted by Crusader Husker

  1. Sorry to interrupt all of the finger pointing about which president is to blame for everything under the sun. Where is the balanced approach to this whole mess? What should the US had done when Hitler started going crazy? I mean besides ending all of the partisan bickering. Where should America be on this? Also, with the reporting from the media, what is really happening inside? Sometimes I think it is hard to tell.
  2. Thank you for sharing, that made my day!
  3. I have not. I was told it is similar. I guess I like it because I liked looking back on history and understanding the how England came about and all of struggles of these city states.
  4. I just finished the 2nd season of Last Kingdom. I have really liked it. Good historical fiction.
  5. So when you capture one of these, do you go online and download the manual so you can use it?
  6. You may be right. I guess I know moderate republicans that don't want Trump around. I will vote third party again.
  7. No, I would say the same of moderates around me that did not vote for Trump the second time. The middle 10% elects the president. I am not sure who they will vote for. Economic policies seem to be important to them.
  8. Ohio Gov. Ordered the entire state stop selling Russian Vodka.
  9. Remember when some limp d!(k dictator in the world unite all Americans against tyranny! We rose up and stood for the ideals that made us great? We are so f'd up as a country we can't even get it together to squash this 21st century Napoleon. Whether you like our President of not, stand behind him to kick some Russian a$$!
  10. The answer you seek is body condoms. We all need to wear body condoms.
  11. Wearing a mask at work is one thing. Wearing a mask everywhere you go for a full day is another. Any time he is indoor, outside of his dorm room he has to wear a mask. Practice, working out in the weight room, class, dining hall. Library, everywhere. They don't have to wear a mask anywhere else in the Rochester area. It wouldn't surprise me if they tell them to limit their time off campus. They did last year. The school is highly ranked as is his engineering program. That is why he is here. He did have friends transfer at semester when they went remote.
  12. https://www.rochester.edu/ Check out the website. You can find plenty of reasons they won't give this up anytime soon.
  13. College professors. Old ones, the same ones that can't figure out how to teach remotely too.
  14. My son's college made sure we all knew they weren't dropping the mask mandate anytime soon. I know parents have asked what are the parameters of dropping it. My son has worm a mask his entire college career. They have to be vaccinated and boosted to be on campus. Everybody. The masks have to be an N95.
  15. I figured out what groups of people will decide when the pandemic will end: Teachers unions College professors
  16. I was making a joke. Trying to be funny, not an attack on you or your point. But on a serious matter, family physicians differ on a lot of stuff. When my dad got covid, my mom told the DR. she was going to the store to get supplies for the quarantine. She told the Dr, don't worry, I will wear a mask. He said it doesn't really matter. Masks don't work anyway. That is my point about Dr's and scientist too. Everyone says, trust the Dr's or trust the scientists. I am always like, which ones. You can find one to say whatever you want to hear. It doesn't matter what side of the issue you are on. I take in all of the info and do the best I can to make an informed decision. As we all should.
  17. Yes, that is correct. Medical advice should only come from Dr's appointed by politicians.
  18. I will drop this here: If our country would just guarantee to educate kids and not guarantee to do it through Public Ed., I think we would be fine. Allow parents to choose where to send their kids regardless of school boundaries, private or public, or religious or non-sectarian. Have the tax payer money follow the kid.
  19. Tons of stuff with Covid is misinformation and exaggerations. It comes from both sides. Tired of the toll this is taking on the kids.
  20. Real talk. Beer brand? Shock the world! Get Yuengling to Nebraska!
  21. Wait Coke, hookers too? What?? Wait is that something different?
  22. Kids and schools out west are soft. Maybe you are on to something.
  23. I am at a HS that is switching from Adidas to Nike. I am pissed. Out AD was a D-1 coach for a while. He made signed with Adidas when he got here, because Nike quality is crap. My track kids right away said the Adidas shoes were higher quality and they last longer. Nike quality is determined on if an 8 year old in China or Vietnam is having a bad day or not. There are ton of reasons I don't like Nike. But at the end of the day, the quality of their product in my experience for the everyday athlete has been poor. Done with rant
  24. They need to replace Herbie with a blond bombshell wearing daisy dukes and a tube top. Have her holding a corn cob making you wonder what she is going to do with it. Call her Hannah Husker.
  25. It is a tough deal. Not sure what I think yet. I need more info. I HATE that the name of the kid and the family was released.
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