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Everything posted by bsbch

  1. I get the running out of numbers thing but personally feel #15 is a legend's number and should an exception. A lot of good players have come and gone (and will) but what TF accomplished is second to none. IMO
  2. I can't believe NU hasn't retired #15 yet.
  3. Over/under 14 I bet Bo would have to fight off the brood of stoop' for that gig....
  4. Niles sure dropped the ball there!!! (pun intended)
  5. It's Bo's first go-round with HIS own staff. We give him as much time as it takes.
  6. As if there was any doubt......Suuuhhhhhhhhh!!!
  7. I read on another board that it was due to his 2 neck surgeries. Hope that's not the case. He's a good coach and a good role model.
  8. This just came out of left field....anyone know this was coming??? :-)
  9. Can you imagine Bo, Carl and Manginoplasty going off on the refs all at once?? Boom...
  10. I've learned how quickly a man can be humbled (or crucified) for posting something that reads like a fact but does not have supporting facts, links, etc. Quite the learning experience. That said, great board and the first website I look at every day. Great way to separate the facts from the bs hater rumors! GBR!!
  11. Live on ESPN. He's saying all the right things but you know deep down he's thinking "Oh Sh!t"
  12. Alex is an All American but couldn't get All Big 12! Nice.......
  13. I have a coat autographed by Brook,Tommie and Lawrence Phillips. Now too small for me, too big for my wife, and years away from fitting my 2 small boys. Still a great day getting it and a hell of a souvenir!!
  14. I heard that when the cop wanted to cuff him, Ricky ran and dove at him with his arms at his sides. He bounced off and the cop kept going.
  15. 20. Tmart surprised them. They will defend him better this time. O has not been very consistent since then. Don't get me wrong, I see us winning, but mainly because of our defense. UW has improved as the season went along. Have we??
  16. I live in Des Moines and this is a hot topic. Funny though this still leads to nothing but comments like "Ferentz is the best coach in America and NU can't talk due to Lawrence Phillips". Sorry folks.......poop rolls downhill.......
  17. Who cares if he breaks the record this year??? He will just destroy it again next year!!!!
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