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Danny Bateman

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Everything posted by Danny Bateman

  1. That one might have pissed me off more than anything else.
  2. I've never heard him give specifics on how to fix anything other than saying he's going to build a wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it. I've been following his facebook page for quite awhile now. I'm an undecided voter, he needs to start appealing to me by giving me a shred of what he plans on doing. Now, he may unveil all of that if/when he wins the republican nomination and that's my hope. That he has a plan and hasn't come out and said it yet because he's only waiting so he can unveil it once he gets the nomination. I claim no party, I've voted for both parties in the past. Obviously based on what I said earlier I'll not be voting Democrat if Sanders or Clinton gets the nomination, which is likely. So I'll be paying close attention to what happens with the race. His tactics with his campaign are very obvious and very simple. People are afraid, they don't know what's going on, so he uses that to his advantage and it's working so far. Believe it or not, I felt compelled earlier today to read through Trump's policy proposals on his website today. Someone linked to them on Reddit (I was arguing there that he never goes into detail) and I thought, what the hell, I'll go straight to the source. He has five policy sections on his website: U.S.-China Trade Reform VA Reform Tax Reform Second Amendment Rights Immigration Reform I found that he wants to cut corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, increases the taxes in the bracket which I would fall into (he wants to reduce from 7 brackets to 4), overhaul VA care by allowing vets to bring the ID card to "any doctor or care facility that accepts Medicare to get the care they need immediately" and is going to make Mexico to build a wall by withholding payments and increasing fees on law-abiding Mexicans crossing over into the United States. So, as we can see, fear confirmed: Donald Trump is a moron, and has no clue.
  3. What in the hell is he talking about exactly, after the protesters leave? I don't understand the point he's trying to make. He's just blathering on. "He's not wearing one of those hats, is he?" : I'm fairly sure Donald doesn't know the word "turban," so of course he opts for something more simplistic. "He never will, he never will." : He literally IS, RIGHT NOW, Donald. What's more, turbans worn by thousands of Middle-Eastern and Eastern born Americans every day. A federal court ruled they're fine in the military. Is he planning on implementing a turban ban. "People all over the world are talking about it." : What? "They say you're doing a great service." : ??? Furthermore, there's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPkHW0mA8O4?t=720 "And the day we leave Iraq, it's gonna be... forget about it." Wolf: "What would you do in the Middle East?" Donald: "The one thing I'd do... is take the oil." Complaints about past mistakes, says nothing of any substance, complains about Iraqi politicians, talks some history until... W: "How aggressive would you be?" D: "I don't want to tell you, we need to be unpredictable!" This man has no. Effing. Clue. He tries to hide the fact he has no idea how to actually talk any legitimate military tactic under the guise of being unpredictable, and does so poorly.
  4. Hmmm. Astute observation. I think perhaps Cav is eyeing the mini-bar.
  5. Anybody have any experience using Costco or Sam's Club? Trying to decide if I want a membership to either.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Eric the Red

      Eric the Red

      100% Costco all day.....return policy is insane

    3. macroboy


      Love Costco!! It's the jam!


    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      We've done Sam's for a long time. I would do it for no other reason than their meat but we also get other things. Their beef and pork is 2nd to none, at least around here. Just got some choice ribeyes $6.98/Lb. Some stuff you can get as good of a deal at Walmart or other grocery store but we easily pay for the membership fee. Have not tried Costco.

