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Everything posted by gobiggergoredder

  1. Replace 'business owner' with 'plantation master' and 'teacher' with 'slave' and it all starts to make sense.
  2. To the contrary, it seems like you like the dude. This board starts a thread, that had a ton of posts, when someone mispells America in a Romney ad and then wants to look the other way as the Great Emperor again tests the waters of class warefare. Something is wrong with that. What else would you expect of a Kenyan that has held government positions his entire life? Live off the govmint.....the new Amercian Dream.
  3. As the son of a small business owner I find these comments disgusting. The purpose of this retoric is to divide this country. Drive a wedge between those that believe they are owed something versus those that go out and make it happen. My father is successful because of his skills and hard work.
  4. I would love to see the data on this one. A study I found concluded that 45,000 Americans die a year due to a lack of health insurance. According to The Nation Counterterrorism Center 17 American citizens died from terrorist attacks in 2011. Link Link I applaud you effort. Many throw out statements and accept their opinion as fact. I will be honest with you though (and now I get into my opinion), this article is bunk. There first two paragraphs paint the picture for the entire article. The fundamental flaw in both your argument and the article is that no health care killed these people. I think this argument parallels gun control control. I don't want my whole argument to hinge on that technicality. I personally know of two adequately insured people that weren't feeling well, didn't go to the doctor and within months had heart attacks. Who do we blame for those instances? People with insurance still don't go to the doctor. It still costs a lot of money. I also have issue with the state 'according to their family'. According to their family, every gang banger on KETV-7 was getting ready to turn their life around prior to getting gun down for selling drug. Right or wrong, the American Public Health Association, who is providing the 45K number, clearly has skin in this game. It happens all the time, but a simple search of the APHA will give you a their stance on this issue.
  5. Just wanted to add that I lost all respect for Guida last week.
  6. Sounds like an insurance deal, but it is pretty lame. Sounds like the lady and her husband are looking for a payday. Link
  7. I am hesitant to say that my kids will never do something like this because you just never know. I believe that my wife and I had have built a foundation of respect. My oldest is 10 and if I found that he was responsible for something like this I would physically take it as far as I could 'legally'. I would then have him humilate himself. It would be for a long duration. How....I don't know, but you should never treat another person that way. My blood boils watching it.
  8. Did you see this part? I think that is deserving of belittling. Perhaps you disagree. You think that it's over in favor of Romney? The same Romney who has repeatedly refused to state that he would reverse this order if elected? Well . . . alright. Point #1 'Wetback' - You Win Point #2 - it is over for Romney
  9. Go on. . . Omg, do I really need too? California is essentially a Mexican state/province right "now" and I saw very, very little desire to adapt/assimilate from them. Untold thousands don't speak a word of English and couldn't care less. Even worse, they're Catholics and breed like rats in a cage. Start with two in a nice neighborhood and in no time they're everywhere. Cars parked in the front lawn, old rusted junkers laying around, about 14 families in each house & the local property values plummet. Gangbangers with loud, LOUD Mexican music, Mexican flags on every car windshield, knives & guns on every street. Imo the USA does NOT need more immigrates. That was fine 100 to 200 years ago but not now. We've got boatloads of highly skilled engineers, architects, etc without jobs. Bringing in endless thousands of wetbacks makes things better? I don't think so. I say give California back to the Federal-es. Let "them" support the millions of Mexican welfare recipients. The state is broke and overrun.....cut our losses now. Did they took yur jeb? Is that the best you can do? Someone talks about their experience with an issue and you belittle them. It baffles me even more so that our President has told government agencies to ignore the law. Whether you agree with the issue at hand is irrelevant. Obama has set it up for Romney and he has done nothing. This election is over.
  10. Where is option #4? 4. The absence of personal accountability.
  11. Is there a website for everything?
  12. I'm going to assume you meant to add "for me" From what I've heard, Weight Watchers focuses on calories with no regard for macro or micronutrients Nope, i meant period
  13. Weight Watchers is the only thing that works long term
  14. Mine isn't done yet, but I'm close. Will post video when I get it together. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxW6Oxh-Mos
  15. You sir are 100% wrong. Our economy struggles do the lack of good jobs for people that have a high school diploma and want to work hard (manufacturing). That has nothing to do with unions. It has everything to do with unfree trade. Because of unfree trade, it is cheaper to make poor quality product in other countries. We (American's) would rather pay a few bucks less for the crap made in China. Corporations have been breaking unions for years because you have no chance of competing on the world stage. I worked at a facility that was built to bust a union in the 60's. Yes, as in 1960's. We were the highest producing facility in our 'niche' for decades. A lot of people, at all levels, made a lot of money. Methodologies like 'lean' and 'just in time' must be flexible and the union environment isn't. Production workers at Toyota-USA, Hyundai or Nissan work for $25-$35 per hour with benefits producing vehicles that people want. There are theories around that the GM bailout was to avoid bankrupcy. Some say it is almost certain GM and Chrysler would have been able to blow up the union contracts that they were under had they gone the bankrupcy route. Too big to fail, saving the union contract or both?...you decide. At the end of the day I think we are to blame. We buy crap and have no problem with unfree trade. I'm really not trying to pick on you, but your analysis is just lazy. Why don't you tell us about how a guy use to make a ton of money working for a company that made steam engines or horse drawn carriages? Times change. This is a Carlfense X = Y argument. Global temperatures are rising while union membership is declining. That means global temperatures would go down if more people joined unions.
  16. Suspended again --> Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H1vLdIZWmM
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