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Everything posted by Enhance

  1. Nebraska choosing to hire someone other than Deion Sanders will have very little to do with "guts." It will, however, have a lot to do with his complete lack of Power 5 coaching experience.
  2. I've actually always wondered what most people consider proper etiquette here, because I've seen some people get visibly (and even verbally) annoyed at people who get up and stand in the aisle with their things while deboarding. That's particularly true in cases when someone isn't watching where they're swinging their bags. I guess I don't care too much either way, personally. My biggest thing is just being READY. Have your phone, charger, personal items, etc., ready to go. Then, you can just pop up, grab your carry-on and go. The people who aren't paying attention and don't have their personal items packed when it is time to deboard should be banned from airlines.
  3. I've got a couple good ones to add to this list: 1) People who rotate between gym equipment like they're tasting a charcuterie board. Pick a machine, do multiple sets, and get an actual workout in. Get the blood flowing. You're not shopping. 2) People who think you need to pronounce foreign words in the way native speakers do i.e. suggesting an English speaker pronounce Paris "Pear-ee." I haven't had a personal experience of this, but I've seen a bunch of morons recently running around social media suggesting Americans should be doing this and it's nonsense. I've never seen any other nationality held to this standard. It is NORMAL to pronounce words in your native language's linguistics.
  4. I didn't hear the segment and I don't know these two broadcasters or their show, so just taking your description at face value, I completely understand why you feel offended. It's petty and low to say something like that about someone who suffered from a real disability. Is there any chance she thought that it was fake/cosmetic? I.e. that it was make up done for the movie? Not saying that would excuse her word choices, but might explain why she said it. As to whether or not you're over-reacting, I feel like it's up to you to decide. I certainly understand being upset. I don't think there's anything wrong with contacting the station and giving them your feedback, and for letting them know you're done listening to them. That's lost revenue. Going after the advertisers seems like a bit much to me, based on what you provided.
  5. That defender barely had to work at all to side step him. Woof.
  6. Tom Herman was fired prematurely if viewed through the lens of about 90% of the college football world. He wasn't fired early by Texas standards. Four bowl games (three of them in pretty irrelevant bowls) and no conference titles isn't exactly 'getting it done.' And this was after pulling in three Top 10 recruiting classes. That said, he's not the worst name I've seen thrown out. What he did at Texas would certainly be welcomed at Nebraska based on where the program is now.
  7. Several of the posts in the last few pages here are little else but inflammatory and aren't doing much to generate productive conversation @funhusker @Archy1221. Please get back on topic and take the accusations/defenses of trolling to the Woodshed. If you don't like what the other person has to say then put them on ignore. And please do not take up any more thread space arguing this moving forward. Thank you.
  8. I'm genuinely surprised by this move. Yes, they're not good. Two back-to-back bad losses. But, excluding the Covid year, Chryst won 10, 11, 13, 8, 10 and 9 games before this year. Wisconsin is usually satisfied with riding some measure of mediocrity before having a bounce back year or two.
  9. TBH I would think Urban's wife wouldn't mind living in Lincoln if purely for the fact that there are less ways to get in trouble there and end up in a social media post with some random woman.
  10. Trev's primary resource is this thread, as it should be. We're brilliant. Not that it really matters, but I think we should keep in mind that Frost was much more than a fan choice back in 2017. He was probably the hottest coaching candidate as that season went along, and likely the biggest reason Nebraska got him was because of his ties to the state. Florida and Tennessee were also pushing him hard and just about every college football analyst/pundit thought that Nebraska had hit an absolute home run with that hire. Naturally, there were some questions about how it would all work out and what it would look like, but I think it is an unfair disservice to a lot of people who worked hard to make that hire happen if we characterize it as a "fan choice." There were a lot of teams that wanted Frost and there were a lot of reasons to like him as a candidate.
  11. I think it may be about focus and/or optics. If we gave them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps they think it is ill-advised to compete for national news attention while hundreds of thousands of Americans are potentially impacted/displaced by a natural disaster. The hearing will obviously be of major interest to much of the country and world, and if the worst does happen, our efforts should be focused on helping those people in Florida and the impacted communities. Not the Jan. 6 hearing. It's also certainly possible they want to be more the center of attention and not have a the potential natural disaster steal the limelight. And perhaps there's some truth to both of those explanations.
  12. We should probably run a contest on how many pages this thread will have before a coach is named. My guess is there won't be one named until some time around the conference championship games so we've got two more months of this lol.
  13. Vala's Pumpkin Patch is quickly turning into the Disney of the Midwest.

    Every year since 2016, my work has offered discounted tickets. They used to be $10 each. I just got an email today about the tickets. They're now discounted to $17.99/ticket for a weekday (full price is $19.99) and $34.99/ticket for the weekend (full price is $39.99).

    So, for the amount of tickets I was going to buy, I can either save $18 for the weekday or $45 for the weekend. Obviously that's better than full price, but not by much when you consider how much things on the inside cost now, too. Just wild what that place has turned in to. I'm all for capitalism but... geesh.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. teachercd


      If you were in HS it is probably a fun place to go since there is little supervision and you could totally sneak in vapes and booze.


      If you are a mom it is probably a cool place to go just so you can really push the limits of your husband's patience, really send him near that breaking point and then top if all off with getting him and and having super tired cranky kids and letting him know that you are going to bed early since you are worn out.  Maybe also letting him know that saying "thank you" to the girl that gave you your change after buying a 14 dollar funnel cake seemed a bit "too flirty"



    3. Enhance


      @Red Fivethats actually the perfect description haha. 

