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Born N Bled Red

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Everything posted by Born N Bled Red

  1. Feel like he should be a running back. I bet he has a skillset somewhere between Correll Buckhalter and Rex Burkhead.
  2. HERD IMMUNITY, HERD IMMUNITY, HERD IMMUNITY! I WANNA DO WHAT I WANT, HERD IMMUNITY. This isn't directed at any single individual, and I wish no ill will on anyone. However, for folks that truly believe herd immunity to Coronavirus is the answer, why are they not out doing their part as suredly as those of us who believe the doctor recommended mask and social distancing are? Why aren't they walking into the ICU, purposefully getting infected, so that when they survive, their antibodies can be a key part in achieving HERD IMMUNITY. I mean for cripes sakes, if they truly believe this is the solution, GET IT DONE! Then if herd immunity doesn't save us, Darwin might. I'll tell you why they aren't doing it. It is because the people claiming HERD IMMUNITY is the solution, do not believe they will be the ones making the ultimate sacrifice. They feel as though they are isolated and safe, and will benefit from the death of others as HERD IMMUNITY is achieved, rather than contribute to those deaths. In their eyes, their own FREEDOM, to not wear a mask or be inconvenienced in any way Trumps the deaths that will occur should this course of action be followed. And since they feel as though themselves and their loved ones are safe and isolated from the potential effects, they will make none of the sacrifices. This is not the mindset that made America great, this is not the mindset that won the world wars, unfortunately, this is what half of the country has devolved into. What's good for me, is good for me, if it's bad for you, well, sucks to be you.
  3. Wow, you've got a point @Notre Dame Joe. I'm having a hard time explaining this thought to others in conversation, so could you please enlighten us with an example of a time you've stood firm on your principles against something your party has done. That way I'll have a good anecdote I can share. Thanks in advance.
  4. I'm very curious after all is said and done, how total deaths over the duration of the COVID outbreak fit into the historical data. I think that will, ultimately, give us a much better idea of the total number of COVID deaths experienced verses what is being reported/attributed.
  5. Or numbers are being manipulated and Covid deaths are being attributed to other causes.
  6. He asked Colonel Jackson to hold his beer, and damaged America with Putin in his ear. From Corona, thousands did die, while Trump twittled his thumbs and repeated his MAGA rally cry. He bloated the deficit, and every contract and treaty he breached. It's absolutely a miracle that he was only impeached.
  7. You aren't even trying any more are you? Cuts at the CDC and other areas that deal in infectious diseases are one of the huge reasons why we are in the mess. The CDC has still undergone an “erosion of budget and staff under Trump” but without Congress’s defiance “thousands more Americans would likely die over the next few months because of even more reduced capacity at the CDC”, according to the report, compiled by the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI). https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/24/trump-cuts-undermine-coronavirus-containment-cdc-watchdog-report
  8. Or a troll/bot from Russia that has infiltrated Huskerboard specifically to post in the P&R forum to put forth right wing talking points. Nah, couldn't be.... but, MAYBE??????? hmmmmmm
  9. https://www.justsecurity.org/70507/white-supremacist-infiltration-of-us-police-forces-fact-checking-national-security-advisor-obrien/ I know that this has probably been discussed here before, but in the context of what is happening now, I think it has become all too clear that this is reality. From the article, which is a summation of multiple reports: An FBI intelligence assessment—titled “White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement” and published in 2006 during the administration of President George W. Bush—raised alarm over white supremacist groups’ interest in “infiltrating law enforcement communities or recruiting law enforcement personnel.” The report, based on FBI investigations and open sources, warned, for example, that skinhead groups were actively encouraging their members to become “ghost skins” within law enforcement agencies, a term the report said white supremacists use to describe members who “avoid overt displays of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.” The article goes on with more studies and reports backing up this claim. This in no way means that all cops are White Supremists. It just goes to show that there has been an active campaign to get people with those beliefs into law enforcement positions. It also helps to explain some of the abject anger and brutality some of the above videos have shown.
  10. I understand the urge of quitting in protest. I have seen many people do so in my professional life and in the Trump cabinet/ military over the last few years. Truth is, quitting in protest does nothing but allow the people in charge replace someone of moral character with someone more in line with their way of thinking. By quitting in protest, the quitter forfeits their position within a system to implement change. Thus the very thing a protester is quitting becomes worse with their absence.
