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Scout Team (7/21)



  1. Out of those 10 L's is there a team that lost that was the heavy favorite? The only one that likely fits in that is the USC loss to Minny
  2. You sir, have been promoted to NIL content creator
  3. Funny thing with being the snapper or holder: 1) I would not want that stress. 2) An extremely unrecognized NEED that goes unrecognized until NEEDED.
  4. Right, that was one of the worst broadcast ever. At least for me the sound was wayyyy off, their band was just as loud as the announcers (that was a blessing I guess) . Overall justva poor product...could not even pause the game
  5. I learned I am still traumatized by the 2009 game against Iowa St...this was a good therapy session today.
  6. Sidenote: Bullocks tackle on the 4th down stop was f'ing nasty. We bring metal when we hit on D
  7. Haven't read this thing minus the 1st page. If ANYONE, is "meh" about this win, because of 2nd half O, just stop. Takeaways: 1) Our D is on point. 2) Our coaches know our D is on point. 3) We have players on O. 4) Our O design is ridicoulsy artistcly awesome. 5) Deion is more about making his kid making $ then he is about his team winning. Minus the overall ridiculous calls in this..and as a ref, I hate saying officials impact a game...they did. This was a 42-10 game, from start to finish.
  8. LSU db #11...two mouth pieces, doesn't use either...lol
  9. Went trap shooting for my nieces future husband's bachelor party...set the recording in the a.m...left trap shooting and checked scores (just top 25) and saw the PSU game was still going (odd)...get home and start the game, missed all the good stuff...come on dvr, when I say "record Nebraska"...record Nebraska
  10. I learned I need to set my recording ro include alt channels
  11. Would love a helmet that has Herbie as the side logo
  12. We have not won a National Championship in the 21st century
  13. We will be at minimum a .600 win%...with the last 4 games taking us to .600 or above
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