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fro daddy

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Everything posted by fro daddy

  1. Silence is golden.....but duct tape is silver.

    1. da skers
    2. GSG


      Actually it comes in a variety of colors nowadays

    3. NUance


      hmmm. I think I know how to make gold out of silver.

  2. Im pretty sure I could be a model.

  3. you would have to do it by point rank. Thats the best way. I wouldnt eliminate the outliers. Its such a small sample size, that and its also not a true look at the board if you do. People are bound to not feel the same about all teams. Certain teams others always downgrade (i.e. Mizzou) and others are always upgraded (i.e. Texas). Buy dropping those highs and lows you really can change the board poll. You could do a column like whats on pollspeak. Have the top 30 poll. Then show the highest rank and lowest rank given.
  4. There are wierd things that happen, and sometimes we have the darndest time explaining them. As I said above, the brain is a powerful thing. Alot of how we think/act/see things was imprited in us before you were even born. I read a study on believers and non believers a few years ago. A group of each where seperated and each individual was quickly shown an image. Some contained faces and words. Some did not. Across the board, believers reported more faces and words than were actually shown, and skeptics reported fewer faces and words than were actually shown. In other words, regardless of what was really there, your more likely to see if you believe, and less likely too if you dont. Believers may see things that are not there, and skeptics will not see things that are there. I dont know what to think some times. I have 3 things I will share. Some may think its cool, I am sure others will think im crazy.... I had an old GF whos family claimed that her grandfather was always around, even though he had passed years earlier. They would talk about drastic changes in temp. and the scent of old spice that would come from no where. I thought nothing of it, cold spots and and old man neighbor who went alittle heavy on the cologne that day. I had been around when i had happened and nothing really felt wierd or out of place. However what got me later on in this story was, my GF moved away. We stayed together long distance for the summer and I would visit her. It happend in this new home too. And then at her aunts house. The same style of event, 3 seperate locations. I always thought that was extremely wierd. The day my grandmother died will always stay with me. It was my mothers mom. She is the youngest of 3 kids. They all lived in the same area. My grandma had been sick for a year or so. She had slowly gotten worse and worse. She had been put into hospice about a week earlier. Its was a nice mid spring morning, sunny and warm. The family had been hurting over my GM and we were all in a bad place because of the amount of pain she was in. That morning my mom went for a walk. She says that she was over come with emotion and sat down on a bench. She prayed and was get telling her mom in her prayers that it was okay to go. She needed peace and that we all loved her very much. My mom said that she felt a calming and almost a chill over her. She said she felt like her mom was with her. She came back home to tell us that our GM had passed. 5 minutes after my mom told us, hospice called to give us the news. My mom told us the story after we asked how she knew before anyone had called. I sometimes have daydreams that play like memories, only they are things that have never happened. I write down details about what I see in them. I have done this since i was little. Later on, days, weeks, months & sometimes years as i am going through my day I am hit with a chill and the scene plays back about a second ahead of real time. I am overcome with a feeling of deja vu. I have had this happen in small segments, or larger once close to a minute. I have been to and seen places that I have never visited and would not visit for months or years. The one that always struck me was the one where I meet my GF's mother for the first time. The dream scene had us walking up the stairs in a building, down the hall to an Apt, then into the entry way going into the living room. The thing is though, i had yet to even meet this person who would become my GF. I meet her 2 years later and after dating for a little while, we went to meet her mom. The things is though I didnt know my GF was the person in my dream. I had never seen her face. I didnt know until we entered the building. A building i have never been too, in a city i had never visited. I knew that apt # and the decor inside the home before we even made it to the hall from the stairs. I can not explain this and frankly it kinda freaks me out.
  5. 1. Alabama 2. LSU 3. Oklahoma 4. USC 5. Oregon 6. South Carolina 7. Mich St 8. Georgia 9. VT 10. West Virginia 11. MIchigan 12. Arkansas 13. Clemson 14. Oklahoma St 15. Wisc. 16. Boise St. 17. Florida St. 18. Ohio St. 19. Nebraska 20. Missouri 21. Stanford 22. Florida 23.Texas 24. Illinios 25.Kansas St 26. Baylor 27.TCU 28. Washington 29. Auburn 30.Texas A&M
  6. I am unsure on some of this. There are alot of things that are unexplained. Be it ghosts, people who 'feel' others who are not near or have passed, or a number of other things that happen. The biggest issue to me is that like most things in life, if people feel they can make a buck they will lie and scam their way to it. I dont know how much I believe or how much is real. I know a portion, maybe even the largest portion, is fake as all get out. With that said, I think a number of people have had an experiance or know someone who has. There are somethings that cant be explained. And honestly, if there is a posibility of ghosts, then in my mind there is a possibility that someone could see/comunicate with them. I do know that people say we barely use any of the human brain and that it is one of the most complex and powerful things known to man. I know that normal people are gifted with things that others consider wierd or odd. People that have photographic memories, people who have mathmatical brains, gift of recall & mind over matter for good and bad (placebos). Others claim having alterted states of consciousness, hypnosis and multiple versions of ESP.
  7. Reportedly pick up an offer from Georgia. They are believed by some to be his #1 team.
  8. I think 2-2 is the safe play. 3-1 is possible. I have a hard time seeing 1-3 or worse or 4-0. Its hard to predict this far out. There are alot of unanswered questions for the huskers and the teams they face in that stretch. Depending on what we see after the season starts, those opinions can change
  9. Sometimes when things are really rough, you get a small blessing that can really make a difference. Your small acts of kindness could have a much greater meaning to the other person. Yesterday something like that happened to me. A small gesture made meant the world to us.

