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Everything posted by UniversalMartin

  1. Frankly...Washington-Grizzly stadium for Montana should be on this list
  2. The Rose Bowl only looks cool when the Rose Bowl is being played in it...otherwise it's the coliseum
  3. 100% spot on with both points
  4. People are actually being paid to be this generic
  5. I like seeing irregular teams in our stadium and vice versa. Tenn Georgia South Car N Car FSU Florida Miami Etc
  6. How in the hell are the bubbles going across the field in the A&M v Texass game not a just general "you get 3 warnings" thing? It's cool and all....but on TV I feel like my corneas are glitching
  7. Why is the highest seed not the home team every game? That should be the reward, right? Not that i think in baseball there is a HUGE advantage to it....but...there is a little
  8. Hell yeah!!! Watched in my garage while going in and out doing yard s#!t, drinking some..and then continued some....awesome day.
  9. How was that even remotely that refs call
  10. Great...great analogy..meanwhile iam sending the following hashtag out: #SippingCoffeeWhileSkingAndTowingMyKidsBehindMeOnTripleBlackDiamond
  11. Sunday (12/3/23) me is on board. Sober me looking forward to getting drunk on New Years day and watching both games says NO.
  12. This is legit catering to the SEC....some major major bulls#!t.
  13. Oh I know that, just saying it would be interesting if NIL was focused on results and not hope.
  14. Nebraska NIL funders want longterm growth, not peaks and valleys...find good investments and $ will come, imo Focus NIL $ on negative plays...you fumble/throw a pick..that is a cut in $. Missed tackle, cut in $..drop a pass, miss a block, etc..focus it on plays that prevent you from winning...not sure how you do that, but it would be nice.
  15. As many have said Mich St..easy choice. We would have been bowl eligible and clearly in the West hunt.
  16. Yup, run all we want but generally we end up in a 3rd and 6+ everytime
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