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Everything posted by ssfranny

  1. Calling this person a "big time Las Vegas donor" was how my source charactorized him. I know my source would not have passed this on if she had not believed it to be true. She knew that two other coaches were talked to (interviewed?), but she could not remember who he said they were (Not Turner Gill, as she would have remembered him). Someone from a Florida school (Southern Florida?) she thinks. Hope springs eternal, I know, even without proof. Probably South Florida's Jim Leavitt. I like Pelini better. Is Jackie Gaughan (sp) still alive? I know he was from Nebraska and owned casinos. Scott
  2. No one who writes with that much thought and emotion could never be "stupid" One of the best posts I have ever read anywhere thanks Mike! Scott
  3. accurate post and now I'm hungry haha
  4. Haha misspelled TO's last name what a bunch of idiots. You look on there who had the highest W-L percentage and most NC's?? Osborne and Switzer.
  5. KSU 62 NU 21 with 14 of NUs points coming on mop up duty I just highly doubtt we win the players (particularly the defense) and coaches have just given up. Hope the fans do the " nah nah nah nah heyyyyy goodbye Bill" He coached one of if not the worst Hsker team Ive ever seen in my 38 years.
  6. This may sound way off but the only reason T.O. might keep Cally is because if he has any NFL offers, he'll want to jump on that. If he sees that his choice is NFL or fulfill his NU contract, he'll voluntarily resign and TO will have the upper hand to negotiate. Cally is holding out knowing he'll be fired so he gets a buyout AND an NFL job. If he's forced to choose he'll offer a settlement. If that happens and he resigns, NU gets out cheap, if Cally stays TO looks like he's giving him the benefit of the doubt as well as honoring his contract, and we hold on to what's left of our current recruiting class. Then he can fire him after the first game he loses OR Cally gets it together and has a he!! of a season. TO wins either way. This all depends on if Cally gets an NFL offer. and TO is aware of it. I don't see any way Clownahan is around at the end of the season. Only thing I can think that TO may be doing is see if the Rams are going to offer the OC to Billy C. If he then resigns or St Louis pays off the buyout we save money. Billy C is still here because he wants more $$$ and won't back down. Now is it true if he resigns, do we still have to pay him his $$ ?? I thought we had to pay ony if he was fired. Scott
  7. OMG thats hilarious he doesn't know the guy is out for the year.
  8. Uh actually Roddick is a HUGE husker fan. They've shown him at the US Open wearing a Husker hat and normally one of his parents have something red on. They live in Florida why would he care about getting free tickets, hes a multi millionaire.
  9. I'd like to see him do some kind of re-mix with the old music and "there is no place like Nebraska" song into a new song now that would be pretty cool.
  10. Purify is wearing a Hukser shirt but nothing from Callahan. He seemed kinda miffed about someone asking about that exact thing.
  11. I think we scrap the existing Tunnel Walk song for this, I heard it at the gym and you talk about a song that gets you pumped up. Its called "remember the name" by Fort Miner or the Eminem song "lose yourself". Before the game I would also like to see the players do something in the middle of the field, kinda telling your opponents "this is our house" The existing tunnel walk is lame if you keep the same music then update the video playing during the song. Scott
  12. A week from now if we're all here after a 63-3 pummeling by Texas (god I hope not) he'll be gone next Monday. Someone said for some reason he wanted to stay to play Texas..why who knows nice ending point for your disastrious career at Nebraska.
  13. I know someone who is close to one of the players there and they said the big problem is NO curfew even on the night before games,probably all out getting drunk. McKeon and Keller should be benched I guess I would be POd too, their legacy will be playing for the worst Nebraska team possibly ever.
  14. You really think the die-hard fans and top boosters who give $40 million checks want to see us go 4-8?? I highly doubt it could happen anyway but I really doubt Callacrap will be here still by Colorado game. We'll be hearing a press conference tomorrow. Scott
  15. I just joined tonight because of IBR info! Could I please receive apm with more info.Thanks for everything so far I also joined tonight because of IBR. Please add me to the pm list. Thanks for the awesome updates. Bet IBR has some info for us tomm or Monday. I will be incredibly suprised if we don't see a press conference by Monday.
  16. Weird..Huskers lose 36-14 but Callahan would want to win and not throw it.....right!!
  17. Dude is not a miracle worker. I didn't go to the game playing golf at Quarry Oaks. Packed 4 man scramble though. Most of these guys would be at the game normally.
  18. Supposedly Callahan relinquished that power. This is just a rumor, but supposedly Callahan was calling the plays post-halftime -- 0 points scored post-halftime. All I can say is this: Our coaches are to blame. I'm sorry, but our players are to blame as well. There is ABSOLUTELY no viable excuse for what we (Nebraska fans) and others around the football world have witnessed from Nebraska football. Period. The defending of our player's poor play needs to stop. They're big boys. This isn't like criticizing a pee-wee football team's players. Most of them have their college paid for (not I, I'm paying ~$300 a month in student loans from UNL). I still had PLENTY of time to waste, or in the Nebraska Football team's players case...practice and get better. They are here to play football...plain and simple. Believe me they're getting paid, you should talk to an ex-player sometime. Thick envelopes of "meal money" If I were paying them, they'd be fired. This team is pathetic plain and simple.
  19. Play first one during tunnel walk, second one should be shown to D before every game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35bZ75QlRX8 Awesome!! Scott
  20. Cool thing to do Travis! I hope now they do something for TO and a child can hear the roar of the Sea of Red!!!
  21. So obviously he has no incentive to win tomorrow and I wonder if him possibly knowing about SP had any influence on his coaching of the OSU game. What if he starts to hear the "We want Bo" chants and just start burning redshirts or just calls a crappy game would Osborne or Watson step in and make the calls? You have to figure that if he makes sure we lose we'll want him out of here even faster which could mean he gets more $$ in a buyout. Just wondering what you all thought... GBR Scott
  22. I really hope you are not a UNL grad. I am not a UNL graduate. I had to type fast in the small amount of time I was given to write my comments. Typical that a brainiac like yourself is correcting my spelling instead of replying to the subject. So Mr. Spell-check do you have anything thought provoking to post? :asshat Here you go: try this one...Spelling/Grammer I heer you brother haha I mean hear It's spelled grammar. Maybe Bill's right; maybe a hike in the Sandhills would help my perspective. It just seems to me that this is more evidence that the guy has no respect or feel for my home state, my school and the team I grew up learning to love as a source of pride for a state that pretty often gets described as being full of overall-wearing rubes from the middle of nowhere. (Maybe, but our Blackshirts used to be able to kick your boys' butts, so it's OK.) So having moved to Nebraska and having agreed to take hundreds of thousands of Nebraskans' dollars as a public employee, I find it pretty damning of him. I don't want him taking money from my university or being on national TV representing my home state and my school if he doesn't respect Nebraska and Nebraskans.
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