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Creighton Duke

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Everything posted by Creighton Duke

  1. Bernie about to feel that burn: http://freebeacon.com/politics/sanders-and-wife-steered-campaign-nonprofit-money-to-family-and-friends/
  2. On that note, Mr. Dynamite probably said it best!
  3. It may be a good idea to remove that status update, then. Also, can you link me to where federal troops/units were deployed to Ferguson or Baltimore as you alluded to in this and other posts?
  4. I looked for quite a while to find timelines and accurate reports of how/when/where/why/etc. things went down in those situations. What I've found for certain is that the Missouri governor militarized the police force and called in the National Guard in advance and anticipation of the announcement that the grand jury would not be indicting Darren Wilson. There is no need to escalate the situation in Oregon, I agree. But the way you word it doesn't seem right, because the armed response was never actually called for in response, or actually a response - it was put in place well before any protests and/or riots had even taken place. Maybe they had good info or reasoning to expect things to get violent. Race/skin color absolutely has something to do with it, unless you really think a group of armed Muslims holing up in a federal building threatening to use force or kill would be dealt with the exact same way. When you make statements like these is when I really begin to wonder about your knowledge of history or certain operating procedures present in different government outfits, in this case, a state government. Let's see...have we seen a situation in history where the "wrong" verdict led to violent riots, destruction of property, etc...? Well yeah! Many times, with perhaps the most notable being after the Rodney King ruling. Would it make too much sense that the honorable governor of a state would (easily) deduce a similar situation brewing and take measures to activate additional protective services personnel in response? Why do you think that these situations were the first of their kind? In terms of you wanting to inject race, yet again, you failed to respond to my comment from your status update (I didn't really expect a response since it would likely contrast with your narrative somewhere), but I also want to know if you feel as though state governors are "racist" against wild fires, tornadoes, floods, large crowds, etc. when they mobilize their state national guards, sometimes in tactical equipment (gasp!) to deal with such threats. Were they also racist in Chicago in 1968 or at Kent State in 1970? I would suggest reading up on such events throughout history as well as on the procedure for activating national guard units to get a better idea of what's going on here. However, if you'd prefer to make ignorant and borderline offensive status updates, then just keep doing what you're doing!
  5. Nothing to see here. No real reason to watch. Alabama is going to pound them.
  6. TCU making it a game. Regarding next season, Oregon has not scored since Adams (a senior) went out. Could bode well for the game next year.
  7. Yes. 9-3 or better. Teaching the wrong lessons by rewarding mediocrity with a trip, rings, and expensive "goody bags".
  8. So much hate for the SEC on here. How many of y'all are engaging in insider trading??!!

    1. NUance


      What the.. Oh I get it. lol



    2. huKSer


      Wait a SEC . . .

  9. Wow. Alabama smoked 'em. HOWEVER. The Huskers scored a point more than 'Bama did!

  10. Wow. That was smoke city.

  11. I had the Big 10 winning 2 total bowl games. The crow tastes DELICIOUS!

    1. NUance


      Yeah, I'm surprised too. Pleasantly surprised.

    2. Hammerhead


      I'm still totally okay with the thought of Stanford beating Iowa though.

  12. Do a majority of Canes fans realize Coach Richt is Nebraska-born...and if so, how do they feel about that? Also, he brings a bible-belt mentality to his coaching, will that matter in Coral Gables? Richt went to school at Miami lol Pre-U Miami and Current-U Miami. Two different things lol
  13. Hmmm...I don't know. It is always difficult to gauge such things when you decide to engage in games pitting one historically underrepresented group against another (truth be told, I don't like to play such games so what do I know?!) However, for the sake of comparison, the Southern Poverty Law Center does list two, count 'em TWO historically Black Muslim groups on its watch list. It doesn't appear as though any historically Arab Muslim groups make the list. Make of it what you will.
  14. Ok, riddle me this Mr. President: how much preparation goes into teaching....this person?
  15. Yes, for people to reminisce about Harrison Beck's mother complaining to the LJS. At least, that's what I'm doing right now.
  16. The problem that most people have with understanding Iowa politics is that most of the time, they vote for the Democrat in the general election. That tells me that the "Evangelical Christians" in Iowa aren't that powerful. OR, they tend to lean liberal in the biggest elections. The first part is true, at least in recent times, however, at this point, the focus is on the influence and support of these people in the caucus
  17. So long France. You had a good run.

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