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Everything posted by Moiraine

  1. Hopefully they're just trying to get him well healed before the tougher games. We have a bye next week so this is a good chance to do it.
  2. What is desperate? Your attempt to make her every action seem worse than it actually is. What is being made worse than it is? Every act you try to make sound really important and bad. Oh, it's so terrible that she honored the sanctity of marriage. What a terrible person! This is not some trivial thing....her husband raped multiple women and she covered for him and sought to trash the women who were victims. I just think it's ironic many on here who are claiming that people who have been mistreated and victimized have a right to be heard as has been the case in the protest dialogues, yet in these cases where Bill has never once apologized, you just want to dismiss it as "desperate." You're doing it again.
  3. Did she not talk dirty the right way for you? You bring up the weirdest crap and you're starting to come off as sexist. If you don't want to come off that way don't make posts like the porno transcript post. Nothing about her being in porn or having sex on Big Brother has any relation to how Trump treated her.
  4. This seems pretty silly to me. Now any time an American does something bad in another country do we get to pay for it when that countrt makes a similar law?
  5. What a hard head. http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/28/politics/donald-trump-debate-reaction/index.html
  6. What is desperate? Your attempt to make her every action seem worse than it actually is. What is being made worse than it is? Every act you try to make sound really important and bad. Oh, it's so terrible that she honored the sanctity of marriage. What a terrible person!
  7. What is desperate? Your attempt to make her every action seem worse than it actually is.
  8. What do you do now? (I'm a statistician). As for me, I changed my mind so often while in school. I really wanted to be a dietitian but you have to do an internship while in school (at least at UNL) and the internships are super competitive, so a lot of people go to school for it and don't end up with a degree. That scared me too much so I changed my mind. Another would be computer programmer making video games. And: First female NFL punter of course. Punter has to be the best job in the world. If you screw up, nobody remembers 10 minutes later. If you do well, everyone's happy. You rarely get tackled.
  9. I think the main difference is that he would be pointing out discretions of her husband - not Hillary. She has not said one thing (or threatened to) about Melania, Ivana or the other one. And if she did? Oh boy .... I can't even imagine. I hadn't thought of it until now but what a huge double standard. Even if Melania had be accused of something awful, for Clinton to talk about it the way Trump has about Bill, she would be called names, jokes would be made about cat fights, she'd be told she's jealous, we'd never hear the end of it.
  10. I wonder if Trump raised his hand. Here's an article from June. Trump supposedly became a Christian very recently. How convenient for that to coincide with his run for President. http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/26/politics/donald-trump-james-dobson-baby-christian/index.html
  11. Ya, it was a dumb statement. She can't predict what will happen in the future.
  12. Most people don't believe the crap said about ALL of those. That doesn't mean people think they don't have a problem with lying. Some of those I haven't even heard of, because I'm not obsessed with crazy conspiracy theories about the Clintons. Do you seriously want me to believe they've had people murdered? No thanks.
  13. It's their right to do so as guaranteed by the constitution of the United States. When I took an oath for service it was to defend the constitution of the United States. That means every veteran has a moral obligation to see protests as PROTECTED SPEECH that we should DEFEND. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Armed_Forces_oath_of_enlistment I do not need to be education on the oath, I lived it myself. It is not a protected speech burning a flag. You asked him to clarify it, then when he did you told him not to educate you. Apparently he can't win. He sitting there giving me F*cking links, I know the oath, he needs to explain why burn the flag? Like I said before, he explained himself perfectly clearly. He believes in peoples' right to burn the flag. He's explained why he feels that way. Furthermore it has been explained that it's legal in the U.S. Now you're just nagging. You also left out the "right" part to make it sound like he supported burning the flag, which is not true.
  14. Yes it is. It is an act , not a speech - Wog The flag of the United States is sometimes symbolically burned, often in protest of the policies of the American government, both within the country and abroad. The United States Supreme Court in Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), and reaffirmed in U.S. v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990), has ruled that due to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state, or municipality) to prohibit the desecration of a flag, due to its status as "symbolic speech."
