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Everything posted by hskrpwr13

  1. And that's really the problem with the losses. Bo's W/L record is good, and not many coaches have consectutive 9-win season, etc. But each loss seems to almost be worth 2-3 losses. because they're so embarrassing. This is the Bo conundrum.
  2. Actually, I'm midly surprised were behind two teams we beat that both have worse records than us (Michigan, Northwestern).
  3. I think PJ Smith actually provided the reason for this mess. He said something to the fact that 'if one guy misses his assignment, the play is going for six'. If Pelini doesn't have the talent to run, basically a man-to-man, at every spot, then he should be adjusting his scheme to make sure players aren't on an island like that. This is no different than Michigan not being properly prepared when Robinson went down, or not having the guts to put in Gardner if he was their better option. Coaches, and Pelini is apparently no different, get stuck on their scheme even if they don't have the personnel to fully execute it.
  4. Sadly youre correct. I just wish if they're going to decide to go to flag football or put lighted targets (think laser tag) on the players of where its legal to hit them, they would do it already, and make the rules clear so that the players, coaches, refs, and fans are all on the same page of what is a legal hit. I can't stand it when a flags are thrown, yet no one knows what anyone did wrong.
  5. This has been my biggest pet peave of officiating this year. They seem clueless on how to consistently make these calls. Completely legal plays (per the way the rule is written) are being flagged, and WWE crap like Boreland pulled on Martinez is somehow legal. Plus there was a play in the 3rd qrtr when Martinez was running out of bounds and got hit helmet to helmet with no call. The refs need to call the game per the rules. If they don't like the rules, they need to change them and/or clarify them in the off season.
  6. A buddy and I have been wondering about this most of the season. Do the coaches condone not wrapping up? Do the coaches try to re-train the tream how to tackle, but its not getting through? Do they not bench/discipline him because they have no faith in his back-up? Wish I could get a more specific answer from Pelini other than "lack of execution".
  7. Knapp, the key word is "could". I think you'd be hard pressed to believe that Pelini needs better talent to make his scheme look competent against top competition. Embarrassing losses "can" affect recruiting. "Can" affect program support and perception. "Can" affect the bowl game performance. We won't know til the future, but I don't think its a leap to assume that a rousing win would've done much more for the entirety of the program than an embarrassing loss. Agreed on all, but I think the point I'm making is, in the immediate angst-filled aftermath of this loss, this isn't the best time to be deciding if this is program-changing or not. I'll buy that.
  8. Who should "we" use as our base comparison? How about Devaney? I'll never get on board with an attitude that implies that losses like today should be deemed acceptable because the current coach isn't Tom Osborne. If I were a 'Bama fan, I'd probably consider Bryant our best coach, but that wouldn't mean I'd not hold Saban to maintaining that standard (not necessarily W/L record). There is a middle road between "this is unacceptable because it's not as good as Tom Osborne did" and "this is acceptable because it's okay that it's not as good as Tom Osborne did". Maxconvert is suggesting the former. I am not suggesting the latter. Fair enough. Thanks.
  9. Knapp, the key word is "could". I think you'd be hard pressed to believe that Pelini needs better talent to make his scheme look competent against top competition. Embarrassing losses "can" affect recruiting. "Can" affect program support and perception. "Can" affect the bowl game performance. We won't know til the future, but I don't think its a leap to assume that a rousing win would've done much more for the entirety of the program than an embarrassing loss.
  10. Who should "we" use as our base comparison? How about Devaney? I'll never get on board with an attitude that implies that losses like today should be deemed acceptable because the current coach isn't Tom Osborne. If I were a 'Bama fan, I'd probably consider Bryant our best coach, but that wouldn't mean I'd not hold Saban to maintaining that standard (not necessarily W/L record).
  11. Disagree all you want. In the aftermath of that loss, people wanted Osborne fired, they were down on the program, and this state was in a funk for a year. People will forget about this loss soon enough. It's just another of many for Pelini. But that 1983 loss stuck with people for a long time. It was different. Knapp, normally you and I are on the same page, but I gotta agree with Hercules. That wasn't a "program changing" loss. Everyone still knew that NU was a quality, top-10 type program after that loss. That game definitely helped Miami's program, which probably led to NU losing some recruits to Miami. This loss is another indication that perhaps Pelini doesn't really know how to properly prepare or coach up a team when on the "big stage". This game 'could' be a killer in recruiting, thus retarding the progress so far under Pelini. That's why I'd define today as a worse loss than that one. But like Hercules typed, the '83 game was more heartbreaking. '83 didn't cause most to question the direction of the program, these 63/70 point embarrassments do.
