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captain obvious

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Everything posted by captain obvious

  1. I think 99% of Husker fans can probably agree it was the right call, because it was. The reason we continue to whine about it is I'm not so sure the :01 would have been added back onto the clock if it was Nebraska in position to kick a game-winning FG. It wasn't the right call.
  2. Somebody should tell your administration, coaches, and fans to stop making it so easy to believe the worst about Texas.
  3. What I don't understand is the following: 1. How can he possibly think that this article makes it look like he's taking the high road? 2. When he criticizes us for losing respect for our opponents, and then says "you've become Oklahoma," he's contradicting himself. It's clear that Texas fans have never had/will never have respect for Oklahoma, which is their most widely embraced rival. WTF. 3. Is he not concerned about this article "looking stupid" if Texas loses? He's criticizing us for arrogance, yet completely taking it for granted that his team will not lose to Nebraska. Again, WTF. I realize that these questions are probably obsolete in today's internet. But come on. If you're going to criticize somebody for a lack of class, have class.
  4. I was gonna say something about a black pot or kettle, or something, but I lost my train of thought... Is something interesting happening here?
  5. I already miss Oklahoma. There was nobody else that I wanted the Skers to beat more than OU.
  6. He has a plan. That plan is to serve the University of Texas and its hangers-on as faithully as possible. He's doing a great job at it, as per usual.
  7. Get ready for the next 50 years of this "*" BS.
  8. In the hierarchy of college sports, football is King. You really think any of this is happening because of basketball? I could just as easily say that Nebraska has more tradition in women's volleyball than Kansas. It's irrelevant to this conversation because this conversation is all about football. I don't think these conference realignment scenarios really affect anybody's viability in basketball. The little guys already have access to automatic tourney seeds every year. Football's a different beast. I don't think a playoff inherently determines a clear champ. First you have to make sure that access to the tournament is fair. Leaving K-State, KU, and most of the teams in the Big East in the dust is unfair, in my opinion. With a straight face, tell me Indiana deserves a shot at the national title more than K-State.
  9. What about K-State? And Kansas? I think they've earned it. Certainly more so than Mizzou, Okie State, and half the friggin' Big Ten. The more the power gets consolidated, the more evil the machine will become. This is no way to go about creating a playoff.
  10. The more I read and think about this, Texas will NOT join another conference unless it gets a VERY sweet deal - like the ability to have their own network (not going to happen with Pac 10 or Big 10), to select their own puppet commish and dictatorial power for life. If NU/MU leaves they bring in TCU to replace NU and LaLa to replace MU. Thinking about this a bit more, I think Texas approached the Pac-10 with this proposal. Texas wasn't serious about it, and the Pac-10 probably assumed as much. However, Texas being the gigantic cash cow that it is, the Pac-10 said they would be welcome on the off chance that they were actually serious about it. Texas created this rumor as a bargaining chip against Nebraska. There's a chance that the Pac-10 and Big XII (the "loyal" Big XII members, that is) put this together with the interest of getting a mega TV contract with Fox, but I think Texas is probably just up to their usual shenanigans. When all is said and done, I wouldn't be surprised if the following happens: the Big Ten will finally make Notre Dame an offer they can't refuse, which puts to bed the whole mega conference thing. NU will stay in the Big XII. Boise State will go to the MWC, and those schools will be one major step closer to an automatic BCS bid. The whole system is still corrupt, though slightly less corrupt than it would be in the Pac-16/Big-16/SEC-enstein world that we find ourselves perilously close to right now (if you think the BCS is corrupt, just wait for what happens when most of the Big East and leftover Big XII teams aren't "eligible" for a "playoff" because they aren't in one of the 3 megaconferences).
  11. The Pac 10 offer isn't real. Remember when Big XII AD's and Beebe met w/ Pac 10 officials? They cooked this up to call NU and Mizzou's bluff. It will be hilarious when this sh#t backfires on them and they're left with a 9-10 team league. f#*k Texas.
  12. This conference is hosed. I'm convinced now. I'm not excited about the possibility of being a part of the Big Ten, because I still think it's... just awful. Boring. BORING. But somehow I'm thinking it would be even worse to stay in the Big XII.
  13. Does anybody in New Jersey actually follow Rutgers sports?
  14. Though there is a lot of great and funny stuff in his artice, this is, to me, is by far the best and funniest. Yeah what they said. NU had K-State at arm's length from the opening kick-off. It was like the big bully palming the little nerd's dome while he blindly takes swings at him.
  15. The thought of NU being a Big Ten team depresses me.
  16. That's a visor, not a sweat band. Tommie Frazier is really round and squishy now.
  17. I thought Eshaunte Jones was supposed to be the "scorer who takes over games." Was this guy overrated when he arrived? Is he still injured? Is he not being used correctly in the offense? What gives?
  18. What's the statistical explanation for why NU men's hoops sucks donkey balls this year?
  19. 6'8"?? wow....he could be like that real tall Clone wr that hurt us for years (what was his name....he actually caught the ball too...???....uhhhh). Boy, I was glad when he finally graduated. Todd Blythe?
  20. I think that red thing is actually a pretty cool mascot.
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