  15. It's their right to do so as guaranteed by the constitution of the United States. When I took an oath for service it was to defend the constitution of the United States. That means every veteran has a moral obligation to see protests as PROTECTED SPEECH that we should DEFEND. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Armed_Forces_oath_of_enlistment I do not need to be education on the oath, I lived it myself. It is not a protected speech burning a flag. You asked him to clarify it, then when he did you told him not to educate you. Apparently he can't win.
  16. He already clarified it. And he said he supported their right to burn it. Pretty important word you left out there.
  17. I'm sorry for your loss. I've always preferred Toast'ems. And I believe in nothing if not food with no nutritional value, so my favorite flavor is:
  18. "...and though their men were heavier, the home team more than made up in activity." lol
  19. I don't find that sad at all. And if your text (I don't know how that would accomplish whatever your goal is) got the attention of a large number of people who normally wouldn't listen to you, I'd say have at it. Although I'd say that's quite a bit worse than doing it during the national anthem. I just don't hold a symbol/song for a country as something sacred. When people say Grace they are either talking to God or think they are talking to God.
  20. This is a political topic that happens to include football players. It has nothing to do with the game of football. I'm sorry but if this isn't about the game of football then neither is the passing of someone who coached here nor is the Team Jack stuff.
  21. I think you're missing the point here. The options for protesting either piss people off (wrongly) or everyone ignores them.
  22. The reason for choosing the anthem as a time for protest is going to vary by individual. First, it's about drawing attention to the issue. Second, it's about drawing attention to the fact that the issue is a national one. If you're an athlete who wants to draw attention to an issue of national importance, protesting during the anthem is going to accomplish that. Finally, if many athletes perform the same or similar protest, it will get more attention. So now that kneeling in protest has brought attention, more athletes doing it will continue to bring more attention and keep that attention for longer. Of course, these are just my opinions. Kind of like I said in my response to Moraine, is it worth pissing off half of the population? The other half of the population that they don't piss off were probably on their side in the first place. The people that they did piss off are not going to change their minds, it is only going to make matters worse because they disagree with kneeling during the anthem. Sure it brings attention to the issue, but is it positive or negative? I've yet to see a protest that wouldn't piss off those people. Everyone says do it some other way. Well, the other ways are ways that everyone ignores. It's not like this is a new problem we're facing. It's been a problem for a long, long time and hasn't improved a lot.
  23. I think your answer is in how much attention this has gotten, and also the reaction to when people actually do have peaceful protests out on the street. One thing I hadn't thought of until literally at this moment was how MLK protested in the streets. This could open a whole can of worms. I don't agree with people running onto the freeway and blocking the highway. But I have a feeling MLK didn't get the rights from the city council to hold a parade in those towns. I'm guessing they just went and did it. I think people would react similarly to this but it wouldn't get nationwide attention so it wouldn't be as effective as what these players are doing. I wonder what would happen if a parade was requested on O Street in Lincoln for this. I will not argue the fact that this has gotten a crap ton of attention, because it obviously has. Why else would we be talking about it. However, it is in such a controversial way that it can almost be thought of as selfish. Had CK done it once, issued a statement similar to what MRI did, and then let that be that and get back to standing, that would have garnered enough national attention. As for the parade down O Street, assuming it would be without permission, that would be a disturbance arrest regardless of race. If it was with permission, then that would be that. But you were just referring to peaceful protests in the 1960s. When I think peaceful protests in the 1960s, I think of MLK in leading large groups of people through city streets, in the deep south where the city council would not have approved it.
  24. Correct...and if you are posting about how upset you were/are and or how embarrassed you were/are...it is a pretty high level. If not, I would hate to see what a high level looked like... Probably look like Bo! I don't think posting about it means someone has... high level embarrassment. I mean, people post the littlest crap that annoys them on the internet. Message boards are partially for complaining about things no one in real life really wants to hear from anybody because they're not that important
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