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Everything posted by okaive

  1. Take the money. I know a lot of people with a bachelors and masters that are begging for jobs. 3 mil can buy more then you can imagine Jo matter what city you are in if you manage it right. Sverige doesn't need a 3k sq ft house with 5 cars. Everyone in those cities don't make 6 figures let Alone 7 and live very well there.
  2. To add to this, when I was stationed in jax, fl. We had a resturant that we took over and was able to pit up all NU stuff on the wall. My dad (lives in NE) was in fl then traveled to VA for the VT game. He said it was a btw convoy of RVs from Fl to VA with NU flags or airbrush on the sides. We are everywhere and to me I think we are 2nd on the list to UT. I have been stationed all over the US and really didn't see much except for home teams of that state except the two teams I mentioned.
  3. I live in Oklahoma City and I am still amazed at how many people I run into that have Husker stickers on their vehicles or have the shirts in bars.
  4. Think? Hell they left and you don't hear anything about CU at all in the media.
  5. No. The article is about reassuring insecure Texas fans that they're better than Nebraska, and that we're actually worse off without them. In these paragraphs, where does it say that they are better then us? It looks to me that they are wanting us for the competition. Only thing they say that they will be better is the money which they would have gotten with or without us in the Big12. maybe I am just missing what all of you are seeing (except akita).
  6. Couldn't stand the replacements, but more then likely due to my hate of Keneau Reeves. And if I Spelled his name wrong, I could care less.
  7. As much as I hate to say this: why wouldn't he compare the two? It's a Texas paper and out of all the Texas teams, who was nebraska's rival from there? He did give Nebraska props in a suttle way saying that Texas really won't have a hard time anymore with the rest of the teams (altough he didn't mention OU).
  8. Be glad you only have 2. I have a 7 1/2 hr drive.
  9. Love this movie. Also if you never seen Playmakers, it is a great espn series. To bad it only lasted one season.
  10. Man Brian's Song should be #1 in my book.
  11. So much for delany's purposal of going back an hour.
  12. We are way behind (not as bad as Miami though hahahah)
  13. I will definitely miss the big 12 games for one reason. I live in OKC, so 4 away games were very close to me. Not anymore.
  14. Colorado was a rivalry for one game and then we just snubbed our noses at them. We never cared about that game unless it was a decision if we went to the CCG or not. I hope Iowa doesn't turn out to be like CU. I would like to have my Turkey knowing that we have a good game waiting for us the next day instead of thinking it is just another day but at the stadium.
  15. he said. "I haven't heard a negative thing from fans, coaches, administrators, presidents, everybody." Delany must not have been on Iowa's forums or he would have rephrased the fans part (since we are the cause to everything that changed in their eyes). But do agree that it would be awesome if they had the Baseball in Omaha. Atleast it will give purpose of building the damn thing anyway.
  16. Usually I don't come up and watch on the non-conf games, but looks like I will have to make an exception on this one.
  17. Okay, I'll bite. 1st: Doing my favorite hobby. 2nd: On a pro-team while stationed in Japan. 3rd: Hanging out (One in the glasses, and that is my streetbike in front)
  18. Wait, the OSU thread was moved and this wasn't? By the way, 13 is a lucky number.
  19. I needed a laugh this morning. Thanks.
  20. Sometimes? We always do, you just don't always see it.
  21. Mine is driving 7hrs to the game and trying to stay awake. While there, no problems being awake until I get in the car to go back home.
  22. All I read and cared about in that article is how much the Giants are glad to have him ontheir team. Good luck Prince.
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