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I See Red People

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Everything posted by I See Red People

  1. If you are like me, you are just disappointed to see the blackshirts give up so many yards/points. The "blame" has to be put somewhere because we do not accept this kind of play, right? I don't know. I believe that sometimes you can have a good plan, a good group of guys, and still not get it done. Having said that, from what I saw today, our guys were not making plays, AND guys were caught in bad positions. To me, this means we were setting up for failure, and when the plays were there we seldom made them. IMO if we were set up in better position, the players would have had more opportunities for making defensive plays.
  2. I'd say get rid of him. I can't sit here and believe that the players just suck.
  3. I don't know though because the fumble recovery and return was devastating. Injury or not. That was when I knew that it wasn't their night.
  4. Don't forget, it is the girls hopscotch "B" team too.
  5. Sounds like a good memory. I however, was still wearing diapers and my memories consist of learning to poop on my own. I would like to look back on another team besides the 90's teams. They were great, but I was still young. I may be in the minority here, but I was barely a teenager when the 94 team accomplished the impossible.
  6. So if you scared say you scared cause everybody can die tonight!!
  7. Yes, but can he hold up as well as the last great Jordy, or is it Geordi?
  8. Wow, thanks for that hearty laugh. I haven't laughed that hard in a good while.
  9. i really wish they would They voted him captain, you think they would follow his lead. The rest of them are a bunch of gutless punks then!!!!! Your captain is trying to set an example and then you do that. They don't deserve to be on the field!!! I agree. If you claim to be a blackshirt, then giving up 49 at home should mean automatic removal of blackshirt.
  10. I think a blackshirt should be given to those who excel in their position. If we don't start 11 blackshirts, we don't HAVE 11 blackshirts. Just MHO.
  11. How about: 11. Their name is BALL state I wonder if they have two mascots, left and right.
  12. A player taking his own blackshirt, now thats something. Bowman knows what it means to wear it!!
  13. I agree, If you attend a home game and you are not pumped up, I don't care who NU plays, CHECK YOUR PULSE!
  14. Facist State of Men & Women? Actually it's Fox Sports Media Worldpowerhouse.
  15. I agree, everyone needs to kick each other in the junk. Problem solved.
  16. Chuck Norris would have been stopping the run single-handedly, and he would have been unstoppable on offense because he only hands-off or throws to himself.
  17. Is Andy a senior? How much playing time has Huff seen?
  18. I agree. The offense was put in a scoring match which they knew they couldn't keep up with. I applaud the effort of the offense still. Passing more than running may be where we are headed. I just can't help but shed a tear to see the running game so shamefully taught to NU.
  19. Ohhhh, man I wish I could go back in time. I'd take state.
  20. I guess I just couldn't see where the linebackers were on every run play. It was like they were on different assignments. They were probably just rushing the line and either running by them or just getting blocked.
  21. I wouldn't call it a signature loss. ND is developing a signature loss by not scoring on offense. Making a name for themselves for negative yardage too.
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