  12. Ahh, CFN. The epitome of butthurt this season. Keep in mind that this is only Fiutak's prediction. Heres the CFN staff picks list (against the -3 spread): Fiu Rich Matt Russ Phil Terry Clucko PICK UW NE NE NE UW UW NE NE http://cfn.scout.com/2/557925.html
  13. OU would never go for it. MidGame Bob doesn't want any more obstacles in the way of his hunt for another national 10th place finish. Move Mich to same div as OSU and Wisky to our division. Then we don't have worry about the teams playing each other a week later in the CC game. Don't want any part of that. Move Michigan to same division as OSU and PSU, and I guarantee our division becomes much like the Big12 North. Most of the talent will reside in the UM, OSU, PSU (after sanctions) triumverant. We'd be in the "forgotten" West division. You don't think Wisc and NU can draw enought talent? Wisc, NU, MSU can be 3 pretty talented programs. To answer your question, no. Yes, we recruit nationally, but most of the talent base within the B1G region reside in Mich, Ohio, Penn, and soon to be NJ. We'd mostly only get a shot at the the talent that the 3 "power" programs leave out (since they'd all play each other every year)....And we ARE one of the "power" programs. Wisc and MSU are not. I'd like the idea of swaping MSU for Wisc, but then Mich would have their two rivals in the other division. B1G wouldn't do that to Mich.
  14. OU would never go for it. MidGame Bob doesn't want any more obstacles in the way of his hunt for another national 10th place finish. Move Mich to same div as OSU and Wisky to our division. Then we don't have worry about the teams playing each other a week later in the CC game. Don't want any part of that. Move Michigan to same division as OSU and PSU, and I guarantee our division becomes much like the Big12 North. Most of the talent will reside in the UM, OSU, PSU (after sanctions) triumverant. We'd be in the "forgotten" West division.
  15. Well, I think you ultimately have to respect those sitting behind you; it doesn't matter if your in Lincoln or away site. I stand all game when I have the chance, when I have the agreement of those behind me (they wouldn't put seats or benches if there wasn't an expectation that most would be sitting). During the 2010 Mizzou game in Lincoln, I sat most of the game because those behind me (and in front) were sitting. During this season's away games I attended, I was able to stand all game due to my location (UCLA) and essentially getting the permission of those behind me (Northwestern). I think you always need to be gracious, especially in others' stadiums. They paid for their tickets too.
  16. http://www.huskerboard.com/index.php?/topic/62747-stein-and-jackson-out/
  17. If Rex is the guy, then so be it. I don't understand why the staff keeps running the same 3 fumblers out week after week (Abdullah, Marlowe, Turner). Just get someone to catch the ball. A lost fumble is much more disadvantageous than a good return is advantageous.
  18. Not gonna predict a CCG loss, but these injuries could be an outcome changer.
  19. I'd hardly categorize myself as a "constant carper". I can't speak for segments that highlight something in other programs because I don't care to research whether the presenter has all of the facts. Since, through local media and such, I believe in Pelini's/Stafford's explanation of what happened, and considering what we see from coaches all over the country, I feel the GD Crew (especially Howard) implied a lot of negative untruths about the P/S exchange (in contrast to the actual reporting that had been done on the exchange earlier in the week). Why did they do this? Ignorance, vendetta, sensationalization, all of it, none of it, I don't know. But it was inaccurate and deceiving to those that wasn't tuned into the local media's reports. Also, they started the segment as if it was going to be about "coaches behaving badly". It turned out to be "Bo behaving badly" (which imo he wasn't). I started this thread to vent and to point out what I believe was a hatchet job; not to whine that ESPN hates Nebraska. Don't like my stance? Don't read my postings.
  20. This was my fear after SEC snatched Mizzou and A&M. Now that Mizzou is off the board, besides ND, there isn't a decent Midwestern football program with a TV market to be had. I don't think an immediate money grab with Rutgers/Maryland is worth the risk of potential long term impact to the B1G's football quality, which could then have long term negative financial impacts. I'd much rather see Virginia (which has the stellar academic reputation that the B1G supposedly loves) than either of Rutgers/Maryland. Since the B1G seems to think they HAVE to expand to keep pace with the SEC, I'd rather they break this "connected states" philosophy and go get a college football big fish like Oklahoma (I think OK is a Midwestern-values-like state moreso than NJ/MD). Although still a long shot, I think a move like that could potentially get ND's attention.
  21. Stafford basically said he was frustrated that the defensive allignments weren't getting communicated fast enough from the sideline. (I'm guessing Bo called out Stafford for being out of position on the final first half PSU TD, and Stafford fired back at him.) Bo even admitted after the game that Stafford was essentially correct in his assessment of the problem. I had no problem with the exchange and it actually seemed to light a fire under both of them and even the rest of the team. Other than to further a specific agenda, I can't under why the GD Crew would have a problem with the exchange after it was clearly explained.
  22. Good. It wasn't just me. I fired off an email to ESPN. I'm sure it will produce nothing, but I feel better that I provided feedback (I had a lot more to say than their 500 character count limi). Another thing they indirectly insuated was that perhaps this should affect recruiting. I don't remember exactly what was said.
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