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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. What a horrible attorney. Now Kavanaugh either has to recuse himself, rule against Trump or lose credibility. I'm sure he loves being put in that position.
  2. I wonder when Comer and Gym are going to get on this
  3. Yeah that's what I assumed. Your rage isn't because you're willing to let the process play out through the courts.
  4. Then she'd be all for Putin's murderous regime marching on to Kyiv and then moving on the Baltic countries. That would really ramp up the "war machine" wouldn't it? Wouldn't that be great for business? Even if Putin plays nicey besties with our allies and doesn't do exactly what he's telling everyone he's going to do, wouldn't we still have to plan for the worst case scenario instead of sending expired munitions and letting the Ukrainians defend themselves? You really think pulling support for Ukraine now is going to save lives and money in the long run?
  5. Has he really thought this idea through? Just burn it all down and find out what the consequences are later I guess.
  6. Kill him. You're the good guy with the gun.
  7. Something doesn't add up. You're already willing to toss the Constitution so you can vote against an insurrectionist? Make it make sense. Btw you do know the litigants in Colorado were four Republicans and two unaffiliated voters right?
  8. These people walk amongst us and vote
  9. Well not shocked holier-than-thou mommy crusader was caught grooming
  10. So let's pull all aid now over the mistaken notion that European countries aren't paying their fair share, or that after Putin waltzes through Ukraine that he'll turnover a new leaf and play besties with all his other neighbors, or that by withdrawaling support now it won't cost us more in the long run. It's better if we base our foreign policy on a hunch my coffee klatch came up with that Putin will reform, or that he won't and isn't basing his entire internal policies on rebuilding his military, or whatever Joe Rogan says.
  11. Probably not but the dissenting arguments were incredibly weak. The Supreme Court is in a bind if they want to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. "So the dissents showed one thing clearly: The Colorado majority was right. I dare not predict what will happen next. But if Trump’s lawyers or any members of the United States Supreme Court want to overturn the decision, they’d better come up with something much, much stronger. And fast."
  12. You've posted this take a couple of times. You either believe: He poses no threat to democracy even though he's already attempted a coup and currently has a plan in place to stay in power if elected again indefinitely . Or you believe he has no chance at reelection which is pretty flippant considering the stakes are so high. Or you're ok if, in all his incompetent glory, he attempts to burn down our way of life and institutions and goes on his revenge tour solely to salve his fragile ego and fever dreams of being a dictator. Kind of weird that you think people posting about this guy in the "Politics and Religion" forum is an obsession. Rightfully wary of a second term would be a better description.
  13. Two of our country's preeminent constitutional experts consider the Colorado ruling "brilliant". Neither could be considered particularly partisan. Luttig is very conservative and Katyal voiced support for both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.. This is worth taking 15 minutes to watch.
  14. Thanks. That saves me from having to scroll through every player profile to see who decided to go this route.
  15. Nothing she says would shock me but that's a parody account
  16. Here's the video of Haley saying the cause of the Civil War was about the freedom of what people could and couldn't do ...like own other people "Muh freedoms"
  17. If you tuned out of the interwebs on Christmas you missed this heartwarming, poetic greeting from the unquestioned leader of the GOP
  18. In all practicality it doesn't work that way. Not funding Ukraine is, even if unwittingly, supporting Putin's revanchist intentions. This is the point others here don't understand. Sorry, hoping it won't happen or believing it won't happen historically hasn't turned out so well. The cost of those isolationist beliefs not only in lives but in dollars could be astronomical. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/high-price-losing-ukraine "as Americans consider the costs of continuing to help Ukraine fight the Russians in the coming years, they deserve a careful consideration of the costs of allowing Russia to win. Those costs are much higher than most people imagine. To deter and defend against a renewed Russian threat following a full Russian victory in Ukraine the United States will have to deploy to Eastern Europe a sizable portion of its ground forces. The United States will have to station in Europe a large number of stealth aircraft. Building and maintaining those aircraft is intrinsically expensive, but challenges in manufacturing them rapidly will likely force the United States to make a terrible choice between keeping enough in Asia to defend Taiwan and its other Asian allies and deterring or defeating a Russian attack on a NATO ally. The entire undertaking will cost a fortune, and the cost will last as long as the Russian threat continues—potentially indefinitely."
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