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Abdullah the Butcher

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Everything posted by Abdullah the Butcher

  1. Not according to the last few years of court rulings.
  2. LJS Article This is, perhaps, the scariest precedent this pipeline is setting. For the government to approve of this is disgusting. In a surprise twist you can blame the liberal justices for private use eminent domain.http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2014/03/12/the-devastation-caused-eminent-domain-abuse/yWsy0MNEZ91TM94PYQIh0L/story.html I remember that ruling. Utterly awful. And I don't know why that would be considered a surprise. The "surprise" part is that it was the liberals and not conservatives who sided with big business.
  3. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2014/02/24/foreign-company-tries-to-seize-u-s-land-for-keystone-pipeline/
  4. LJS Article This is, perhaps, the scariest precedent this pipeline is setting. For the government to approve of this is disgusting. In a surprise twist you can blame the liberal justices for private use eminent domain. http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2014/03/12/the-devastation-caused-eminent-domain-abuse/yWsy0MNEZ91TM94PYQIh0L/story.html
  5. http://m.omaha.com/huskers/recruiting-nebraska-looking-at-tight-numbers-to-finish-class/article_de2e25e0-a192-11e4-9311-8b34daf49592.html?mode=jqm
  6. I suppose the black players can relate to the black coaches better, especially when they are all former players. Not that it should matter but it probably does. All the coaches are fairly young also.
  7. Creighton has lost 7 straight, going for #8 tonight, good times.

    1. Minnesota_husker
    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      And NU lost to them. SMFH

  8. I was thinking Roger Murdock, since he was a great pilot and all.And mods, thanks for the change. Edit: Nevermind, I went with someone that speaks my language instead. Is your signature intentionally wrong?
  9. Below are sample questions that would likely appear on the new Arizona civics exam. According to the Foss Institute, less than 5% of Arizona and Oklahoma high school students passed the full version of a similar test, which was given in a far easier multiple choice format. Can you pass it? http://civicseducationinitiative.com/take-the-test/
  10. Mechanically separated turkey for dinner, fine dining

    1. Marf


      I'll mechanically separate something' alright.

  11. I got bored after awhile, is there no end to the questions?
  12. Can't believe he'd have to sit out another year, he just sat out a year. He already used his redshirt. Plus transfer rules apply. Why do transfer rules apply if he wasn't even in school?
  13. With such a small group I don't think the gay community would garner enough support for an amendment. Although the general public opinion of gay marriage had been increasing lately.
  14. You can get a lot of ink for that kind of dough And pay your utility bills, it's the best of both worlds.
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