  11. I have a terrible feeling at some point these peaceful protesters will take a page out of the, white people playbook and come fully loaded to a peaceful protest in response to the police brutality that is playing out over and over again. God help us if that happens.
  12. They whole damn squad that walked past him and did NOTHING to come to his aid should be terminated. Freaking terrible. From Boondock Saints. And I am reminded on this holy day of the sad story of Kitty Genovese. As you all may remember, long time ago almost 30 years ago. This poor soul cried out for help time and time again, but no person answered her calls. Though many saw, no one so much as called the police. They all just watched as Kitty was being stabbed to death in broad daylight. They watched as her assailant walked away. Now, we must all fear evil men. But, there is another kind of evil which we must fear most … and that is the indifference of good men!
  13. Every American has the right to peacefully protest. Given the destruction that has occurred, I could potentially understand (very unlikely, but a case could be made) deploying guard units to keep the peace. But I don't care what race you are, what religion you follow, or which way you vote, national guard members sweeping residential streets, should make everyone stop dead in their tracks and condemn that deployment. If they can do that now, its not a far leap to deploy them on election day to "keep the peace at the polls." How long until we are rounding up protesters or confining them to designated zones, or worse. At present, this is not the land of the free, and the home of the brave. America is having an existential crisis, and for the first time I am legitimately scared of what the future might hold.
  14. What the hell is happening, and where did all those idiots stating they were going to stand up to Dictatorship becuz they had to wear masks go? A National Guard platoon marching down residential streets and firing on people on their own property is something I never thought I would see.
  15. Oh no! A paper trail! And what I mean by this of course, is, vote by mail will leave actual physical ballots than can be be counted and recounted. There are many states that do not have paper ballots. For a full listing of which states do and do not have a paper trail, here is a link. https://ballotpedia.org/Voting_methods_and_equipment_by_state
  16. No ONE CARES- OBAMA IS NOT THE PRESIDENT AND HASN'T BEEN FOR 3.5 YEARS. Why don't you continue on and explain how Obama is really the reason that Trump has cheated on all his wives. How Obama has the Billy Bush segment secretly recorded, how Obama himself created Corona in a lab just to make Trump like an idiot. How Obama has instructed Trump to discard Cabinet members like used toilet paper at an unprecedented rate. How Obama is really the one who gave Jarod and Ivanka jobs in the white house, and how Obama is the one who granted Ivanka all the trademarks in China while we've been in a "trade war." Did you know, Obama is the one who told Trump to drink cleaning fluids to beat Corona. Oh and Trump only invested in Hydroxichloroquines parent company because Obama told him to. Obama is also the only reason so many of Trumps friends have been tried and convicted for numerous crimes while Trump was president. You're schtick is getting old dude. Find a new refrain. Oh wait... here it comes... OBAMAGATE!
  17. But, did we beat Wisconsin?
  18. Figures, 2nd to last turn and I finally get a MVP. Has been fun though.
  19. OH DO YOU NOW??? Why don't you start with these 25 cases then. Let me know what you find out. And if you don't think for a second that this accusation was drummed up simply to "level the playing field for Trump against Biden, I'll have some of what you are smoking. Oh and by the way, the Republican Senate is refusing the search for the "report," that was submitted. Gee, wonder who doesn't want to lose a talking point. https://www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12 Oh and let's not forget the STATUTORY RAPE charge either. https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein
  20. So then why take Oregon, rather than Utah? Michigan already has Oregon. Ohio State is in Utah, and it landlocks one of our territories.
  21. Ok. I've been pretty quiet on strategy. But this move really doesn't make much sense too me. By conquering Minnesota and Iowa, we reduce our number of attackable territories by 1, and we landlock 3 territories, making them safe for 1 full turn. By conquering Utah, we landlock another territory. All three moves keep us from attacking Michigan, and deals damage to the uholy alliance. Ohio State & Wisconsin, while leaving the closest thing we have to an ally alone. Not sure what attacking Oregon does for Nebraska. Maybe provides some benefit to Michigan, strengthening the alliance? I dunno.
  22. Call it the Treaty of '97.
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