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Everything posted by commando

  1. according to the universal translator he means "Don't take that babbling old fool seriously"
  2. Here i something very important about this argument and image the administration is trying to put out. That's one big fat lie/misinformation. The administration can't completely repeal the ACA because they don't have 60 votes in the Senate. So, they can only legally affect certain parts of the bill. What is in the little pile on the table is simply the legislation that changes the big bill. It doesn't REPLACE the big bill. So....much of what is in the big bill is still going to be there. So....in essence, you would need to combine the two piles on the table. a fwiw......that pile is only phase 1. phase 2 and phase 3 are still to be written.
  3. Because killing babies is abhorrentBut killing mothers and babies is cool? Show me the actual epidemic of pregnancies killing the mother, and I might reconsider my views. from zoogs p[ost earlier in this thread https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/02/21/us-life-expectancy-will-soon-be-on-par-with-mexicos-and-croatias/?utm_term=.6daba90c50cb Not so in the United States. “Notable among poor-performing countries is the USA,” the researchers wrote, “whose life expectancy at birth is already lower than most other high-income countries, and is projected to fall further behind, such that its 2030 life expectancy at birth might be similar to the Czech Republic for men, and Croatia and Mexico for women.” The reasons for the United States' lag are well known. It has the highest infant and maternal mortality rates of any of the countries in the study, and the highest obesity rate. It is the only one without universal health insurance coverage and has the “largest share of unmet health-care needs due to financial costs,” the researchers wrote.
  4. Nice blanket statement, but wiki and trump aren't actively trying to kill those that disagree with their ideology. who is actively trying to kill who? ISIS is trying to kill...everyone lol....you implied someone other than isis.
  5. Nice blanket statement, but wiki and trump aren't actively trying to kill those that disagree with their ideology. who is actively trying to kill who?
  6. What does this have to do with Trump? a giant crooked global corporation? what doesn't it have to do with trump?
  7. Are they still keeping the death panels to decide who gets on the train? of course they will finally set up those panels
  8. coming to a city near you...Donnies Death Camps!!! trains leaving soon. allll abooaaard!!!
  9. Breitbart? the propaganda machine of nazis and kkk members? nice.
  10. everything bad about trumps bill is obamas fault. everything else is bigly good
  11. wikileaks and donald trump are doing more damage to the united states than ISIS could ever hope to do.
  12. a $500 iphone is nothing compared to the cost of health insurance now....and he is implying with this statement that costs are going to go up. i thought trump said trumpcare would cost less and cover more?
  13. fwiw...he will increase corporate values by a lot with him deregulating everything and slashing their taxes. how could a company not profit from less labor laws, less taxes, and fewer regulations to comply with? of course there will be a price for america to pay for the larger corporate gains but the people won't mind
  14. it's a good thing the CEO's don't have kids or grand kids that would like a clean glass of water to drink or clean air to breathe in the future. all those $$$'s might be able to make up for those small things.
  15. so it's all just a diversion from the russian involvement investigation?
  16. i once bench pressed 10 pounds 65 times...
  17. i think it was something reported on fox that set this off
  18. he has made saturday night live great again!!!
  19. the evolutionary process of turkeys turning into turkey vultures?
  20. it was sent to more than 1 person if i am reading it right
  21. Counter-point: Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin (dang is that fun to say) sends his constituents a cease-and-desist letter. the elitists slob doesn't need to talk to the people he represents.
  22. screw both the republican and democratic parties. neither seems interested in anything other than demonizing the other party.
  23. i am grateful for president snowflake making saturday night live great again
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