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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Gov Christie’s not wrong here. Good insight by him and kinda mirrors my points. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/chris-christie-accuses-liz-cheney-of-martyring-herself-she-sounded-like-someone-who-wanted-to-be-kicked-out-of-gop-leadership/
  2. Agree that His football career is his biggest name recognition asset and he would be wise to take advantage of that if he wants to win.
  3. That lady needs to leave Congress IMO but using man/woman is now divisive language??.
  4. But….but….but….it doesn’t make either situation right. This doesn’t sound appropriate and should be looked into ALSO. At some point you may figure out things like this are not an either or
  5. Is there a difference between Pete saying “ya he’s right” vs “yeah right” when responding to the host who asked if Pete agreed with the comments portrayed to him which started out with…this bill will kill kids your trying super duper hard to conflate things which is admirable given your position, but it ain’t working.
  6. Is there a large difference in saying “ya he’s right” and saying “ yeah right” when responding to a quote that was just told to you? Are you trying to say with a straight face that Pete DID NOT mean to agree? LOL as loud as possible.
  7. Not really. I’m quite capable of lookin it up any time I need a refresher. It just seems you are really into exact words matter lately so I was trying to figure out where she said that? I believe she said something to affect of blood was shed for the freedom of speech.
  8. I can’t find where she says her First Amendment rights were stripped away in that post?
  9. He says, ya he’s right. Is the meaning any different?
  10. Section 5/6 specifically 6. In our school district, well being education encompasses sex education. My assumption is it’s the same in Florida. If it’s not, I’m wrong. If it is, then I guess that’s where parents get to to choose whether or not they those discussions are appropriate for their kid. It disallows Mr. Smith from teaching how to put a condom on a banana to anyone who thinks that’s bulls#!t (even if was in some fairy tail 1st grade curriculum that it will never be in). If I used ban in earlier posts in the wrong context (I’ll try and go back to look) explaining my position in haste then that’s on me, but it doesn’t really change what my position is in that kids k-3 don’t need to be taught sex education in school and this seems to codify a parents ability to “ban” that from happening for their child.
  11. I did. thanks for advice I didn’t need. Seems you need a refresher read. IMO, you seem really triggered about k-3rd not getting a sex education at school in Florida
  12. Ok, then pleas explain correctly how my post makes “things worse”. I mean it’s absolutely true that being vast majority of people living a homosexual were born that way, and it’s also true that a small minority of people were not born that way and for whatever reason have chosen to be with their same sex. That’s quite different than incel. Surprised you don’t know this.
  13. How does this pertain to my discussions on the parental rights bill exactly?
  14. Teaching sex in school to k-3rd grade solves non of this. Good strawman though
  15. What false narrative? Please explain?
  16. Just to clarify for everyone, I didn’t make up anything as funhusker falsely eludes. I shared a meme attached to video clip. The meme doesn’t reference any sexual preferences.
  17. Page 2 section 3 subsection 18 semi colon 24 paragraph 8 third sentence of the fourth Column in code 27. Or just take it as meme? I’m confused with you though. Do we take things too literally or do we not? You seem to be all over the page on this issue lately by your replies. But Pete did say he agreed the law would kill kids and classifying the law as “don’t say gay” is disingenuous and lazy reporting. Glad we settled that.
  18. Getting him to commit is huge by itself, and in todays day and age, the #1 ranked player and QB works out more often than not I think. But beyond that, his commitment will then attract lots of offensive talent and the class builds upon itself.
  19. My guess without knowing the facts at trial, the defense successfully argued whatever comments you are referring to were bluster and FBI agents targeted those people based on the comments and talked them into plotting a kidnapping crime they otherwise wouldn’t have tried
  20. I’m quite sure the article didn’t get into the weeds of the facts presented in the case and as you can tell just gave a broad overview. Who knows what you or I would conclude after sitting in the jury box at trial, but this jury concluded the opposite of your BS claim based on hearing the actual evidence at trial.
  21. Agreed. I always perceived Kareem to be a mild mannered good guy from how I remember him being portrayed back in the day. I always thought Riley was the “flashy” coach too. The previous Lakers owner also owned the Redskins and he seemed like a real d!(k in the show.
  22. Insanity. Plus more information from the media calling it a “don’t say gay” bill even after that garbage has been disproven time after time.
  23. This encompasses my view. I’m glad she got voted in as nothing seemed to disqualify her and the President gets to nominate who he wants as elections have consequences. But the Left has zero moral high ground when it comes to this process and Biden’s triggered moaning rings hollow to everyone with a brain.
  24. Not sure if there is an angry violent left thread so it goes here. Hilarious that she tells “Black lives matter” after assaulting a black guy for not wearing a mask. These people and those like them are brainwashed insane.
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