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Status Updates posted by schriznoeder

  1. The Senate is currently invoking the so-called "nuclear option" to end debate on SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch. It's a sad day for American politics.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. knapplc


      Check your history. This procedure is nearly 100 years old and was made popular in its current form by Republicans in 2005.

    3. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Disagree. Republicans seem to have brought about the judicial dysfunction by blockading tons of Obama lower court picks, leading to the Democrats threatening to nuke the filibuster.


      Are they just supposed to accept that NO judicial appointments can be made PERIOD unless Mitch McConnell approves of them? Because that seems to be a major stretch of parliamentary procedure.

    4. ZRod


      Eh, so my history is murky, but the Dems have done it before under Obama, they continued the can of worms. If they would just take the high ground and not react the GOP would be a dead by now.

  2. The Sock Puppet is back!

  3. There’s a NetJets flight from Greenville, SC (30 miles from #Clemson) scheduled to land in Lincoln today at 2:30. #sillyseason #ChadMorris

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      Also a Netjets coming in from Fort Lauderdale. That is actually more interesting considering where SE came from. Al Golden???

    3. schriznoeder


      @Junior - The Wikipedia post is hilarious. Almost as good as the one for Beck over the weekend - "Following continued poor coaching and play calling Beck was fired in 2014 . He is now rumored to coach a fantasy football team with Carl Pelini and John Papuchis.


      @C N Red - I saw that one too. Very interesting. Also one from San Francisco landed yesterday afternoon. The Niner's were playing at the same time, but perhaps David Shaw? I can dream!

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Please God, not Al Golden.

  4. This Ireland vs. Sweden match is highly entertaining.

  5. Thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the Brussels terrorist attacks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      Trump is our only hope

    3. NUance


      Then we are DOOMED!

    4. TAKODA


      Prayers and condolences for sure!

  6. Ugh... #grandslam

  7. When did Kelsey Robinson get so hot? I mean, I've always thought she was cute. But now checking out her social media, she's definitely upped her game. https://www.instagram.com/p/7n6EdjRgK7/?taken-by=krobin32

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Haspula


      lyles is better

    3. NUance


      Not me. I don't stalk her anymore since she got that injunction.

    4. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      She got the TMagic bump

  8. Zach Johnson! 'Merica!

    1. NUance


      Had him on my fantasy team. 'Murica!

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