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Status Replies posted by HUSKER 37

  1. If you ever mention my mother's loins, or their frothiness to me again, I don't know what I'll do. But it will be bad.

  2. I will find the makers of that skin tag commercial and end them.

  3. Man, I cannot believe PSU agreed to O'brien's nfl buyout decrease.

  4. Anyone try walking more than four feet inside a Walmart without seeing some picture of a bearded fella (from Duck Dynasty?)? So much commercialization, but they didn't even have the one thing my Son would've wanted...Duck Dynasty Duct tape

  5. Anyone try walking more than four feet inside a Walmart without seeing some picture of a bearded fella (from Duck Dynasty?)? So much commercialization, but they didn't even have the one thing my Son would've wanted...Duck Dynasty Duct tape

  6. So who in the hell left Barry Sanders off his Heisman ballot in 1988? Or Allen, Walker or Griffin? That's just crazy. For my money, Barry Sanders was the greatest running back who has ever lived. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/12/17/those-complaining-about-heisman-voters-leaving-winston-off-ballots-are-misguided/

  7. Did BK just shamelessly rip off the big mac?

  8. Why do I always seem to get Stigmata on Christmases that I spend alone?

  9. In other news: Jennifer Lawrence revealed on Conan last night that she has a multitude of butt plugs...let the fantasies begin!

  10. In other news: Jennifer Lawrence revealed on Conan last night that she has a multitude of butt plugs...let the fantasies begin!

  11. Let's say you know this guy who has access to unlimited supplies of rice. And this guy has promised to send you 100lbs of said rice. And months later you still don't have any rice from this guy. What would you think about this? Please phrase your answer in the form of a question.

  12. Flying to Scottsdale this weekend for a job interview.

  13. I say ef it. Lets get into the now. New tunnel walk music needed. Radioactive by imagine dragons or Sail by Awolnation.

  14. got the 2 $2 sub special tonight. the meatball sub had a bad meatball. disappointed in the 'way.

  15. Dreamed I won the Powerball and shared it with all my facebook friends...Just to get back at the ones that unfriended me over the years

  16. Time to get down to brass tacks and find out the true male-female ratio on this board. http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.php

  17. Attention Huskerboarders: The correct phrase is "I couldn't care less". "I could care less" means you could, in fact, care less. This has been a public service announcement.

  18. If I had--but one wish this holiday season, it would be for all the children of the world to get together and sing......And if I had --but two wishes this holiday season.....

  19. nothing beats washing down a 6 in. meatball sub with a 6 in. cold cut combo. 'tis the season.

  20. I'd heard They found about a gazillion dead crows near my hometown of Holdrege, NE. and there was some concern that they may have died from some sort of Avian Flu. They had a Bird Pathologist examine the remains and squeezin's of all the crows, and she confirmed the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu, However, She determined that 97% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, and 3% were killed by an impact with a car. Officials then hired an Ornitholo...

  21. HUGE fan of Free Shoes for the next month

  22. I got a ticket for improperly wearing my seatbelt.. What??

  23. Hahaa Sparty what kind of joke team goes up 17-0 in a title game and then pisses it awa- ...oh right

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