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Everything posted by HUSKER FREAK

  1. I hope your right, because on the surface it sure makes BP and staff look VERY incompetent when it comes to recruiting offensive players. It's usually the school who slow plays the kid, but around here it's the other way around....... bo apparently pulled his offer when he got tired of the kid jerking us around. you would think we'd have learned from the older brother, but better late than never. How did he jerk NU around? He committed months ago. What's he supposed to do, wear a hairshirt and crawl to Lincoln to show his faith? Here's my opinion (and go ahead and bring it on): 1. A very poorly called offensive game. 2. The following day's article in the Omaha World Herald - DC yelling at the winning team over and over "You should be ashamed"... chants of "Cheaters".... Bo cussing out the Big 12 Commissioner. As soon as I read that I thought "That's gonna cost them some recruits". 1. I really don't see how the Texas game plan would have indicated anything other than that we don't have the offensive talent to do what we did last year. Obviously this isn't what Bo or Watson wants the offense to look like. If you want to know what Watson's ideal offense looks like, then look at last year's offense. Carter and Gabbert were too busy looking at box scores to understand that. 2. That just doesn't make sense when you look at other fiery coaches who have never had problems getting recruits. According to your logic, nobody would ever have played for Bobby Knight. Plus, Bo's and Carl's players absolutely love them. If anything their style would drive away pansy recruits who only want people to tell them their sh!t smells like potpourri. 3. I have never heard Bo or Carl single out any one player or throw them under the bus for losing a heart breaking loss or an ass kickin'. May have said don't like the way they played (Colorado), but in the the really bad losses (MU and OU last season) they blamed themselves. Look at the way he acted after the V Tech Loss. He definately didn't blame O'Hanlon for the last play. If anythhing they very pasionately Protect their players, which in my eyes recruits would want to play for someone who is going to be the father figure, and a great teacher. Recruits always say that it feels like family or want the family type atmosphere.
  2. Wow.....quad post. Yikes. never had that happen before. LOL!! I was going to say I heard you the first time, and I should have used this
  3. I think that if they would have just stuck with Green we would have seen him develope into a good QB for this year. I do agree though that Spano, if healthy, will make a run for the starting position.
  4. I think with even an average Offense we would have kicked their arses. We really need to figure out what we want to do and stick to it.
  5. I am really starting to wonder this too. I thinks he deserves the chance and all, but I didn't think that all these reporters would be jumping on the band wagon!! This is SWEET!!! I also remember the play where Suh was getting double teamed and held and still got a hold of McCoy. Absolutely a Beast!!
  6. This would be so Awesome!! But I HIGHLY doubt this would ever happen. Even if they were to split the head coaching position which Bo wouldn't agree to either. On a side note it does scare me thinking that we may have to route against him!! Although, I think he does deserve the opportunity.
  7. I do not think we should be calling this kid a Moron or anything like that. I do think that Cody Green if they would have stuck with him the rest of the season would have ended up being way better, but I guess we will never know for sure. Can't say I agree with you at all about your Green sentiment. The truth is The Huskers lack any kind of a playmaker at QB. You can say Green is the better runner, but that doesn't mean much in this offense because he can't throw for sh#t! Will that change in the course of one off season? Possibly, but I HIGHLY doubt it. Yeah I guess you are right on. Lee is a very accurate passer and can run My bad. I never said he was. Oh really. Well, what exactly are you trying to say then?
  8. I do not think we should be calling this kid a Moron or anything like that. I do think that Cody Green if they would have stuck with him the rest of the season would have ended up being way better, but I guess we will never know for sure. Can't say I agree with you at all about your Green sentiment. The truth is The Huskers lack any kind of a playmaker at QB. You can say Green is the better runner, but that doesn't mean much in this offense because he can't throw for sh#t! Will that change in the course of one off season? Possibly, but I HIGHLY doubt it. Yeah I guess you are right on. Lee is a very accurate passer and can run My bad.
  9. My thoughts exactly. You know how funny it'll look when they replay highlights of the season for each nominee knowing that the majority of Suh's highlights will be from last nights game, all the while he'll be seated in a chair next to Colt McCoy. Well last nights game and the Missouri game. It would be very funny if he would be sitting next to McCoy during the highlights though!!
  10. I will give you that, if you can show me what the ball hit. All I saw was that the ball went behind a camera man, so we dont really know when it hit anything, do we? The way it sounds the play was not reviewable, but even if it was, Was it inconclusive? As you said above what did it hit?
  11. I do not think we should be calling this kid a Moron or anything like that. I do think that Cody Green if they would have stuck with him the rest of the season would have ended up being way better, but I guess we will never know for sure.
  12. I thought during the Callahan era it was Until We Don't Get Beat!!
  13. Well considering the final play for Pitt is coming up and its 45-44 Cincy, I don't want it to be like this game! Can't believe they came storming back. And it's over. Pitt's D fell off in the 2nd half. Thats a good thing! I hate Pitt! Great job Cincy! It wouldn't have to do with Pederson would it? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!! AND THIS IS FOR PEDDY
  14. I thought that also about the option play that Oregan ran the other night with the WR. The first thing I thought of was that would be a good way to get the ball in Gilleylens hands.
  15. Could you imagine his intensity mixed in with the Pelini's.
  16. This is exactly what I was going to say. What you said above is spot on though. IMO that would have to be the biggest surprise in my book.
  17. IMO we need to run the ball switching off with Helu and Burkhead frequently, while keeping the fullback in the game. The best way to stretch them out and to keep them honest is to mix in a lot of play action pass. Espeacially when they start loading the box. we do not need to be fancy just keep them on their toes and we may have a chance. Our D can not be on the field as much as they were against Colorado. If they are we will have No shot at winning.
  18. I respectfully disagree. I would have to respectfully disagree as well. While I was watching the Stanford game I was thinking that Rex and Gerhart look very similar in their running styles and abilities, although Rex is not quite as good as Gerhart YET. I do think that next year that could be different even with Helu as the #1 back in the 1-2 punch. We have to remember that he looks like a good solid back as a true freshmen, and if he continues to work to improve every year there is no doubt he will be spectacular by the time he is a senior.
  19. The holding and block in the back no calls were heavily weighed in their favor, although I am positve we got away with a few. The worst no call IMO was the late hit against Turner RIGHT in front of the Damn Refs. I don't care if it was the end of the game it should have been called as well as the holding by multiple Buff O-linemen.
  20. The problem is we need them in the backfield to protect the QB, and can't use them on pass routes effectively. A screen every now and ahain especially when they have a corner bltz called like yesterday. That was eating us up all day long and a Rex whiff turning into a screen could have been the answer.
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