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Everything posted by commando

  1. but we are not suppose to compare them to nazis.
  2. imagine if you will...what would trump and the republican party be screaming if it was the democrats doing the audit without any republicans there. fox news would meltdown
  3. 2/3 of the republican party thinks biden is a senile imbecile. 2/3 also think he is the mastermind who led the steal of the election from the infallible god king
  4. the trumplican party declared war on the republican party a long time ago. most republicans have surrendered to them. liz stood against them and paid the price.
  5. the republican party won't ever allow anything to happen towards any common sense solutions towards this problem. obama in 8 years implemented 1 item towards solving this.....i forget if it was an EO or how it passed....but he had a system to allow government agencies to better communicate on who shouldn't have guns. it was hailed as a huge victory by the NRA and the republican party when trump overturned that limited action. we are going to continue with the onslaught because the NRA and gun manufacturers make huge money from gun sales and the republican party gets a lot of that money donated to them to continue to allow the slaughter...er...umm...profits...... to continue.
  6. who put the curse on me.   covid in january....now i ruptured my achiilles.   out of work for at least 12 weeks now.  i thought 2020 was bad.....2021 said hold my beer.   

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Dang. Sorry to hear that. Ruptured Achilles does not sound pleasant.

    2. ladyhawke


      Feel better soon! My husband had that happen to him a few years ago!  Just do everything they tell you!

  7. what is your simple solution besides to allow the mass shootings to continue unabated?
  8. who's? the shooters rights to collect as many weapons as possible so he can commit these crimes when he wants to? the rights of the victims to not get shot by a crazy person armed with whatever gun he prefers to use to kill them with?
  9. thank god the mass shooters rights override the rights of the victims.
  10. i wonder what mitch thinks about that arizona political exercise?
  11. looks like the trumpsters are still trying to litigate the last election without actually taking anything to court with them to prove their case. i thought most of them were over trump when he took nothing to court besides allegations
  12. can we add trumps voter fraud into this thread?
  13. after 4 years of trump building the military into the biggest baddest american military ever?
  14. if trump believed it was antifa on the day it happened...he would have called in all branches of the military to squash it as fast as he could tweet out the orders
  15. yes...but it might start the civil war the alt right wants if they did so.
  16. trials are ongoing for the victims who bought into trumps big con.....not for his fellow con men who pushed the Big Lie
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