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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. You didn't outright say they were bad, but you're comparing the behavior to alcoholism and drug use, two self destructive behaviors. You're right you can be a good person and still be an addict, but how is homosexuality in anyway self destructive? How am I making a definitive moral claim? Tell me how homosexuality is self destructive. Do you spend all your money on it? Lose a job because of it's grip on you? Destroy your body because of it? Does it eventually kill you? Comprehension or interpretation? I do love the way you berate people you see as less intellectual than yourself.
  2. Except that race and sexual activity are not comparable. At all. What's your definition, and why should gays have to be tolerated? Why can't you just love and accept your fellow man for what he or she is? People on HuskerBoard tolerate me, because I have a propensity to say some stupid sh#t. Most people on HuskerBoard accept gays for what they are, because there is nothing wrong with being gay. Matt Chandler is promoting tolerance of gays, because their sin is just as sinful as any other sin. That's dumb. The whole idea of sin is dumb, and it's straight insulting to gays to compare their sexuality to something like murder or bestiality. It's just a way to hide hate in a pretty package. Hating gay people is hate, regardless of what the Bible or any other holy book says. How would you feel if the Bible said it was a sin to have sexual relations with someone a year younger than you, but those are the women you're attracted to? How would you feel if 33 states had laws that say you couldn't marry a woman a year younger than you? How would you feel if millions, perhaps billions, of people across the world hated you just because you are attracted to women a year younger than you? You'd probably feel pretty bad, huh? If you can't accept two men because they like to do the dirty with each other, then you just need to grow up. I'm sure they accept you for all the sins you're guilty of. First of all - it's not gay people that Christianity 'tolerates' - it's homosexual behavior, at least ideally. People get this wrong all the time, but speaking for myself and for plenty of others, but it is not homosexual people that we think are wrong. Second, I do love my fellow men, to about the same extent as most humans do, but love and acceptance are not the same thing, and I don't accept any quality of the people I love that I think is wrong or harmful. My friend Jon is unreliable to make plans with and I want better for him. My friend Dez has a drinking problem and I'm not going to just let that slide without trying to help. People can be self-destructive and have character and personality traits that and real love of your fellow man is loving them for who they are, but it isn't JUST loving them as they are - it's also wanting more for them and coming alongside them to encourage them towards being better people. Like you said though, those are self destructive behaviors. Homosexuality isn't a self destructive behavior any more than heterosexuality is. Again you're saying that they're "bad people", that's probably not how you intended but that's what you just said. I just hope you believe it's immoral to wear clothing made of two kinds of material, to plant two kinds of seed in your field, or that those who work on the sabbath should be put to death.
  3. There not as flashy but I thought the Army helmets with The Battle of the Bulge on them were sweet.
  4. Found one of my old yo-yos cleaning up some old boxes today. Do kids even know what these are anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod
    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      I'm pretty sure my kid has one. He also has a Rubik's Cube. Watching how to solve a Rubik's Cube on YouTube sort of ruined the mystique. It's surprisingly easy.

    4. ZRod


      They were really popular when I was around 10 and now you hardly see kids with them anymore. Damn iStuff!

  5. Just hope it doesn't turn into 26. Still livin in your parent's basement? Shhhh!
  6. Just hope it doesn't turn into 26.
  7. The basketball game I went to this year I was able to get on BTN2Go and check replays for fouls and injuries to see what really happen. It was pretty cool. The people around me appreciated it as well when I showed them.
  8. So you just admitted to writing a troll post, getting a rise out of the "Bo-lievers". Sure. If you say so bud. Or how about I wrote it not with the intention, but with the full knowledge that a couple specific dudes would find it offensive. Does your opinion on a matter change simply because you feel you may offend someone? Mine doesn't. Was it a mistake though?
  9. The only modern recorded concert I've watched was the Foo Fighters from Whembley. But other than older artist who aren't around any more like Elvis, The Who, Zepplin, etc. I don't really watch recorded concerts, just the music videos.
  10. Are you guys really going to argue semantics for the rest of the night? Josh Banderas committed a crime that he likely believes to be a serious mistake now. How's that?
  11. If it was something that he's worked for his entire life, why did he put it in jeopardy quite nonchalantly? I agree we don't need a $1000 punishment for $5 crime but if his hard work has any value to him whatsoever, he sure didn't treat it with that kinda respect. He made a mistake. And those usually come with a price. He'll pay his dues to society and on the football team. I don't think he deserves to get kicked off the team, but a game or two suspension and a heavy dose of stadium steps are in order. It's a good thing he didn't steal from anyone on the team because if it did his butt would be gone before he walked out of the jailhouse. We had a kid steal from our team in high school and nobody would talk to him afterwards. He was a pretty talkative and fun guy but it was a totally different dynamic afterwards, almost toxic. Being a thief is a pretty low thing in society, especially when it's someone's personal property. I can cut him a little slack since he probably assumed they were UNL's bikes at that point, but people have a hard time trusting you once you've been caught stealing from others.
  12. Yeah, I know. I just really don't see the relevance. They could have just as likely been heavily intoxicated outside of the stadium and caused the issues when they came in.
  13. The difference is what's in the trash becomes public property, a chained bike either belongs to it's owner or possibly in this case the university.
  14. And those are a few examples out of the hundreds of millions of fans that attend games each year...
  15. Meh, happened when I was a kid and my dad took me to games. If you go to a sporting event anywhere it's pretty much expected.
  16. On the flip side, some people probably get blasted so they can keep a buzz the whole game. Maybe now they could go a little easier and not get so messed up.
  17. Normally I would be the wait and see type but this seems pretty clear cut. Like Knap said, not much can explain this one away. The problem is there is a possibility that he is innocent, or the charges make it sound much worse than it is. For all we know he had his bike stolen, and realized that the row of bikes contained his and others that belong to teammates that also had theirs stolen. Went out got a bolt cutter and took them back. Regardless of the circumstances anyone who is charged with a crime, is innocent until proven guilty. I find it strange we are so quick to pass judgement on a kid without knowing any real facts. I understand there's the possibility, but it's not really a murder mystery, and to put yourself in that situation in the first place was stupid. Someone saw them in the act, the guys were picked up with bikes that weren't theirs, in possession of burglar's tools (but aren't we all?), and let out on bail. Those my friend are the facts, and they seem pretty damning on their own. I feel like they probably wouldn't have have been charged and let out on bail if the cops and attorneys felt like there was a prank going on.
  18. you are just the worst.Somewhere, deep down, in the depths of my heart, I care about what you say. And it hurts. reported, myself. Honesty and integrity. Accountability in fact. +1
  19. Normally I would be the wait and see type but this seems pretty clear cut. Like Knap said, not much can explain this one away.
  20. Kind of makes me curious about the time I saw him riding a bike away from the rec last year.
  21. Don't you mean SO, SO WHITE AS THE WHITEST SNOW?
  22. you are just the worst. Somewhere, deep down, in the depths of my heart, I care about what you say. And it hurts.
  23. Anybody else find the iPhone 5s commercial extremely annoying?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZRod


      Probably. The kid is a dinosaur and walks through the blocks. They launch rockets etc.

    3. GSG


      I find just about every Apple commercial annoying

    4. ZRod


      Well they used to actually have good music on them, and I could respect that. Now not so much.

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