  6. Most everything about your post, and about Trump, is ludicrous and crazy. I don't like Clinton but she wouldn't do near as much damage as Trump would. It's crazy to think that a sexist, racist, flip flopping, pretend Christian, pretend Pro-Lifer, arrogant conceited a-hole who could have made more money if he'd just put his original $200 million in mutual funds is going to do anything at all to "change America for the better." I'd also add Trump likely has undiagnosed Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Here's the criteria from the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual, the DSM-5. You make the call:
  7. Sounds like that woman was just out to get you man. You're 100% right... It's just straight up biological development differences in body composition that leads to women developing bodies that cannot typically physically outperform a man. What makes me upset is when people use the guise of "being PC" to hide behind a nonsensical argument or try to defeat a legitimate one. That's exactly what that woman was doing. But not everyone does it. A good, judicious person would do it when it is actually legitimate. For example, Trump's comment about Kelly "bleeding out her... whatever" is not PC because it is openly sexist. It's overtly obvious what he meant, and any person that would say such a thing (and mean it) comes off as sexist and immature, rightfully so. Much less a politician that would do so. Essentially, I think there's a lot of gray area when you talk about "PC," gray area between legitimate criticism and openly being sexist, racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. It bothers the hell out of me when people exploit that gray area to stifle others saying legitimate things about controversial subjects, but I have no problem with people rightfully crying foul if someone has crossed the line. Everyone's line is drawn in a different spot, which is another problem. Lastly, there's truth to the notion that some people dislike Obama simply because he's a black man. Unfortunate, but true. But that's JUST the racists. Other people like him for legitimate reasons, and that's fine. Painting with a broad brush is usually inaccurate.
  8. TGH, that DeLay guy is crooked as hell. One glance at his Wikipedia page told me I could dismiss him as a source. He was involved with Abramoff big time and seems to have taken under the table stuff on other occasions as well. Given that he's so slimy and the only one saying that about the FBI, I could honestly see it as a lame attempt to try to slander the Hillary. Landlord, an argument against the Samders v. Pubs polling I heard recently is that it doesn't matter too much right now. National polls are predictive of very little at this point, and Sanders numbers don't take into account the attack ads the Pubs would draw up to try to hurt Bernie. I like his platform, but unfortunately he is susceptible to attack on a variety of things. Moiraine has a point on one of them- to a skeptic, Bernie can come off as a crotchety old man up there ranting. I thought I had heard at one point the $19 trillion number wasn't accurate. But I couldn't find anything to suggest otherwise. Anyone know? Landlord?
  9. Trump would be a disaster as president on a variety of levels. BRI, you nailed my practical issue with him and his candidacy- from what I've seen (and it's been quite a bit), his failure to clearly articulate any type of legitimate, specific plan is a huge issue. He spends so much time trying to get headlines by gloating about his poll numbers or taking shots at his opponents that he never seems to say anything. He complains or brags, but doesn't explain anything. When he does try to get into issues, he speaks in broad sweeping statements (I.e., "We need to be strong on ________"). I can't vote for a guy who doesn't seem to have any actual plan. Unless he's purposely obscuring it to reveal specifics later, it ruins him from a practical sense for me. Beyond that, personally, I could never vote for someone I deem to be of such absolutely terrible character for president. Moiraine, it legitimately worries me if Trump were to win as well. Worst case scenario, he wins and appoints other political "outsiders" to fill his cabinet. Trump, surrounded by cronies for a cabinet, with a Republican congress, could set progressive movements and programs back noticeably or in some cases, shelve them completely. If Trump were to maintain his current demeanor, foreign relations would be a nightmare.
  10. I'd be OK with this. Jackson to MSU/ Farniok N/ buddies to Iowa
  11. Man, I hope MSU and Iowa staffs were in other rooms and each took a turn. If they were all in the same room-- Oy. Let's lock Matt up! Get this guy N!
  12. This may work to our advantage. Hopefully this season bought Ferentz a ton more rope.
  13. This is gonna be a guy we love to hate if he turns into anything at Iowa.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lyons in the Sea of Red.

      Lyons in the Sea of Red.

      Guy grew up in gangland. I was hoping football here would have provided him an opportunity to stay away from that life.

    3. Landlord


      Ricky had an ESPN gameday special a few years back detailing how he could essentially never go home because he'd be killed. He's still outrunning his demons.

    4. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      He seems pretty well off in Lincoln. Let's hope he gets straightened out. I like this guy a lot.

  14. This. He's also showing some sociopathic tendencies. That, of course, could just be staged for publicity, but regardless, Trump seems to legtimately have 1+ psychological disorders going on. He's drunk from his sense of power. Very much looking forward to him being destroyed verbally and tactfully-- coming soon, to a stage near you!
  15. Let's not forget that all civil rights movements of any minority group that we now view as equal started off in the fledgling stages, as you see with transgendered people going through today. Just because it's always been that way previously isn't justification to cling to that same ignorant, uncompromising standpoint. What we're seeing now with the advent of the term "PC" is a dangerous faction of people who feel they're protected and can continue being hateful to others because "free speech." You're just telling it "like it is." No, you're clinging to antiquated notions of the way human beings behave and being an ass. In other news, I felt this was relevant. This derp is REAL, and is REALLY from our HS valedictorian. Zoogs, feel free to remove if this is somehow impermissible. I've redacted any identifiers: Sorry about the size.
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