    1. NUance


      Plus the satisfaction you'll get when you pay it forward. :thumbs:

    2. carlfense


      Sorry to hear that things are rough, fro. Sometimes people surprise you in very good ways.

  10. well you have to consider that your married friend has more than just themselves to think about now. It does depend on the person, but I would think most married couples, especially newer married couples, like spending lots of time together. I really only see my wife for a few hours a day. And nearly every minute of that time is after I get home from work. I have an opposite issue with that sometimes. I am married with 2 kids and I rarely ever get asked to do anything. My friends stopped asking because they like to call on the way to the bar, or when they are already there. They give me no time to plan. I have to work around the schedules and needs of 3 others besides myself and sometimes its just not that easy. I think they believe that i dont want to do anything anymore because the can'ts outnumber the I cans.
  11. Mizzou offered him in person yesterday. I have heard that some of the bigger named big12 schools might be extending offers soon as well. Has said it is likely that he visits every local school that offers and plans on doing that later this summer. I have also seen that ku & ksu are looking at him as a CB. NE is looking as a WR, and I imagine Mizzou is looking at WR too since David Yost is the one who visited him and offered. Some mizzou people feel that ku had an early lead on this one, but they dont know how that has stuck or not. One would think with MU, NE and others, including KSU are interested that ku would fall back. But who knows. I do know the kid is a ku mens BB fan, dont know how stongly that translates to all other ku sports
  12. Does that mean Ohio State fans gain the right to talk smack towards the SEC due to the beat downs of Mizzou (and A&M for that matter)? Speaking of which does Corby Jones still walk scared? I would think Ohio State might want to try and actually beat an SEC team before they talk any smack...you know because it was 1988 the last time you did... Didn't OSU beat Arkansas in the bowl game just a couple years ago?... Technically yes, but they had to later forfeit that win
  13. Never gloated about anything. All I did was point out the obvious and backed it with stats. But its good to know that as a CFB fan, and I would like to think a pretty damn educated one, that I can't express an opinion or call someone on their BS due to the conference affiliation or win/loss record from a majority of games that happened before most people on this board have been born. Thanks for the heads up Wisc/SC fan. I guess since that stuff, like past games, and margin of victory determines who can speak and who cant, maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself since Mizzou is undeafeated against SC. OR maybe you can say something since they are 1-4 against Wisc....Oh hell now I am confused. Wait.....If a negative goes in to a positive.... and those numbers are equal.......the total is zero.....OHHHH. That means you that you are a zero in the problem and therefor you get no opinion! Everyone please disregard Buckys opinion and above post. That is unless he has another team he cheers for..... BTW, according to Bucky and Muck, as a Mizzou fan I can officially give these teams and fans the whatfor; Alabama Arkansas Auburn Arizona Air Force Army Baylor Colorado Florida Illinios Iowa Iowa St Kansas Kansas St LSU Loiusville Minnisota Mississippi Mississippi St Navy North Carolina Oklahoma St Oregon South Carolina Texas Tech Vanderbilt Virginia Washington St West Virginia If you see me saying anything to another fan base, please check the all time records!! There are many other small schools not listed. Also I am unsure about ties, can I tease schools like Notre Dame & Michigan alittle, or not at all?
  14. I've seen this top 8 crap now a couple times.... What's the point? Just announce your list of favorites when it gets to 5 or 3!!! Crypes we make the top 8 of hundreds of kids. Agreed. The other one that gets me is listing favorites who you dont have offeres from. you see this alot also. "I have a top five of A, B, C, D & E. In that order." then you look at the kids offer list and only A & B have offered.
  15. Woods seems to be high on GT. Has been there a number of times. Is visiting alot of schools from the look of it. Last week he visited Louisville, Kentucky and then Missouri for the spring game. He claims 15 offers and said all are even. Hopes to have a top 8 or 5 by summer
  16. Dick Clark has gone to that American Bandstand in the sky...

