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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. I agree with the sex ed and available birth control. However, I don't include the morning after pill as part of any responsible birth control options. How about instead of "the morning after pill" we try a little "responsibility and clear headed decision making the night of intercourse"?
  2. Yes... no... I don't care....just please, for the love of God, stop using the word Nebraseball. Nebrasketball is ok, and even kind of cool. Nebraseball? Not so much.
  3. That Martha Plimpton.....what a piece of sh#t person she is. I have absolutely no respect and zero alignment with her thoughts on the matter. She and people like her are why we cannot arrive at any reasonable common ground on abortion. I've always felt that reasonable people could agree that abortions should be allowed in cases of rape, incest, and when the mothers health was in danger. I've even thought that most reasonable people could agree that the option for a safe and clean abortion provided by a trained medical provider is better than a dirty back alley coat hanger job. But this Plimpton is unreasonable. She wants to have abortions on a whim, for any reason, at any time, because she thinks it has no effect on anyone except her. She is wrong. There is another life involved. And, quite frankly, I would take my chances with any aborted fetus being a better human being than what I feel she is after reading that. I never use this word because I think it is about the ugliest word you can use for somebody but she is a c**t. I want her to feel shame. She should feel shame. She's a piece of sh#t. I wish her mother had aborted her. Wonder if she would be in favor of that? And here I thought the link you provided to "more of her own words" would lead me to at least a little more understanding or sympathy. It just made me hate her.
  4. Hey, I agree. Are you sure that this actress didn't do that, though?How do you know that the vast majority of abortions aren't from pregnancies that people made good faith efforts to prevent?If I were to tell you that this is a fact, and also that those same women aren't able to discuss it openly because of the wild character assumptions that tend to follow it, wouldn't you agree that an effort to raise awareness, empathy, and understanding for them -- to allow them to open up on a difficult issue rather than face stigma -- wouldn't you be on board with that as a good thing? I suspect so, JJ, and that we're not far apart. What I'm sure of, based on that article, is that she felt no shame whatsoever in ending at least two other lives. Her career was clearly more important to her than 2 beating hearts. She even went out of her way to wear a special dress to celebrate her actions. I'm guessing she wasn't too broke up about it and maybe she should have been. Maybe sometimes a little stigma serves a purpose. Maybe not every action or decision needs to be one that people are proud of. Some actions are wrong and, in those cases, I would prefer that they be treated like they're wrong and not celebrated as no big deal.
  5. Woah. It doesn't always work. But sure -- sex ed & contraceptive access are very important from a public health standpoint. As I said, improvements in these areas have and will continue to drive down rates of unwanted pregnancies. I knew that was going to be coming back at me. Personally, I am not opposed to abortion in every and all situations. Rape, incest, when and if the mother's life is in danger would meet the threshold for me. And, even in some "accidental" pregnancy situations, if the people involved made good faith efforts at preventing the pregnancy, I would not have a sever moral problem with it in some cases. I realize we cannot know what is in a persons heart or if they did in fact make a reasonable effort to prevent becoming pregnant. But I'm not proposing making it illegal. I am simply saying I don't believe it is right to use it as birth control and really not right to brag about it, be proud of killing another life, or celebrate a persons selfishness with an abortion dress as in the linked story.
  6. I was not aware "we" could morally kill a person who is brain dead. Also, I don't believe "achieved consciousness" is the make or break point for a whole bunch of people in this debate. Some, actually a whole bunch of, people believe that life is created at the moment of conception. Some people feel that ending a life, for whatever reason, through whatever means, is not up to us but rather should be determined by natural death. I'm not saying I am of this belief in all cases but I also sure don't think abortion should be used as simply another birth control option.
  7. Well I guess you're certainly free to feel and act that way about murder if you wish zoogs. I'm sure not going to get anybody's face and try to make them feel bad for some choices they have made but, you have to admit (or maybe you don't) that being proud of having had multiple abortions and bragging about it with an abortion dress is taking it a bit too far. It sure is for me. I found this linked story repulsive. I used to like Plimpton as an actress in Raising Hope and the Real O'Neals...not anymore. I won't be able to watch her without thinking of her selfish abortion dress. Why is killing a fetus an acceptable choice but failing to choose to be responsible with a persons reproductive activities not important? How about not getting pregnant if you don't want a child? What's wrong with that approach? They make these things called contraceptives and, the good thing is, you don't have to start a life and then kill it to prevent an unwanted birth.
  8. Taking my daughter over to the courts to show her my old tennis moves and give her some pointers. Wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NUance


      Can anyone explain to me why Jarvis's tennis elbow affects my golf game!?!? #reallyweird

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      It makes his grip on the shaft tenuous at best. That might be throwing off the both of you.

    4. NUance


      Just the thought of Jarvis gripping my shaft throws off my golf game. lol

  9. Bridge of Spies is a really good movie you guise.

    1. NUance


      Yeah, sounds like it'd be good.

  10. The child is grown. The dream is gone. I have become comfortably numb.

    1. knapplc


      O-o-o-o-h ma. O-o-o-o-h pa.


      Must the show go on?

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      So glad I got to go to the Roger Waters The Wall concert. Never made it to an actual Pink Floyd concert but that was extremely close to the real thing.

