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Everything posted by krc1995

  1. WHile I was never a proponet of the halo rule- having four guys act like they are going to kill you when you catch the ball would be a little unnerving. Maybe that's his problem
  2. We in the field of Special Education fell that ALL kids can learn.
  3. Niles is like bi-polar on field anyway. He's either great or a real liability
  4. It was real tough to be a fan in the mid 90s, and this isn't the 95 Huskers. Here's hoping this team and just play smart from here on out.
  5. Yes- we need to be worried about EVERYONE

  6. What I cannot handle is the dropped passes and poor run defene- what is the cure to this?
  7. Yeah, it's amazing how much negativity there is. We are winning. We were trailing by 3 when people were saying we're going to get destroyed. I don't care if OSU has 3,000 yards of offense as long as we are up at the end. This- but I maybe people come to message boards to vent? Still, I hope Bo and company aren't such negitive nellies.
  8. Just logging on to HB and I am shocked at our run defense and then secondly, the commentating. Does Boon own ABC?
  9. Please someone elignten me as too what the hell is happening? I feel like I am in bizzaro world.
  10. Settle down- anyone think that Carl got his mind somewhere else?
  11. scares me how read martinez is ready to throw the ball as he is going down
  12. The dodger/husker fan in me is dying. Please Phillies make me whole again. I win tho
  13. Remember your ultimate responsiblity is to you own family. If your sister is making your life miserable then she in also putting stress on your household and that is not fair to them.
  14. My lock? The Huskers and I'll give 17- Yes, you heard it here.
  15. @Gmoose- Niles Paul with footballs duct taped to his hands

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jsneb83
    3. HuskerInLostWages


      I prefer the stone castings of hands, seems to be closer to what his hands would be like.

    4. CornHOLIO


      I blame HS coaches..Why do they always make the guys with the smallest hands the receivers?

  16. I like that we are not playing at home this week after such an excruciating loss. So much fan criticism(IMO Deservabably),and I think it will do the team good to get away and prove that they are a good team. I am also glad that we don't have to travel to Columbia to play Missou this week. Our team may be ripe for taking their venom to heart.
  17. Oh great- the thing this team doesn't need to feel is a sense of urgency. Take all the emotion out of it and just play solid football at every position. Panic will only sink this ship
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