    1. Enhance


      Loved that guy. Great broadcaster.

    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Dude hung on for a really long time. My Dad probably cemented his ticket in hell with his Clark post-stroke impression.

  17. too bad for her. A tough diagnosis. She is a legend and I hope she makes the best of her time
  18. yeah the procombat ones were pretty cool. I think they used the same flat black from that one in the big logo helmet
  19. Make no mistake, Ohio State earned the right to to talk smack to Mizzou at any time after kicking the Tigers teeth in. The same goes for Nebraska fans who have a long history of treating ya'll like Indiana. Let's not forget that the last ten years are arguably the best in Missouri's history and they are the worst for Nebraska since the 50's. Nebraska still managed to squeak out more wins than losses in the series. But I can see you are just towing the new conference line...those that can't, talk smack by proxy. Coincidentally 1988 was the last time an SEC team was willing to play Ohio State outside of their home territory. funny how nobody talks about the worst period in MU football being during the same time as Husker highest run.... How do you think they went on the run of wins. look at it before Missouri decided sports where a second tier thing at at univeristy (late 1970's) and once GP got things up and moving in 2003. As far as Ohio State... Dude we have played 3 times since1949 and you are 2-1. Good lord, your best stretch of John Cooper teams against the first winners at MU in 2 decades....Too bad ol Dan Devine's boys could played and whooped up on those up and down Woody Hayes teams in the 60's because then i could brag about owning you on games that were played decades ago As far as your SEC cry story, they have all been bowl games. What did you expect to happen " lets move this bowl game in FL to Ohio so buckeye fans dont whine". And I like the willing thing. If OSU is so bad why cant they win down there? Are you really offering up to even play their teams? I see your conference mates do..but not you guys. Trust me its not a company line, or smack by proxy. Just a CFB fan who knows OSU has the darndest times beating SEC teams. And BTW I couldnt be happier to be in the SEC instead of the big10. You can say we flashed but not one person from the univeristy said a single word. Fans said things and reporters said things, but not Mizzou. It worked out for the best. We are in the strongest, toughest conference within a region of population boom, not bust. Soon to have a richest TV contract in history and now we have a presence in the most firtile and talented recruiting grounds in the country. Yeah the SEC is stuck up, yeah they talk smack, but they have earned it. By constantly, in all sports, beating others. Maybe thats why they are proud? I dont know. But then again, those who cant, bitch about it. Something some OSU fans have gotten good at.
  20. Couple of things, The big12 teams run more than the SEC teams believe it or not. There are a number of teams in the big12 that ran more often, for more yrds total & per game than the SEC teams did. Alot of that could be the speed of the big12 . They run alot of plays. Not often do those teams use much, if any of the play clock. With that said, four of the past 5 years MU has been 33 or higher against the run, including a top rank of 18th, in what they give up per carry. So top 25% of CFB. The one year they didnt finish there, they give up a handful of long runs that F'ed that avg. They did it all year. 30 carries for 80 years then 2 for 160. The second thing is that Mizzou is in the SEC EAST. We will play LSU, ALA, ARK, AUBURN all once every 12 years...
  21. More along the lines of girlDOESNTknowfootball.... But anyway, it was a little harsh and I was going to edit/delete it but its been quoted a few times so no use in that now.
  22. Nuance, For me It will take some getting used to with no block M. But I understand why they did it. I cant tell you how many times i have been asked about Michigan if I am wearing a dark colored or grey shirt with the block M on it. The basically polled a ton of people outside of MO and most knew the tiger head, but would say Michigan, or Miami Ohio or Marshall or any other of the number of school that use the block M
  23. Does that mean Ohio State fans gain the right to talk smack towards the SEC due to the beat downs of Mizzou (and A&M for that matter)? Speaking of which does Corby Jones still walk scared? I would think Ohio State might want to try and actually beat an SEC team before they talk any smack...you know because it was 1988 the last time you did... As for as Corby, Katz hit him hard and Corby kept on truckin in that game. Dude was a stud. A big part of MU's first two winning seasons in 18 years.
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