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Everything posted by Cina

  1. A little under a foot of snow, and another snow day. And it's national signing day. If someone drops a kitten off at my apartment my day will be complete.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cina


      Super jealous. My landlord has forbidden my crazy cat lady tendencies.

    3. Landlord


      I have done no such thing.

    4. Cina


      Somehow I knew that was coming.

  2. Tried to go out and measure the snow on my deck again, but my door was frozen shut. Let's just go with, "a lot".

  3. So far on this snow day, much Mario Kart and Doctor Who have been accomplished.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cina


      I see your Goldeneye and raise you a Perfect Dark.

    3. Hoosker


      Well done. I might have to dust my 64 off and open up a bottle of peppermint schnapps

    4. tschu


      Double Dash is highly underrated.

  4. I have a lot of family in MN, and back when Atlanta was freaking out because it was 30 degrees (or something therabouts), my cousin made the comment, "It was 30 degrees here today and my kids were mad that I still made them wear coats to school."
  5. Not living in Lincoln sucks when you spent the first twenty years of your life going to almost every Nebrasketball game. Love these wins but I feel like I just attended the birth of my child via Skype.

    1. VectorVictor


      No, that moment will come when we finally win a GD NCAA tourney game or the B1G (Conference or Tourney).


      Last night was akin to seeing the ultrasound and finding out the sex of the child, IMO.

  6. He really looked the part, too. You have to be kitten me. You cut it out right meow, you hear? Don't stop the puns now, I was feline cheerful.
  7. C'mon though, most of Taft's imperial orders were just to get people to help pry him out of the tub.
  8. You see? You see what you're missing Deverell?
  9. I wonder how hard it is for John Boehner to resist giving Obama rabbit ears.

    1. kozzman555


      I wonder how hard it is for Obama to resist John's Boehner

  10. What's weird is the vigilantes might actually be less inept (more ept?) than the regular police force. At least for a while. But my guess is, if the cartels can corrupt the Mexican police, they can corrupt the legitimized-but-probably-not-paid-a-salary vigilante force. I'll have to ask my friend about this, she lives in a pretty crappy part of Mexico doing missionary work.
  11. This seems like it would be hard to screw up, but I said that about roundabouts too.
  12. Nominate teachercd (and if I find out he is on some invisible team list already... )
  13. Played pictionary telephone with a bunch of high schoolers this morning. Not a single one drew male genitalia. #winning #zippityzophipphoppin'jellopudding

  14. Eating Casey's breakfast pizza for the first time. My life will never be the same.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Cina


      Taco pizza has lettuce on it though, right? I don't eat vegetables, they're yucky.

    3. ShawnWatson
    4. True2tRA


      Casey's pizza is awesome. The breakfast pizza is good stuff. I've always loved the BBQ beef pizza but I just tried the Chicken Bacon Ranch last weekend. Dayum. It was delicioso.

  15. If I ask for the password to the shed am I going to go to hell? :/

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. StPaulHusker


      You may not go to hell but you will need to take a shower after reading the threads

    3. NUance


      Ha ha! You should have read it last week Cina. It was all about YOU!



    4. Cina


      Surely I haven't been around long enough to garner that much ire. That is until I start that "bring back Callahan" thread I've been meaning to write.

  16. The more important question is, how did Landlord vote for the first one five times?
  17. Seems pretty black and white to me. You're either a sunshine pumper or a fair-weather fan. No in betweens. You can't have it both ways. No cake! NO eating it too!
  18. Agreed. It's when Bob McFootball misses the game-winning catch and someone makes a post about the merits of pushing him in front of a train. And thankfully Huskerboard frowns on that.
  19. I think that the Pinn, right now, MAYBE brings an edge over memorial. I love basketball probably more than the average Nebraskan (I liked husker hoops before it was cool, guys.) With our shiny new arena and our shiny new Tim Miles, people are coming in droves. Which is awesome (I guess, although being a hipster I liked it when less people showed up to games and I could sneak down to better seats after the first half). But the Bob wasn't a very intimidating house to come into, and the PBA (or the pinn, or the bank, or "what's that weird space ship by the trains daddy?") wouldn't be without the crowds. And I'm not super convinced the crowds will remain this high, although things are certainly looking up. I still voted for Memorial because it's consistently sold out and consistently has lots of people. PBA is new and still swathed in mystery.
  20. As Harvey Dent once said, you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. I know you think he made the right decision, and I do too. Going out on top was the right move for him. We've seen plenty of instances where coaches stick around probably longer than they should, despite having success (Phil Fulmer and Bobby Bowden come to mind). If TO had taken over after Callahan, there's way too many what ifs involved for me to think we could have an honest discussion. Now, I do think we probably pull in another championship or two if TO stays on awhile longer than '97. I agree, there are way too many ifs involved. But the main "if" i'm concerned with is, would the fans be having this discussion if the record remained the same?
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