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Dr. Strangelove

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Everything posted by Dr. Strangelove

  1. I understand this. Beating divisional teams is the next step for Nebraska. Unfortunately for them, the best teams in our soon-to-be eliminated division just so happen to be some of the best developmental programs in the country. Nebraska is unlikely to do it at their level - few teams do, with the exception of Utah. What Nebraska can do is field more talent to make up for it, something they are on pace to fail at given the current recruiting class.
  2. Nebraska has not recruited well, in my opinion, over the last several years. People focus too much on the final class ranking number - finishing with the #24 class for example - without realizing that's not much different than the class that finishes at #45 or #50. The difference is class size and one or two 4* players. Nebraska is going to have to both develop players like Rhule has done AND acquire high end talent. Nebraska isn't just competing with Ohio State and Michigan, but with the elimination of divisions they have to contend with the recruiting prowess of USC and Penn State as well.
  3. This is pretty much what is said every year about every mid 3* recruit. I genuinely hope that this kid is a good player, but Nebraska needs to finish their class with 40% (or higher) blue chip recruits. Those are 4* and 5* players. They need to finish with 8-10 of those players every year. This is just to have a roster that is still vastly inferior to the top of the conference, but it should give Nebraska a punchers chance. With six total commits and one 4* player, Nebraska is behind pace. I agree with you there. Rhule and Co are getting to the point where they need to land the two California players, land at least two of the highest rated in state recruits, and find two or three more 4* players elsewhere. They absolutely have the ability to do it, but hopefully they do it soon.
  4. Hopefully he turns into a good player. But Nebraskas talent acquisition for this class is nowhere close to where it needs to be.
  5. I don't think it's the trips as much as it's the: *Buying property *Paying thousands to the crazy wife of a SCOTUS judge The corruption here is OBVIOUS. But honestly Thomas could sacrifice babies from the bench during oral arguments and Conservatives would still rationalize why it's normal.
  6. These liberal smear jobs are a joke! *newly established BS ethical guidelines require that I reveal to you that Harlan Crow bought my last house.
  7. It's Bidens fault. Without rampant Biden-flation these Patriotic American gun owners would've been able to afford a gun safe. Alas, with rampant Biden inspired crime - mostly caused by Fentanyl laced illegal immigrant criminals - left them no choice but to buy a gun.
  8. Sort of. While the Athletic Department can't really coordinate with NIL cooperatives, they can certainly advise donors that the money they plan on donating to the Athletic Department is better spent elsewhere. And maybe that elsewhere just so happens to be an NIL cooperative. Last fall, for example, Nebraska signed a $300 million dollar media rights deal with Playfly Sports that just so happened to include a $7.5 million dollar signing bonus - presumably where the money came from to fire Frost - and it also had $2.5 million in NIL donations. @Archy1221 has a point that is true: Nebraska would've been much better served to fire Frost two weeks later and put that $7.5m signing bonus into the NIL pool to make it $10 million.
  9. Exactly. Blaming NIL opportunities is a new scapegoat for fans to reconcile why a recruit didn't pick their preferred school. The reality in this particular case is that Nebaska is just not good enough in multiple facets of Football to lure top recruits like him. We're simply not in the same stratosphere as other programs.
  10. Nebraska has great NIL money. It's not at the level of top programs like Tennessee, but Nebraska is in that second tier of teams in the NIL world. What they have thing for them is that our NIL organization is run in a professional manner - in contrast to the amateur NIL dealings of teams like Florida or Auburn. Secondly, Dylan isn't coming to Nebraska because his aspirations are to get to the NFL. It has nothing to do with NIL. He's simply asking himself, if he comes to Nebraska, can we surround him with the talent necessary to get him there? Will the line protect him - unlike the last FOUR Nebraska quarterbacks who've had the misfortune to take snaps behind them? Instead of blaming NIL, just ask yourself: what does Nebraska offer a player of his caliber compared to the competition? What does Georgia offer that Nebraska doesn't? (Hint: a lot)
  11. I think you'll find that the level of debt an economy can sustain is fairly undetermined. What's more, government spending is currently accounting for nearly all of the economic growth in the economy at the moment. Economic outcomes are determined by availability of workers, if the workforce population is growing, and large government spending.
  12. Exactly. Hopefully Matt Rhule was honest with Casey about the direction of the offense. Personally, I don't think they had a choice but to go with Sims over Thompson. The offense won't be able to run the ball without a mobile QB, considering how God awful the line is. Expect Rhules offense in year 1 to be similar to year 3 with Adrian Martinez. The QB is going to be stuck trying to make a play nearly every down because the abysmal line doesn't allow for much else.
  13. Voting for a third party is almost always a bad idea. As stated previously, it absolutely dooms one of the two major political parties. Democrats are more vulnerable to this because their electoral coalition is weaker and prone to fracture. You're also voting for a candidate that won't win a single state. If you want to feel good about yourself because Joe Biden is just so old so you voted for say Joe Manchin as a Third Party candidate, that's fine. But you're the reason Republicans would win such a monumental landslide victory that it would take a decade for Democrats to recover.
  14. My body is beaming with Conservative Patriotic pride. This shows us that we're a real country. Not one of those fake ones like those Liberal European hellscapes.
  15. Japan's economic growth rate has little to do with its debt and has a lot more to do with its rapidly shrinking population.
  16. Japan's debt to GDP ratio is considerably higher than the Untited States. It's certainly possible that the level of spending can stay high, although I'm not an Economist. What I do know is that the Republican party is extraordinarily unserious about reducing debt or setting spending levels because their last 50 years of deficit spending and cutting taxes on the highest earners tell me as much. If they made any serious efforts, I'd be okay with it. But they couldn't be less serious. It's all theater and no substance.
  17. If only the morons who got shot armed themselves with an AR-15, like the Founding Fathers intended, we wouldn't be in this situation. Oh well, sending some T&P until the next one on Monday.
  18. I blame the average voter. If they didn't want to be pushed to the brink of default because they thought having stupid work requirements on SNAP benefits was as important as the debt ceiling, they would've voted differently. If the American people experience economic calamity they deserve it and have only themselves to blame. They voted for their house members presumably knowing that this would happen.
  19. If the Conservative voters of Texas wanted a Senator who believed in the American values of Democracy and Constitutional order, they'd vote for it. The conservative voters of Texas are morons who dislike the American ideals of Democracy and are getting the historical embarrassment of a Senator they deserve. He represents them and the historical record should reflect just how stupid and moronic their choice is.
  20. Voters had that choice in the primary and decided to vote for Biden. I personally voted for a different candidate, but in the context of the 2024 election it makes absolutely no sense for Democrats to move to new leadership. Absolutely agree. I thought she was a pretty mediocre candidate in the primary and she still doesn't really move the needle. I do think, at the end of the day, the problems for Republicans still stay the same. The electorate is voting against Republicans and not for Democrats. Until the GOP moves on from "elections are rigged" and their terrible positions on abortion, they're likely to do worse in 2024 then they otherwise would considering the environment.
  21. DeSantis is going to lose all of zero votes because his voters want this.
  22. No kidding. If there's one thing we can all cross the party lines on here, it's rooting out actual sexual predators. No need to limit it to just Republicans...
  23. Anybody who thought he wouldn't or who thought that a different candidate would fair better doesn't know anything about elections. In no world does a bitter and contested primary and losing the incumbency advantage help Democrats win the Presidency in 2024. Their best strategy is to simply say "hey look Biden fumbles his words but at least he's not that" and point to the crazy ball of Trump/DeDantis/Bobert/MTG/etc.
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