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Everything posted by funhusker

  1. Hey, @knapplc says this doesn't deserve its own thread. Are you pulling rank??
  2. IDK..There were a TON of empty seats at the Spring Game.... Nowhere even close to 86,000. 85,500 tops!!!!
  3. Which "investigation"? The civil cases between Trump and Daniels, or the criminal investigation into Cohen's business practices? It's a pretty complicated web, but as far as these two situations are concerned, I don't think either pertain to Trump being president and people being sore losers. Both situations were most likely brought to light because of Trump's victory and other investigations into Russian involvement, so it's possible they wouldn't be going on. It might not have been worth it for Daniels to sue, and Cohen may have just kept flying under the radar.
  4. Hey at least we got another reason to question if the sellout streak is legit or not!
  5. As an ELCA Lutheran, I feel Trump is far more guilty of this than Obama. I never felt the projects and missions of my church were threatened under Obama. However, with Trump's stance on refugees, his lack of effort to support poor people, and his disinterest in making medical treatment affordable for all is an assault on what I believe a Christian should stand for.
  6. It may be true. I know I frequently pray more for Trump to not screw things up. Many people may also be concerned he will find a way to bring an end to the world and are just trying to get right with God
  7. For the bizzillionth time, Donald: if there is nothing to worry about, it should not take significant minutes out of your day. Well....unless your trying to make sure everyone has their stories straight; then I could see how it would get stressful.
  8. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/north-korea-south-korea-donald-trump-korean-war-nuclear-weapons-a8326321.html "Dr TJ Pempel, a professor at the University of California-Berkeley told The Independent while Mr Trump “deserves some credit but not as much as he’s taking”. While the United Nations sanctions on Pyongyang involved the US push from Ambassador Nikki Haley, that is “hardly the whole story”, Mr Pempel said."
  9. A comedian pokes fun and calls people names and Fox’n’Friends is offended. The president does it and it “just the way he is...” Decency is all but gone in the political and entertainment world. Excuse me if I don’t take their new-found conscience seriously.
  10. Think of all those lucky kids with pet snakes in ChinaTown!!!
  11. I also had those hypothetical conversations about civil war. What people usually fail to remember is the Govt/Military isn't going to stand idly by and let the "gun toting, tough guy, WWE fan" run roughshod over the "pink hat wearing, computer nerd, Downtown Abby fan". If a "liberal" government is in power and implementing and enforcing laws within the scope of the constitution, a lot of people are going to find out how useless their gun cabinet actually is if they choose to take up arms in revolt. IF....it ever gets to that point I don't see a "left" or "right" victor. America will become a military state. Sounds great!
  12. First thing I thought of. Normally the media would sit and interview for hours if the President was willing.
  13. I'll admit, I haven't paid real close attention to US involvement (outside of Tweets) in the negotiations between North and South Korea. But what actions has Trump's administration taken to make this happen. I'm not being facetious, genuinely curious. Trust me, I would like to think something good can come out of this presidency.
  14. This is a pretty bad look.... Edit: sorry, I meant a bad look for Clinton; not your post
  15. So a crazy person likes Trump. Which isn't the issue, a lot of crazy people also like other politicians. But usually those politicians don't embrace it. Kanye is a nutjub.
  16. Either those Hokies are jumping really high, or they are taking their sweet time to catch breaths between jumps......:)
  17. But they don't. The last President to attend the funeral of a Former First Lady was JFK when he attended the funeral of Eleanore Roosevelt. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/04/21/president-trump-isnt-barbara-bushs-funeral-and-thats-not-unusual/539077002/
  18. Our system isn't so bad..... My wife and I did a thought experiment. If one of our children were to be diagnosed with cancer all we have to do is file for divorce. In the divorce, my wife wins the house and custody of the kids. I of course then take on house payments and child support. But it would be worth it because she would cut back her work hours to qualify for medicaid benefits for the kids. We would actually come out ahead. Hopefully she'll take me back when our kid is healthy and not hang on to the free house and lack of a pain in the ass husband.
  19. Yes. But their motorcade wouldn't outshine the funeral procession. Trump's most likely would. There are a million and one ways to call Trump a classless prick, this just isn't one of them. Tweeting, as he did, shows more disrespect than anything. Like I said earlier, I'm sure the Bushes are perfectly fine with him not in the building.
  20. I grew up in a smaller town in NE Nebraska. We viewed prom as a "passing of the torch" from the Seniors to the Juniors; all were expected there. Technically, our Juniors hosted the prom for the Seniors with roasting type speeches from each class president. It is close to the same mindset at my school now, just west of Omaha. Prom is a big deal for a lot of kids. A spring game where the coaches really aren't going to be as accessible as most other spring weekends isn't. If this kid cares, at all, about Nebraska, he knows what the gameday atmosphere is like. edit: Kids don't miss Saturday day activities because they're busy. They miss them because they are resting for Saturday night/Sunday morning. Post Prom goes until 3/4 a.m.
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