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Everything posted by funhusker

  1. “Every suicidal person should be allowed to possess guns…” That sounds ridiculous because it is.
  2. Now the question we all want to ask: what kind of mixed emotions is @teachercd feeling? This is like "ham-a$$" and those damn "*ussian commies" duking it out...
  3. I think Dec/Jan is going to be ugly no matter who wins… There are going to be sizable groups of people on either side that will take the results as an attack on the fabric of the United States. Im not worried of Trump taking over. But it disgusts me to even consider the country I love electing such a trash human to such a distinguished position. It grossed me out in 2016, and even more so now!
  4. A simple “thanks” is good enough…
  5. This was an excellent post. For those of you that didn't read because of paragraphs, give it another shot! I added some spots for "brain breaks" Thanks for sharing @Madcows
  6. This is a cop out. If his family is threatened in any way he needs to go public with that too; with receipts. This mess isn't going to end as long as no one is willing to try and fix it. I wish I was smarter and likeable, I'd run
  7. If this is truly "sabotage", I don't think it's going to work out well... The district is solid R. If this guy isn't a fan of the current s#!t show and protesting, chances are whoever wins the next election is going to make things worse! Instead of bailing out, the rational people need to stay in office and make it very public about how pissed off they are. Maybe then rational voters that simply vote along party lines but don't really pay atttention will take notice.
  8. Is the person filming laughing at her? I thought she said “don’t laugh” at the beginning. Probably a husband that loves the idea the crazy lady won’t be home for a while
  9. What do you do for a living? That sounds ridiculous! Unless you deal drugs for the Crips.
  10. I just laugh and shake my head at them. Then stay away.
  11. Hindsight and all… but the wrong guy died at that protest. What a waste of a life!
  12. Fair enough. It just seems like you are really stretching to hate on the Biden admin this morning. It’s fair to not not like the guy, but the posts today just seem pretty petty.
  13. Pretty much every president’s America… https://www.justice.gov/atr/antitrust-case-filings-alpha Let me know when you get through the “a’s”!
  14. Meanwhile Trump openly announces that he’s going to use his administration to go after the people he hates with the legal system… But…but….both sides!!!!
  15. Now that makes sense! It’s getting to the point in the election cycle that never Trump republicans are going to start finding reason to hate Biden to rationalize a Trump vote, I believe.
  16. Maybe Tesla declined an invite? Why is this something anyone is worked up over? American politics is exhausting!
  17. They give a ton of money to SpaceX. Politics aside. I don’t think much of this outside of Elon isn’t a very unpopular figure and probably not a face they want to put at the forefront.
  18. Musk made his own bed. He likes being polarizing. I don’t blame politicians for wanting to stay away from the drama.
  19. I think everyone gets it. But the point is that a bad man made a comment like that and is being used as satire to point out how ridiculous Trump is. It’s also ironic because it’s true.
  20. And believe it or not, some of the athletes want to graduate with a good education and campus experience. Makes an athletic depts job much easier when those things exist.
  21. I don’t see why anyone has a problem with your response. It appears that you are the only one that is actually understanding the satire here.
  22. This is on page 260…. The election is still 7.5 months away… I guess the thread title nailed it!!!
  23. I'm guessing that is fake. Although, it's definitely believable.
  24. My bigger concern is about the steak with a 25 year shelf life!!!
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