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Everything posted by commando

  1. those cones might have been useful when he was grabbing something else earlier in life.
  2. AND ... all tweets the Badlands put out today have been deleted. censorship at its finest. this is the new america we live in
  3. i thought wiki leaks was the preferred outlet of the trump team
  4. well...she did say she was going to blow everyone who voted for hillary. if she is already done with all that blowing she can probably blow down the white house
  5. makes you wonder what Trump wants to hide from the american public
  6. fwiw.....i am starting to believe (fear...whatever) that trump is going to do away with obamacare and not replace it with anything. he is all about his bottom line and nothing else. unless he can make a profit from a new health care plan it will not happen.
  7. meanwhile..the news is stuck on the crazy claim of illegal voters and ignoring the new censorship of federal employees.
  8. more of trumps alternative facts?
  9. sieg hiel !!! sieg hiel !!! sieg hiel !!!!
  10. many times tom was offered a pay raise and he would decline the pay and ask that it be given to his assistants instead.
  11. is this real? i can see grump wanting this after the park service released those photos...but is this possible? Yes, they even issued an "apology" for "miistaken retweets"... so the parks service has learned.....sieg hiel!!!
  12. is this real? i can see grump wanting this after the park service released those photos...but is this possible?
  13. we dont have any nose tackles? going to be tough to win with only 10 defenders on the field
  14. Hypothetically if Trump loses the electoral vote in 2020, will it even be a challenge for Trump to say the media is lying about election numbers? And will the Republicans go along with it and let him stay in office? somewhere Baghdad Bob is smiling
  15. judging from the evidence on the street i would guess the horses were following Trump.
  16. the trump youth are really hammering him on his comment page.
  17. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/russian-for-dummies-andrew-kaufman/1012389909?ean=9781118127698&st=PLA&sid=BNB_DRS_Core+Shopping+Books_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP62465
  18. i think he is saying he comes from a naturally strong family
  19. We should force everyone who nominates, 2nds and/or votes for him to spend a month engaging him in conversation. you support torture?
  20. to be honest....i think it's more likely that his political rivals will disappear
  21. our orange russian puppet will support his master.
  22. that recruit had absolutely nothing to do with that score so he really is talking out of his ___.
  23. Honestly, I think the GOP will be the ones to start the impeachment process. They have to be. The only way he'd get impeached is if it was their idea. you are right moraine....if the democrats start the impeachment process he will ban the democratic party.
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