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Everything posted by Omaha-Husker

  1. While we are talking about schools and Covid I found this to be fascinating. Naperville a suburb of Chicago is actually giving back $10 million to taxpayers due to savings from the past year. To be fair Naperville is a rather wealthy community that likely had less hurdles than other lower income districts. https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/naperville-sun/ct-nvs-naperville-203-tax-reimbursement-st-0122-20210121-gm2kpwam4jepbpzxksitwp5ugm-story.html
  2. There is essentially the CWS happening in Dallas this weekend. Rangers have a new dome so the cold wont matter, they pushed it a day later already, but it appears they are moving forward. It doesn't appear there was much scheduled in Texas this weekend outside of that. A good event in the Austin area the next weekend I would guess still goes on.
  3. What I honestly don't get about the Cruz thing beyond the obvious bad optics is even if he couldn't do anything substantial to help right away natural disasters are perfect photo ops for politicians! Shake a few hands, look all bundled up in a coat in the snow talking to an official, hand out water or blankets or something, hug someone looking distressed, boom easy ad for the next race. Cold view of the world, but I mean that has to be in the intro class to running for office. He did it in 2018 with Hurricane Harvey, so he has the playbook.
  4. Good hands for Nebraska, but Maryland is also being incredibly lazy with the ball. Need to win games where the other team turns it over like this.
  5. Prepping myself to finish the next week of nonstop Husker hoops after watching this past week.
  6. The book and Emmy were both such Bush "Mission Accomplished" moments for me. Like guys we aren't done with this and your state has the 2nd highest death rate! Maybe just wait with the awards and lessons on leadership books until we actually figure out how to end this and see how the dust settles with the actions that were taken. The likely answer will be that pretty much everyone did a lot of things wrong.
  7. So was hiding Covid data a chapter in that self congratulatory book Cuomo wrote?
  8. Wiscy shot 32% from the field and 28% from 3 and Nebraska got smoked. That is pathetic.
  9. Yeah was just typing he's got the tools just needs to be refined. Webster really should have lobbed that to him on that last play. Trust he will go get it.
  10. That is true. Really the high number of NE politics being officially nonpartisan make it easier to be independent here too. Not near familiar enough with how other states do things at the local level to know if that is common or not.
  11. My biggest problem with being registered independent is the primary issue. Nebraska rules get kind of confusing for indys. Here you can request a party ballot to participate in primaries by state law we are allowed to vote in senate and house primaries. The state Dems allow independents to vote for president as well, the state GOP does not.
  12. No kidding that ballpark and the softball field has to be as good as it gets for an athletic program at that level. Hell its probably as good as if not better than half the B1G facilities. Should be great for UNO, if I remember right they played at 6 different fields in Omaha in 2019 due to scheduling/rainout/availability. It has got to be hard to recruit to play at a city park like they are in little league. Looking forward to a beer at Pauli's then walking over to a game in the future for sure.
  13. Mahomes went full Elf on this throw and hit the guy in the face, no catch. I swear he had like 6 of these insane throws that guys dropped.
  14. Can I claim Shaq Barrett for UNO?
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