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Everything posted by Husker03

  1. Students have been in school for all of a day or two. Much too early to pretend we know anything about how a virus with a 10-14 day incubation period is behaving.
  2. Also, one of the problems with this type of thing is that we needed fall football for the city and state economy as a whole, not just for the athletic department. That means everybody will be short on funds this year, many significantly so, so not a lot of excess cash laying around to donate. It hurts everybody, and could argue is ultimately going to hurt the athletic department far less than it is going to hurt Barry's and Leadbelly, etc. I hope spring can be a bandaid, but not only is that pretty damn unlikely, it also may come to late for businesses that have been struggling for 6 months already.
  3. I'm not convinced this is the end of this by any means. You don't put the work in that NU has put in behind the scenes and just lay down because a commish who was unwilling to put much if any apparent work in says so.
  4. Just look at how well Nebraska has looked for the past 48 hours standing there. It's no wonder nobody else wants to nut up.
  5. It is interesting because there are so many legal questions about who has the ability to shut down what. Is it fair for the president of Rutgers, for instance, to vote to shut down a huge portion of the economy in Nebraska when Nebraska has done everything very well to come up with a plan and protections, etc for the state, the city and the team? Supreme court level stuff brewing imo.
  6. Nah, at some point you have to look out for your own interests here and there or you will always be the loser in the group projects. MNGA!
  7. But you are basically a national celebrity all season long due to being one of the only shows in town. Think of the exposure with few other games. Hopefully, if we opt this way, are boys are ready for the big stage.
  8. It will be a lot better than a stupid a$$ playstation red/white game, so I'll take it.
  9. Hopefully he gets a waiver to enroll next week.. He's a day one starter. Kid is a monster.
  10. Silver lining about the current state of NU football and 100 different coaches over the past 15 years is that it is tough to have racial inequality culture issues permeating throughout a program that doesn't even have a semblance of a culture. That said, hope the current leaders both better than this and also watching closely.
  11. I need Mavric to tell me he is going to be a Husker.
  12. I never said they don't get it at all nor that they can't spread it. I just said that current evidence indicates they are huge spreaders. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/07/20/892354171/kids-get-coronavirus-but-do-they-spread-it-well-find-out-when-schools-reopen
  13. Because, according to the current evidence, they don't. Makes no sense at all but kids under 10 barely vector Covid for whatever reason. The evidence is sketchier in the 10-18 age. The numbers are out of South Korea and they didn't break it down into smaller groups, but the 10-18 age transmits at a lower rate than the adult population but a higher rate than the almost non existent transmission noted in the under 10 school agers. The thought is that there would be a gradual increase in the transmission as approaches 18, but again, not enough numbers to accurately call it.
  14. I don't think it is a "gamble" by Frost and company as much as it is, "the only option available currently." It is not like they are displaying a lack of recruiting effort. They are busting a$$ trying to bring in talent, but the fact remains, the talent isn't interested at this time. The next best move is to pray your evaluation on developmental players is best in the league and woo those guys in over the other mid tier programs in the nation. I'm sure if they could target and reliably land a lot fewer 4 and 5 stars guys, they wouldn't choose this 3 star developmental player "gamble."
  15. I can give you the crap leadership part, but its not fair to fault the citizens for "crap" attitudes. Our entire country is build on distrust of government and its over reach. It serves us very, very well most of the time. Pandemics happen to be an instance where that attitude is very harmful, but it is what it is. You cant have your cake and eat it too. You can't have free thinking democracy and force people to all think the same. The leadership needed to do a better job of conveying the science, and the science needed to be more solid. Entirely different game here if masks would have been recommended from the jump.. They should never have said they were contraindicated back in March, that didn't jive with science. There was a bunch of panic caused by bad science at the beginning, including the ability to transmit on surfaces. Virus' don't operate like that. The wishy washy science the entire time doesn't help convince a free thinking population of extremely varying demographics that anybody knows what they are talking about.. There will be push back when the message is not unified. I realize the science is evolving, but we would have been much better served with a "we are not sure if masks help, but we recommended them because decreased respiratory droplets in any capacity makes sense to reduce transmission," and, "we are not sure if this can spread via dry surfaces, but most virus' can not survive on inorganic dry material, so we need to focus on respiratory transmission for now," etc.
  16. The question is.. For 10 million dollars, how much do you care about <insert_vulnerable_relative_here>? ;p
  17. Was going to say, I have several family members I would offer up in exchange for 10 mil....
  18. It actually just means enough of the population is immune to the disease that the disease can no longer spread. Depending on the virus, sometimes you CAN get herd immunity to a high enough level that the disease is eradicated, aka polio, smallpox, etc. Some virus' are tougher buggers and you can only get herd immunity to high enough levels that the virus' still exist but can't run rampant through a population, ie measles. Outbreaks of these virus' occur in clusters here and there because populations that have been protected by herd immunity start believing the these virus' no longer pose a threat and opt out of simple measures to keep them a non threat, ie vaccination, leading to a drop in overall numbers of "immune" people in the population which allows virus' again to snag a foothold and begin spreading again. Moral of the story.. If you can be vaccinated, get vaccinated.
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