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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. What territory did Russia take from Ukraine, and when did it happen? How did Trump help with that?
  2. It’s Tcell immunity that provides the longer lasting body response
  3. Foods getting so expensive I’m about ready to tell the kids it’s hot dogs, spaghetti, or PBJ for dinner now on. Might treat them to a manwhich once a week though as a substitute to the old steak night
  4. What was Trump doing for him? Not arming Ukraine? Nope Less NATO funding? Nope Nord Stream approval? Nope So what exactly did Trump do for Russia that they aren’t getting from Biden? Specifics would be great. your sound bites are cute and probably gives you lots of laughs but are meaningless stupid attacks. Have some substance at point.
  5. Not sure as I don’t have a Republican talking machine. If your asking if those are my thoughts, the answer would be yes. If you would like to tell me what’s wrong with them instead of being, well, how are you being then great. Otherwise, why do you even reply?
  6. What is factually incorrect about my post? What is your definition of reality then? Cause what I posted is what actually happened. nothing you stated in your second paragraph has a to do with the current Ukrainian/Russian issue our country currently faces? It’s just another “hey look over here” when confronted with the Reality of a Joe Biden presidency and where it has taken us. That way you don’t have to discuss the actual issues of the people actually in charge.
  7. There is a decent chance that phasing out fossil fuels could make us more energy reliant on bad actor countries unless we come up with a plan to acquire or mine rate earth minerals
  8. I still have this issue pretty regularly. Same for you?
  9. Good thing the adults are back in charge at the WH! Those four years of peace were awful. Wonder why Putin is acting this way now? We were all told he had his stooge in place from 2016-2020. Why wouldn’t he have done all this then? Maybe everyone was talking about the wrong stooge? The one who, along with his Boss, told Romney to get out of the 80’s when talking Russia?
  10. Maybe that’s why we are all kinda just hearing about this many years later
  11. You will never fix this problem by just raising employee salaries. You couldn’t ever raise them enough because executives make most of their big money off options. ESO’s are what has caused the biggest portion of the C-level/employee compensation divide to expand so quickly.
  12. This is the kind of petty stuff that I hate and will only hurt them in the end
  13. https://www.mediaite.com/news/cdc-under-new-scrutiny-for-collecting-wide-variety-of-covid-related-data-but-publishing-only-a-tiny-fraction/ more transparency should always be the answer, not less
  14. Meh…these films are designed to be Oscar winning performances. I found them worthy of the entertainment dollars spent.
  15. https://www.henryford.com/news/2020/08/hydroxychloroquine-an-open-letter As an early hotspot for the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen and lived its devastating effects alongside our patients and families. Perhaps that’s what makes us even more determined to rally our researchers, frontline care team members and leaders together in boldness, participating in scientific research, including clinical trials, to find the safest care and most effective treatments. While feeling the same sense of urgency everyone else does to recognize a simple, single remedy for COVID-19, we need to be realistic in the time it takes to fully understand the optimal therapy or combination of therapies required of a new virus we are all trying to contain. The most well-accepted and definitive method to determine the efficacy of a treatment is a double-blind, randomized clinical trial. However, this type of study takes a long time to design, execute and analyze. Therefore, a whole scientific field exists in which scientists examine how a drug is working in the real world to get as best an answer as they can as soon as possible. These types of studies can be done much more rapidly with data that is already available, usually from medical records. Like all observational research, these studies are very difficult to analyze and can never completely account for the biases inherent in how doctors make different decisions to treat different patients. Furthermore, it is not unusual that results from such studies vary in different populations and at different times, and no one study can ever be considered all by itself.
  16. In August, Henry Ford posted a letterdefending its work, and insisting its study remained “promising.” Due to a “political climate that...has made any objective discussion about this drug impossible,” the letter said, Henry Ford would no longer comment on hydroxychloroquine “outside the medical community.” The study I shared with you had nothing to do with the study you referenced as I read it. It sounds to me like it was enrollment for a different study
  17. Pretty sure that this person developed his invention prior to joining Costco and presented it to them after joining the company
  18. If this is true, then tsk tsk Costco.. https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/national/article258544138.html?fbclid=IwAR0tQvzXKpARgcv6yymrWO10k50EhEtd4JLXtoDEiL6ZVWPtC7p9lCGoaGY
  19. Henry Ford, a very reputable hospital system, found it helped their patients
  20. I agree with most of what you said, but there is some clinical evidence to support HCQ +therapies in COVID patients. https://www.henryford.com/news/2020/07/hydro-treatment-study
  21. I knew there was a reason I didn’t get sick much… https://www.studyfinds.org/attractive-people-immune-system/ healthcare related, not reform related.
  22. I didn’t realize that was a thing as far as lunch goes. My kids can eat whatever they would like for lunch. The kids with allergies sit at different tables I believe. The classroom snacks are restricted though.
  23. Ryan’s medical malpractice carrier probably disagrees with him on this. Same with the Hospital or ASC he does surgery at.
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