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Everything posted by mrandyk

  1. I think there was enough evidence to impeach him before he even took the oath.
  2. Does any meaningful change come from this abhorrent leadership?
  3. You want them to give credence to his bulls#!t diversions? Interesting.
  4. Pensions give me the same feeling that Social Security does. Fund it my whole life, then find it's not there when I'm supposed to collect it (I'm 40 years away from the current full-benefit retirement age). Please just give me the money instead so that I may be responsible with my own retirement.
  5. Did you read the report? Me neither, but I still believe we can change courses away from the future where everyone dies a global warming/pollution related death.
  6. Correct. The major outlets have a ton of obituaries written up for when someone suddenly kicks the bucket. From time to time these get published accidentally, or based on false info, but it makes sense for them to have these prepared as very little is going to change between now and when they are needed.
  7. This should just about do it for Miles. It's going to take an insane tear down the stretch to save his job now.
  8. They gave a second chance to the one team you can't give one to.
  9. What? You don't like the anti-climatic finish of only one team having the opportunity to break the tie?
  10. NFL overtime rules are absolute garbage. Why would you put so much weight on a coin toss?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Toe


      Yep, it's retarculous.

    3. mrandyk


      They allow the game to go on if the first possession ends in a FG. They recognized that it's unfair to not give both teams a chance, and still f#&%ed up that rule change.

    4. Moiraine


      They should have just copied the college OT rules.

  11. Enrolling in a pension seems like a gamble for so many reasons, when investing for retirement is never supposed to be a gamble. My employer merged into a different company starting on January 1, and instead of offering any sort of reasonable 401K match (capped at $1,000 annually, when I was getting 6% previously) this new company has a pension plan. It has me looking for a new job. Basically no one in the private sector has a pension anymore and I managed to get stuck with one of those few employers.
  12. Wouldn't a better deterrent to illegal immigration be to make it feasible for people to immigrate here? Every account I've heard of immigration to the US has sounded like an absolute nightmare. We would avoid the cost of a pointless wall, gain tax revenue from those who would have come illegally, and foster a stronger sense of community across our population.
  13. I assumed this would be the logic, but we could make the peace sign or any number of other hand gestures into anything we want by this logic.
  14. Someone's going to have to explain to me how that is a white power symbol. It's a very common hand symbol, one I use frequently, and I've never once heard it associated with white power before.
  15. Let's assume I don't know anyone that is an employee of the federal government, how long would the government have to be shut down before I ever notice? How long would it take for an average citizen to be impacted personally?
  16. Facts have a liberal bias, and should be disregarded.
  17. Having watched 4 years of Craig Smith at USD very closely (Miles' top assistant for 10 years between NDSU, CSU, and Nebraska) it was very apparent that X's and O's weren't his strength. He was able to be the "hype man" type of guy who got some great talent to campus, but he was always prone to being outcoached by his opponents. Lots of disappointing losses when you knew the other team had less talent. Sounds pretty similar to what has been going on here.
  18. Trump is their guy, leader of their team, and acknowledging Russia's actions would cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election. I wouldn't even call it willful ignorance. They've got their news sources that they like, and said sources will never touch this in a truly critical light. Anyone else reporting or commenting on the treason at hand is a left wing nutjob to them, because that's how their media and elected officials have painted things for such a long time.
  19. I was quite a few beers deep last night. Very eloquent thought there. Love getting back online in the morning and wondering why I thought I should share whatever I did. Response was meant for the posts regarding farmers screwing themselves by voting Republican, while holding a holier than thou attitude. Seeing people inherit a good living instead of earning one is something that bothers me. Whether it be falling into the family farm or having connected parents place them into roles they don't deserve. My generalization on the farmers we are generally referring to is people receiving a great living because they were born on a plot of land and have a big head from it. There is zero sympathy from me if those same people have their unearned livelihood threatened by their own support of the Republican party. Not everyone fits the bill, and I may be over-generalizing, but the point stands that Republican voters should take a hard look at what they are actually voting for.
  20. Lotta mentions about farmers here. I grew up on a farm, it's still in the family. All that I've really got to say is f#&% farmers. No one should inherit their livelihood. Zero sympathy from me if those people are impacted by...anything.
  21. No. Bezos only recently passed gates as the most wealthy.
  22. Were they married in Washington? That's a community property state. I know next to nothing about divorce, but wouldn't that suggest the wealth is to be divided in two?
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