  11. You should've closed your windows and got another dog. You should've chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks.

  12. I'm having trouble with the calibration on this darned moral compass..... On one hand, cheating is okay if you can get away with it and others are doing it. But on the other hand, people who misuse their work email should be killed. Feel like I'm standing directly on one of the planet's poles watching this thing spin wildly.
  13. What is your favorite color? IDK, something bold and different like this What three Huskers, current or former, would you want on your side in a bar fight? Christian Peter, Ndamukong Suh, Jerry Murtaugh (tons of experience with bar fights) Who is your favorite player on the team right now? Not sure, waiting for someone to step up and make it obvious What’s the most you’ve bet on a Husker game? Did you win? Near as I can recall probably about $220. Think I won because that would've been the year of our last natty What was your favorite car that you owned in your high school years? (Or after, if you didn’t have a car in hs.) 64 Ford Custom 500, schweeeet! If you could take any four people in history to a Husker game day, who would you take? (breakfast at The Egg & I, stroll through campus, tailgating, watch the band march into the stadium, 50 yardline, 12 row seats for the game, steak dinner after the game, and attend a wild beer party to celebrate the win! ) My mom & dad, Bob Devaney, Chris Farley (guess I would have a thing about bringing people back from the dead) Who is your third favorite poster on HB? 3rd? Hmmm. Let me get back to ya on that one. You can get in your Delorean and bring any former Husker back to be on this year’s team with full eligibility. Who do you bring back? Suh, Duh. Would you rather see a cage match between Jim Harbaugh and Ronda Rousey, or watch a group of drunken midgets ambush Urban Meyer in the gym while he’s working out and throw four dozen rotten eggs at him? Either would be awesome.
  14. On the bright side, I sure don't feel compelled to vote for anyone. These are our best and brightest? f#*k me.

    1. onlyHskrfaninIL


      Oh yeah this country is effed



      Lol, I feel the same way. What a mess.

  15. Okay, I've now read the article. With some of our Presidential candidates basically making hate speech somewhat mainstream nowadays, I can see where some of the fringe elements in this country are likely taking that as some sort of permission to cross the line with their actions. That behavior is not right and is not the America we want to cultivate. I will say that, worldwide, Muslim violence against non-Muslims is still a much larger issue deserving of more attention simply because of the sheer number of victims. It does not make these cases any less concerning or acceptable, and the recent increasing trend does seem a bit alarming, but I do think the scope and scale is important to consider.
  16. I'll preface this by saying I have not yet read the linked article. I will do that soon. However, my gut feeling is that violence committed by Muslims against non-Muslims probably far exceeds violence perpetrated against Muslims. That in no way makes the latter more acceptable but it does cause me to think one is maybe a bit more deserving of elevated concern than the other.
  17. Has there been some surge in violence against Muslims? Is this more commonplace than radical Muslims killing the western infidels?
  18. C'mon Landlord, you've been around HB long enough to know that's how it works.
  19. If you understood that what you believe is actually false, then your confusion would be solved. Christians by and large definitely do not staunchly support the Republican party. Rather they somewhat staunchly anti-support Dems since Dems do more damage to them than Reps do. Christians with some wisdom, so, some but not all, staunchly support almost no one since they understand that all people are sinners, power corrupts, etc. Staunch support typically indicates "faith in man" which is a very bad idea. You should find some smarter Christians to hang out with. I said I "don't understand why so many fellow Christians are staunchly in support of the Republican party." Without data I find it unlikely that what I said was false. If 10% of voting Republican Christians were staunchly in support of the Republican party I'd think that is too many. To be fair, it should cause wonderment when any Christian is in support of either party. Both parties have numerous things that are at odds with the teachings of Christianity. They both seem to pick and choose which portions of the message they will support.
  20. Would you vote for him if he got the nomination? I think that's the issue here. He clearly is getting a lot of the Christian vote in the primaries. Or at least the "Christian" vote. No. I will not vote for Trump in any circumstance. Same thing goes for Cruz and Hillary and Sanders. I think something to keep in mind here is that we are talking about strictly republican primaries with an extremely poor field. To some extent, primary voters have to pick one of the morons. They could pick no one. But the Republican primaries are having record turnouts. I have no idea what the Christian % of the primary voters is though. I'm also Christian, for the record, and don't understand why so many fellow Christians are staunchly in support of the Republican party except the ones who list abortion as their most important or only cause. Yeah, I don't understand the draw for Christians to the Republican party, or either party for that matter. I think much of it is the abortion issue. I mean if a person is opposed to abortion, at all, then the dem party is definitely off limits. It's almost like the dems enjoy killing fetus'. As far as Trump's success so far, it really has to be as simple as people being totally fed up with the way things are but, all the while not realizing that his bombastic bullsh#t isn't going to be any better. It's easy to criticize virtually everything as Trump does because so much truly is jacked up in this country. But the people that support him don't seem to be smart enough to recognize he is no kind of answer. It's like the Republican party got to the edge of sanity and just when you thought they'd have to head back towards being rational they decided to yell cowabunga and jump. It just isn't a credible party anymore, and neither is the dem party. It's really unbelievable where politics are at in this country.
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