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Everything posted by commando

  1. Are you old enough to remember the Fraternity vs GDI snowball fights from the 1980s? Those had WAY more action than this. As "riots" go this was exceedingly tame. http://journalstar.com/news/local/demonstrators-protest-outside-phi-gamma-delta/article_92b5b8d4-c035-5926-b546-254311720e60.html the fijis bravely ran away
  2. Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid You step out of line, the man come and take you away Read more: Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth Lyrics | MetroLyrics
  3. i have 2. i was in college when the Dukes of Hazard was a popular show on tv and i was constantly being told that i looked like Bo Duke. http://prntscr.com/e1iq0m the other isn't really a person...but my kids thought it was a picture of me on the brawny paper towel rolls (until they changed the picture a few years ago.) http://prntscr.com/e1iqat
  4. Maybe. On the other hand if he says this stuff enlugh and enough people start to beleive it maybe he can just take over the government. I mean, how do the common people find out election results? We watch the news he's calling fake. hmmm.....according to the donald the news is all fake news. according to the news trump won the election. so it's fake news that donald won the election? interesting results if we continue down that rabbit hole....
  5. the baylor boards are full of fans saying its all fake news or liberal media targetting them. also have lots of accusations saying the girls were all prostitutes who are just after $$$. and still others claiming that its the texas board of regents setting them up. the players and coaches are all perfect little angels.
  6. want to bet that trump names everyone who signs this as an enemy of the state?
  7. 1 hour of "you're going to pay for this wall" "no I'm not" "you're going to pay for this wall" "no I'm not" "you're going to pay for this wall" "no I'm not" "you're going to pay for this wall" "no I'm not" "you're going to pay for this wall" "no I'm not" "you're going to pay for this wall" "no I'm not" "you're going to pay for this wall" "no I'm not"
  8. these boys should look at this as a life learning experience. if they want to be cocky a$$hole$ they can expect retaliation
  9. can any trump supporters explain how this would work out for me? i want to build a new fence around my yard and have my neighbor pay for it. do i have to send them the bill or does my contractor send it to them?
  10. waiting for the donnie tweet to see how he responds.
  11. Really? This is your proof that his business interests are the deciding factor for which countries he is banning muslim immigration from and which he is allowing it? Looks to me like he has identified the correct countries and the ones with the most potential problems. It is worth noting that 2016 saw a record influx of Muslim immigration to the US and the first year ever that Muslim immigration exceeded Christian immigration. None of those 7 countries would be defined as friendly to the US, whereas I think Saudi Arabia does fit that category. Trump has interests in about 144 companies in 25 different countries. Is it really hard to believe that he does not in what are arguably the 7 unfriendliest countries to the US? I don't see how this proves his business interests have one thing to do with his policy as regards this. I guess we could hold it against him that he doesn't do business in more countries or that he didn't ban more countries but that wouldn't be very consistent with also vilifying him for placing a temporary ban from any country or claiming he is too involved globally. The fact that he does have business interests in a couple countries that possibly could have been worthy of the list is, like I originally said, quite the stretch. Pretty weak sauce IMO. 15 of the 19 sept. 11 terrorists were saudi I know this. We also operate military bases in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi's have historically cooperated with the US government. If I recall, I think we based our Desert Storm operations out of their country and they also provided troops to the coalition. And they happen to be a pretty huge player in our countries Mideast oil interests. Still, none of this proves that his personal business interests have one thing to do with this policy decision. There are plenty of things he can be legitimately criticized for. Why the tendency to criticize absolutely everything, even the things that make pretty damn good sense? if most of the terrorists who have done the most damage in the u.s. have come from saudi arabia it makes no sense to not ban them also IMO. but hey...herr Trump knows everything about everything so never mind what makes sense or no sense to me.
  12. Really? This is your proof that his business interests are the deciding factor for which countries he is banning muslim immigration from and which he is allowing it? Looks to me like he has identified the correct countries and the ones with the most potential problems. It is worth noting that 2016 saw a record influx of Muslim immigration to the US and the first year ever that Muslim immigration exceeded Christian immigration. None of those 7 countries would be defined as friendly to the US, whereas I think Saudi Arabia does fit that category. Trump has interests in about 144 companies in 25 different countries. Is it really hard to believe that he does not in what are arguably the 7 unfriendliest countries to the US? I don't see how this proves his business interests have one thing to do with his policy as regards this. I guess we could hold it against him that he doesn't do business in more countries or that he didn't ban more countries but that wouldn't be very consistent with also vilifying him for placing a temporary ban from any country or claiming he is too involved globally. The fact that he does have business interests in a couple countries that possibly could have been worthy of the list is, like I originally said, quite the stretch. Pretty weak sauce IMO. 15 of the 19 sept. 11 terrorists were saudi edit to add....so was Bin Laden
  13. I'm sure it is just a coincidence. can't do anything that would hurt his bottom line.
  14. scientific facts are fake news and alt facts are the new truth welcome to the trump presidency
  15. take it easy on BRI...he was not the only person duped by Grump
  16. Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and.... 6:10 AM - 25 Jan 2017 20,34420,344 Retweets 91,24691,246 likes https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/824227824903090176 0 "Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates into dehumanization. Too often, we judg
  17. they are warning us about the immigrants in the same way Hitler and the Nazis were warning about the danger of the jews.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDAmPIq29ro
  19. since voter fraud is so rampant trump decides to stop the voting and he will declare himself president for life
  20. they don't mention trump at all. just stating scientific facts. but we know that alt facts are in charge now
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