      I will say that It is regarded as one of the best in the country and there truly is a lot of stuff to do. They have their own train ride, haunted houses, tons of attractions and shows, rentable camp sites/fire pits, etc. It also holds a lot of sentimental value to me because I started going in the early 90s as a kid, but it also used to cost only a couple bucks to get in. Now they just keep expanding every year and finding new reasons to slap another $5 onto admission.

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      That's about 25% more than Fritzler's Corn Maze here. https://www.fritzlerfarmpark.com/

      But Fritzler's has GOATS, acrobatic goats :koolaid2: and pumpkin cannons.


  14. These are more really big assumptions. Your post overall was great Red, but I did want to key in on this piece specifically. The national reach isn't only an assumption - it's pure hyperbole. Nebraska was one of the most talked about programs nationally when they hired Frost. They were one of the most talked about programs in 2010 early season when Martinez was on Heisman watch lists. Even if NU were to hire Meyer, it's not like that would thrust the program into some light it hasn't seen in two decades. And this is the problem with how some of our fans view the program and the direction it needs to go. So many of us are hyper-focused on stuff happening off the field that they forget that what ultimately matters is the results on Saturdays. I don't know how many times we need that reality slapped in our rosey red faces before it sinks in. There are 1,000 things that go into creating a winning football program and being at the top of news cycles isn't one of them. Look how much we're talking about recruiting and being the Bell of the Off-season Ball while programs like Iowa, Wisconsin, and Mich. St. continue to win football games and poop in our cereal every season. I think I speak for a majority of the fan base when I say I'm sick and tired of winning the off season. I want the best guy for the job. If that's Deion, great. If it's Meyer, great. If it's Campbell or Aranda, great. But we need to stop getting caught up in all these superlatives and feel good aesthetic victories. Find a damn good coach.
  15. That's a fair point. Bo had one of the worst (best?) angry faces I've ever seen. It was like looking at a demon or something. Rageful. When Matt gets angry he just kinda looks like the quiet kid who finally lost his marbles over something but isn't quite sure how to handle the moment.
  16. That was a very rare outburst from Campbell. He's almost always very calm and collected during games. In fact, the broadcasters during that game last weekend went to lengths to point out how calm he usually is as a coach on the sidelines. Bo got the angry cam because he was visibly irate way more often than he needed to be and that was absolutely a well-earned reputation. Don't think that'll be an issue with Campbell. (Also, his team got straight JOBBED on a couple calls, so his anger was well earned IMO).
  17. The following isn't an argument for or against Aranda, but IMO, these are some objective reasons to like him: Been an FBS coach since 2008 and a P5 coach since 2012, so about 15 years experience At Wisconsin, he produced multiple defenses that either led the nation in a major defensive category or were in the top 10 in said categories Also helped produce multiple major award winners like Chris Borland and Joe Schobert, and a B1G defensive PotY in Borland He won a national title as a DC at LSU He is 15-3 in the last two seasons as a HC at Baylor, including a Big 12 Championship title in his second year He knows the B1G well Has a reputation for being very detail-oriented As with any coach, there are some reasons to not like him (and reasonable questions about if he'd even want the NU job).
  18. I agree is HC history is quite short but it's hard not to be impressed with what he's done at Baylor in such a short time. Personally, my biggest questions surrounding him are less about his abilities/resume and more about his interest. Baylor is a good fit for him right now. He's in the thick of good recruiting territory, football expectations are fairly moderate, they've had a better name for themselves over the last decade or so, and he's getting paid a little over $4 million/year. Would he want the more fish bowl mentality at NU? Would he want the recruiting challenges? He may not, even with what would likely be a fairly high salary (in comparison to his current one).
  19. I'm impressed - I noted as much above. I think that's fair. To be clear, I think if he wants to get into the FBS level, he's on the path to doing so. I just think he is probably among the most outlandish candidates mentioned to this point, and I agree - he won't be hired at NU.
  20. Agreed. Maybe this is just some semantics about what constitutes a "splash hire," but if Trev is OK giving up $7.5 million to let a coach go three weeks early then I don't think we need to be overly fluxed about cost. Nebraska is probably going to be willing to go at or north of what Frost was making each year, and they're certainly going to pay well above whatever a current head coach is making if they decide to come to Nebraska.
  21. You're getting unnecessarily defensive. Obviously you're welcome to speak your mind, just like everyone here is welcome to disagree. I don't necessarily disagree with your logic about why some winning coaches may not want to come to Nebraska if they're currently having success, but you painted an incredibly broad brush about 'winning coaches' not wanting to come to Nebraska, even calling it a quicksand job. Unless there's some kind of quote or evidence that coaches think this, then that sounds awfully like a projection. Few people, with a straight face, are looking at Frost or Riley and thinking they got a short end of the stick. Chances are that a number of winning coaches would jump at the opportunity to coach at a university like Nebraska, particularly some P5 ones if the money is right. Yeah, the recent W/L record at NU sucks, but you dangle a high enough salary, pretty good recruiting capabilities/resources, the brand new facilities, the fan base, and some job security in the contract, I stand by what I said - there will be a good coach willing to jump into that quicksand. The college football world is a wild one. So, we'll see how it shakes out. If Nebraska ends up targeting a number of successful winning P5 coaches and strikes out on every single one then I will come back here and eat crow.
  22. One could easily argue Deion is a bigger risk than Frost was five years ago. Deion has really wowed some folks with his recruiting accomplishments, took JSU to an 11-2 record last year and won a conference championship. They're 3-0 or 4-0 to start this season and they had one guy drafted last year, first time since 2008. So he's done an objectively good job IMO. But, this is all at the FCS level, he's a year two coach, he has no proof of program stability/maintenance, he has zero division one coaching experience, and to my knowledge he's never even coached against a power five school. He should AT LEAST have some power five/FBS experience under his belt for a job like Nebraska, particularly in relation to the kind of money that will likely be available for whomever the coach is.
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