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Everything posted by commando

  1. must be tough on those guys who cant enjoy a football season unless they think we are going to win it all.
  2. have to make room for those russian security guards
  3. can we build a big beautiful jail for donnie and gang....and have the trump foundation pay for it?
  4. it's almost football season...time for the Bo birds to sing their songs again.
  5. i believe that he was taking to the voices in his own head
  6. wait...did we figure out which came first between the chicken or the egg already?
  7. if you would tell the truth rather than a ton of BS nobody would care if you tweeted Donnie boy
  8. pushing the white nationalists agenda a bit further https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/01/us/politics/trump-affirmative-action-universities.html The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants, according to a document obtained by The New York Times.
  9. trump doesn't like being in the white house https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-members-jersey-golf-club-213226530.html
  10. in all his tweets he never mentions the russians expelling our diplomats. something tells me that might be a big enough deal to warrant at least 1 tweet
  11. i don't have any more alarm bells to ring for this administration and i even bought extras to try to keep up with it all.
  12. fwiw...only about 30% of electricity in the US is generated by coal
  13. That's because it's not a human right. It's not only a product/service, it's a luxury. Even California couldn't pass socialized medicine because it was going to more than double their state budget. And offering other people's money to pay for things (at gunpoint) is not compassionate. It's morally reprehensible. the poor don't deserve to live.
  14. Just stop. I know plenty of people who have been affected by that exact situation. just stop? really?
  15. T.O.somehow managed to survive years of the expert husker fans calling for him to be fired for not winning enough.....guess those husker fans had kids to take their place pissing and moaning about the huskers.
  16. No...there are no more excuses for the coaches. I think you are missing what I am saying. Years one and two there were "excuses" so that things were not blamed on Riley. Those are now all gone. So a crappy season this year falls on him. Well....from the "expectations" thread, it sounds like if we don't win a championship the season sucks. So, if the season sucks because we didn't win a championship, then Riley needs to be held accountable and fired.....because there is no reasonable excuse for having a bad season. Glad to know now that it's championship or he needs to be fired. I guess I agree with you. Win it all or can him. can i negative rep this post?
  17. If my house crumbles from an earthquake and that's not covered in my policy, then what? I guess we'd better socialize home owners insurance also. Just so you know, earthquake is typically excluded from your standard home insurance policy. You have to purchase that coverage, at least in Nebraska you do. It's weird, each state has different insurance departments that allow companies to create their own guidelines. Nothing really standardized nationally. flood damage is also a separate coverage and much more likely to hit people.
  18. Scale matters. Please explain... You gonna claim with a straight face that the amount or extent to which Obama "lied" about healthcare (or could even articulate his positions or knowledge about ti) is proportional to that of Trump? Considering EVERYTHING Obama told us about the ACA was a lie and he knew it... Yes. And that's not extremely debatable... everything? holy schmidt!!! now i know you are full of right wing propaganda clouding your beliefs. most of what he said was true. he was wrong about some of the things that got implemented but overall he was fairly truthful about it. next you will tell me obama was born in kenya and was a muslim. lol
  19. freedom!!!! who needs insurance? charity will take care of everything! i am dropping it all tomorrow! thanks for showing us the ;light wutwutwut
  20. if you have ever been at a scene where a car load of drunk kids was involved in an accident you would want to do anything possible to prevent it from happening to any other kids.
  21. Scale matters. Please explain... You gonna claim with a straight face that the amount or extent to which Obama "lied" about healthcare (or could even articulate his positions or knowledge about ti) is proportional to that of Trump? trump has 0 idea what the republican plans were....he just knew that as long as it was repealing "obama" care he would sign it. he would sign it if it killed 30,000,000 americans just so he could say he repealed obamacare. anything with obamas name on it must die in a fire as far as trump is concerned.
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