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Everything posted by UniversalMartin

  1. Just for fun I got $20 on. Flat earth theory
  2. Completely agree but will add a caveat. The same can be said for staunch democrats in the "we would do the opposite". I am just completely at a loss how we let the noisest radical minority in each party dictate the news/sm narrative. We all (the sensible middle) just sit here and let the highschool theatrics play out.
  3. Cannot like this post more. Perfect example of being affiliated to a party but not affiliated to stupidity. Kudos to you and everyone else out there that can be rational enough to be aligned with a party core but not grounded in irrational blind support. Full disclosure. When Trump was elected I laughed and honestly thought it was great as it affirmed my beliefs in our collective inability to come to a sensible decision in voting. I look back on that and realize how my own "disenfranchised" view was harmful. Bulls#!t needs to be called out. Bulls#!t needs to be recognized. Idiots need to be called out for their dumb s#!t thinking (I include me from Trumps election in this rant). I grew from it and realized how an elected leader can warp people's minds. I realize how juvenile that sounds, cause of course it does, but at that time I don't think I truly grasped (more so wanted to believe) that their are a bunch of idiots out there.i guess growing up I never really had a president that I thought was "bad" I just saw them as a mouth piece for the "true leaders". But...f#&%!!!...the way I saw people gravitate towards an ignorant, selfish dumbs#!t like Trump has completely changed me...for the better.
  4. Lol...your response is sooooo ironically perfect.
  5. Good lord...you really think the gas price is a Biden thing?
  6. Just apply Shaqology: Spend $1.94 a gallon and treat a half tank as full. BOOM!!!! Your Shaqwelcome
  7. My prediction, teach and commando become best friends.
  8. s#!t, Ireland is a dope trip (I would assume, never been)...but a game in Vegas would be the s#!t
  9. Ahh, so it was his ankle, honestly I thought his knee took a weird buckle...but regardless, the foul in itself was rightfully "flagrant" by the definition that is used to determine it,, but no way near intentionally dangerous with pre determined intent, which Gards comment makes one think he is thinking. So basically, "Get the f#&% outta here with that garbage" Gard.
  10. Reading Gards comment on Trey's flagrant I am hoping he is not implying it was intentionally dirty. It is clear that Davis actually buckled his knee before contact AND Trey appears to let up once he realizes his arm is coming down on Davis face. Full disclosure, iam only seeing the shot they have on ESPN...but, from that it did not appear to warrant a ambiguous assumption from Gard.
  11. Headlines in Russia: The Ukranian Piece Campaign
  12. I mean damn, just continues to show that people that look to Trump as the answer are mentally out and have their own personal self interests in mind over anything that could benefit them AND the people they share this planet with. Trump is playing the ignorant card on soooo many people. I have just an extremely hard time even being sympathetic to Trump supporters...you are flat out idiots. Essentially, Trump approaches national leadership as a business opportunity and not as a leader of the people.
  13. Comments like this is an example of people who attach themselves staunchly to a political party and alienate the majority of reasonable thinkers.
  14. Saw a commercial for a right wing website that sells everyday merch on the premise it is to support the right. Literally want to sell "Freedom Soap" on it cause it is "Guaranteed" to wash away Liberal thoughts. Time to make $ off people!!!! #TrumpySoap
  15. I can't wait for Putin to be on Skylark Tonight
  16. Exactly, as one of my best buddies commented about Trump supporters, "I see a Trump bumper sticker on your car, that tells me all I need to know about you"
  17. Oh I have 1) raised 3 step daughters who now proudly shout "GBR". 2) cleaned my Huskers license plate cover. 3) Bought a red truck to subconsciously get my northwest community members to love the color red and associate it with Nebraska (see #2). 4) Named my dog Husker (RIP Husker). 5) got my HS BBALL coach to shorten practice so I could catch the kickoff of the Fiesta Bowl vs Gators (oldie but a goodie) 6) If I see Nebraska gear, I get a "GBR" from them. 7) Coworkers who have no collegiate affiliation, at minimum know Nebraska. 8) Although I don't like it...I support Mountain Dew "Code Red". 9) The Hunt for Red October is a recognized great movie in my household. Because 9 wins is the standard. 10) Pimpin corn at any barbecue I go too. 11) Maybe have sped up to a car with a Husker logo or license plate cover to get them to see my license plate cover (see #2 and #6). 12) Legitimately gave my best friend s#!t for placing a Little Ceasers pizza box on the coffee table while getting our a$$ kicked against OSU in 07. Claimed he brought bad vibes. 13) Hold my house internet hostage on 9am (pst) gameday in that I won't start watching it til noon (beers at 9am ruin my saturday) and I don't need any "have you seen the score!?" undertones. GBR!!!
  18. I pity...and envy... the person who has not done this yet
  19. Then have players get compensation from that structure...TV revenue is split evenly amongst athletes relative to the sport and its revenue via TV. Playing time = bigger share of the pooled revenue or something like that. You are an All American, you get a little more, etc etc. Allowing external agreements with businesses, etc allows for other universities to capitalize more than others simply due to alumni base and community values towards their university.
  20. Good stuff. Similar to Costco not raising price on rotisserie chicken and food court prices. They know they are losing $ on those products but the draw of those bring people in to buy other merchandise
  21. Lol...should have added a "being sarcastic, I realize I will have to pay more than one would expect when buying food and beverages at a sporting event" disclaimer.
  22. I base my price point on what my grocery store charges me...long story short, I am always pissed when I have to buy s#!t at a game.
  23. NIL is going to destroy college sports as we know it. We are going to have so many breakout leagues from this, where championships will eventually be a defined by the 8 league team you are in and that's it. No national playoff, no national tournament...teams that have $in their alumi pipeline will do their thing with their financial peers and so on and so forth. It's just going to suck.
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