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Everything posted by commando

  1. trump is essentially preaching that everything everyone but him has done was evil and only he can save us....he wants us to fall into that trap.
  2. i wish them every success possible against that idiot
  3. click on it and listen for yourself...it's unbelievable.
  4. it's the OJ Simpson defense. put the police on trial. it's also a favorite mob defense.
  5. i wonder how long until reporters start tripping out of upper floor windows around here?
  6. there are rules against using the DOJ to look into your political opponents. i doubt they did what trump is accusing them of. and i doubt they will do it now that he demands they do exactly what he is accusing them of doing.
  7. Putin has already won. спасибо, Донни
  8. well that doesnt fit the agenda
  9. yep...lots of links turned up in a search. here is the first link. lots of comments from people who agree with him that its all a hoax with crisis actors. go to it and see if you want to give him the clicks. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=RXN3MUDWH799
  10. thanks. that's it. i remember the crowd giving a nice cheer when Frank was on the screen.
  11. lol....i know it's fake....but still lol
  12. i seem to recall frankie showing up on the big screen at memorial stadium and the crowd gave a very nice cheer to him a few years back. if anyone can help my old time memory and either prove or disprove that thought i would appreciate it
  13. right now we all view scott as some sort of 2nd coming so i don't have the status to question his choices. if frost is interested in him......i will not object.
  14. very sorry to hear about your friend moiraine...and i wish i had an answer. it seems there are lots of things we could improve on somehow
  15. i am a bit of a gun dork. i have my trusty old shotgun that i like to hunt with and maybe shoot some sporting clays (very fun IMO). but i think we have some very stupid gun laws that need to be looked at. we won't be able to stop all the nutjobs so i think we have to try to limit the damage they can do. bump stocks and large capacity magazines need to be banned or seriously controlled. we can at least try to limit the high body counts the wackos so desperately crave.
  16. a bunch of kids have just been shot so i am going to put on my red hat and carry the flag to bask in the glory. YEE HAW!!!! MAGA!!!!!
  17. how long until some conspiracy group claims sante fe was another hoax?
  18. maybe if he had taken his gun out and shot someone he could have been elected president.
  19. he really should wear ear plugs next time he goes swimming in the ocean
  20. now now...we all know dead kids are the price we have to pay for our gun freedom. to think any differently is unpatriotic. BANG! BANG! YEEHAW!!!! MURICA!!!
  21. clintons impeachment took 5 years. donnie and the trumpettes still have a ways to go.
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