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I See Red People

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Everything posted by I See Red People

  1. Just wanted to post a LINK to the story of our encounter last weekend.
  2. I like the sound of the Huskerboard.com Rose Bowl.
  3. i you're avatar is awesome. yes, where did you get that avatar, and why does it make me so hot and bothered? also, thank you knapplc for moving this. i thought this thread was funny, but the expansion forum is crowded enough. also, i thought i could get huskersillustrated to let me join for free. they said i would have to pay just as everyone else, but i didn't buy it. in the end, they did not concede, and i got an offer that if i stayed here, everyone would have to give me their reputation points. I didn't move this one. I've moved a TON of threads in the past few weeks, but this wasn't one of them. I think. *raises hand* I'm guilty.
  4. No, I guess I'll have to ask my friend, but I highly doubt it. When the police came last night I am sure they took the kid into custody/foster care. How they did it, I don't know. I assume they had the apartment management open the door. Then they waited for the mothers return.
  5. Coulibaly -> <- USA FIFA -> FIFA -> <- Coulibaly USA ->
  6. I didn't list Colorado because they're not part of the Big 12. They left us, it's not like we left them. I probably could have included them, and a "none of the above" option, but it didn't occur to me when I made the poll. I wonder if I edit the poll, does that erase all the previous votes? Good question, and IF it did, could you re-input the numbers?
  7. Last night my wife and I were having some drinks over at my good friends' new apartment with a couple other friends. We were doing the usual, watching TV, joking around, sharing stories. A few people went out on the balcony/deck at about midnight to have a cigarette and noticed that there was a kid on the balcony above them walking around. Seemed odd that there would still be kids up at that hour but nobody second guessed it. That is until the boy, approximately 3 or 4 years old, started calling out for his mommy. After several attempts by the kid, we got his attention from below and asked him where his mom was and he said she went to the gym. We asked if he could get back inside and he said no. Since it had been an hour since we noticed him outside, we decided to head upstairs and knock on the door, but there was no answer. It was getting late and my wife and I had to go pick up our kids from the sitter. So we left. I text my buddy for an update on the road and they decided to call the police. I got home and tried to text him again but he didn't respond. Tried again this morning and still no response. I figured they were probably still sleeping. So I waited and he just texted me 20 minutes ago saying that the "Mom" just showed up. The police were there, questioned her and then arrested her. They took the little boy to foster care. Un-freaking believable. We were assuming/hoping that there had to be a logical explanation as to why this kid was by himself on the balcony. We were wrong. I just can't believe that somebody would do something like that. Even in the best parts of town you have piece of crap people everywhere.
  8. I love how we can't say "had that one bogus second not been added to the clock" but they can whine about "if Colt wouldn't have got hurt" Typical arrogant Texas mentality. They simply aren't aware that they can be wrong. BTW is there a Texas board with people who talk in a civil manner, not just 15 year olds who like to cuss for sake of cussing? that's because it wasn't a bogus second You're right the second that was ADDED wasn't bogus, you got it because you're Texas right? Because you were SUPPOSED to go to the title game right? I don't know I could be wrong but when the clock expires and hits 0:00 the game is over. Unless you're Texas of course... it's hilarious that you guys still believe that the wrong call was made. didn't the same thing happen to you in the orange bowl against florida state, except your kicked shanked the field goal? i guess that time was put back on because you're nebraska right? because you were supposed to win the national title right? i don't know i could be wrong but when the clock expires and hits 0:00 the game is over. unless you're nebraska of course...or it could just be a lazy clock operator? every other fanbase in the country agrees that the correct call was made. the media, who we all know loves controversy, never once acted like the wrong call was made. FACT: the ball hit the rail with 00:01 left in the game. the officials made the correct decision, and you guys need to move on. the same thing happened on the last play of the first half of the chic-fil-a bowl, and virginia tech got a field goal out of it. the only difference is tennessee fans didn't lose their minds. they realized the correct call was made, and got over it. you should try it sometime. first of all, yes the ball hit the railing with one second left...but when they put back time on the clock in the fsu game the refs got together and did it on their own...it was such and error they didn't need replay...they all knew that there was an error...and we missed the kick...at least we were within a field goal (cough alabama cough)...and nobody on the tennessee didn't care cuz they got their sh#t tossed...i know after a whoppin like that i would walk away and not say another word...oh no VT gets another three points i am pissed...we should have only lose by 20... texas is the worst 'dominant' program ever...one national title in the last ten years and only 2 big twelve titles...your DIVISIONAL mates have 6 conference titles and one national title...your not even the best team from you division...well ever in the big twelve...oh wait...your the best in the south from 2009-2009 :laughpound :laughpound In the FSU game, Mik'l Severe (LSU fan/radio personality) said that our ball carrier's (I don't remember if it was Tommie or a wr/te) knee hit with 4 seconds left on the clock. And the refs got together and make that call, not the conference commissioner who is a grad of the school that was down and needed extra time to get a shot a winning the game. I remember the 98 Rose Bowl, when WSU's Ryan Leaf spiked the ball at UM's 35 with .02 left on the clock, and the refs let the clock run out. touche I will give shortwhorn fan this: I have heard SOME of the national media say that that 1 second should go back on the clock while others agree that the game should have been over. I guess that in typical shortwhorn fashion, the national media that he refers to is only the national media inside the borders of the republic of Texa$$, or the ones who are shortwhorn backers. On a side note: I recently joined shaggybevo, but those tough, hard-@$$, no-nonsense, butt-kicking Nexans won't let you post! Just as their gutless program is scared of going to the SEC, Big 10, or Pac 12 or playing us again, their gutless pukes of fans won't let anyone refute the garbage the spew. No big loss, the intellect and class displayed on that board makes a frat house or a junior high locker room seem classy and sophisticated. straight from the big 12 website, "Beebe attended Walla Walla Community College from 1975 to 1977, and then transferred on to California State Polytechnic University (Cal Poly-Pomona) where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree, cum laude, in social sciences in June 1979. Beebe received his law degree from the University of California Hastings College of the Law in 1982 and is a member of the Washington State Bar Association." and the officials did the legal thing to get the correct call. for as classy as you guys seem to think you are, it's amazing that you wanted to win a game because of an officiating error. I think he was mistaking Beebe with Anderson, who I believe is a Texas grad, not that it matters.
  9. It was a good finals series to watch. If you are Boston, you have to wonder how you don't take that trophy home last night. I mean, c'mon. You had LA on their heels playing desperately at times down by 10+ in a game 7 on their own court. Should have been good night Lakers.
  10. Guys, lets try to keep things civil around here. Obviously there are folks who really like soccer, and some who really hate soccer. Attack the post and not the poster. Consider this a general warning. Now,
  11. That was sweet! I love the fact that the Husker hat made it in the report. That's extra credit if you ask me. Good job OKC.
  12. lol. Did you know that Penn St. football jerseys used to be pink? I can't imagine wearing that color. *best Johnny Carson voice* I did not know that. That is weird wild stuff.
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