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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. This will be a good championship matchup. Michigan hasn't seen a QB this good combined with a complete receiving corp this good. Penix just dropping dimes on the sideline all game long is fun to watch. I just don't think Dub has a defense capable of winning a championship. Which is too bad because I f#&%in hate Michigan.
  2. Oh, I know! He's trying to drag us into proxy wars again, but his "allies" are never very competent.
  3. That play was never going to sniff the end zone. Michigan had leverage on both edges, and the pulling guard didn't even touch the safety who filled. I don't know why you wouldn't check into an RPO or rollout to the field and give your QB options. A zone read to the field is probably a score if they kept the RB in. Also, did I see Michigan players run to the Bama sideline and taunt them as the game ended? Classy...
  4. BRIC threats to the US. Probably. And US response to BRIC. Probably.
  5. Gotta admit I'm extremely ignorant on these guys. Did they get cruise missiles from Iran or something? I just assumed we were dealing with the Taliban on boats.
  6. Not sure how that's any different than the original lyrics. Not to mention they have all their lovely FJB gear on full display at all times.
  7. No, but when you piss off the masses you tend not to stay in power (or alive) for too much longer.
  8. Interesting... You'd think of Central and South American countries as heavily Christian and predominantly Catholic. You'd have to have a pretty iron fist to mess with those institutions there.
  9. It's worth it for the gas alone.
  10. His brother too. Remember that whole thing with them throwing shade at Nebraska?
  11. Sir, that's a tweed sweater...
  12. But you did... First it was the blank check statement that you walked back. Then it was the pensions. Next that EU countries should give more. Finally that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. All of it is half truths that Russia wants people to believe in to sow distrust and remove support for Ukraine. None of that was necessary to say you think we should be spending less.
  13. And the country overwhelmingly voted out that corruption with Zelensky. Russia did not like that, and here we are... The yatch comment wasn't something you said, but it's a right wing talking point, like almost everything you keep bringing up to qualify your opinion. You have a valid opinion. It doesn't need to be qualified with constant misinformation, whataboutisms, and Russian propaganda.
  14. I mean that's a reasonable position, and the amount of spending does give me heart burn, but why does it need to be qualified with false statements about blank checks, EU countries not doing enough, money going to pensions or yatchs or corruption?
  15. Same problem as the F-16s. They're most effective when you already have air superiority. Neither side has come close to achieving that. This is the perfect conflict for stealth technologies, and the fact that Russia hasn't really deployed the Felon beyond their own borders is very telling about how few they have operational and how "stealth" it truly is.
  16. I just don't know what these are going to do other than increase the size of their Air Force. It's a great platform, but I don't see it being a game changer with modern AA capabilities.
  17. Sure, we are giving more in aggregate but that's not really a far comparison when the US has a larger economy/budget/ability to give. Adjusted as a percentage of GDP the EU as a whole would be out pacing the US, and there are several individual European countries that are giving more than the US as well. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/
  18. How much more should they step it up? Because Europe has sent a large amount of support to Ukraine.
  19. The overwhelming majority of the billions sent to Ukraine is direct military and humanitarian aid, not cash. The cash that has been paid funds all kind of things to sustain daily life in the country: first responders, teachers, healthcare, housing for displaced people, etc. And yes it does help support pensions, because guess what, if those old pensioners don't get their money they will be homeless or starving, and die.
  20. Nothing really sus about this. Basically she bought at the price that guarantees a profit as soon as the price increases about 10 bucks a share. The benefits of being rich... One call right now at $120 for 12/20/24 would cost you over $37k.
  21. It's achy breakup heart with different words.
  22. In before the complaints that gas isn't $2/gallon.
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