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Everything posted by cornstar

  1. The best people. That's not good. Smart people who happen to hate him need to work for him regardless. He needs people who aren't yes-men. I agree. Let's be honest, those who hate Trump are/were going to ridicule his cabinet choices regardless.
  2. I agree. IMO, it's over the top and I'm tired of the whining. The protests prior to him spending one day in office wreak of crybaby sour grapes. If he F's stuff up big time, have at him.
  3. Wow. Well that seems racist all right. Did he really say that? I mean, sure, a fair percentage of illegals from Mexico are probably criminals. Like the ones smuggling drugs. But suspect the percentage of drug smugglers is fairly small. I think most illegal immigrants sneak across the border to get jobs. Actually, all illegals are criminals regardless of their intent.
  4. Why do you not pretend to see that people on both sides are being awful the past 2 days? People are chanting racist things in schools, abusing minorities, painting swastikas. Why are you pretending not to see those things? Why can't you be like the rest of us and see that there are a$$hole$ everywhere? There are idiots on both sides, but what I'm saying is that I do not recall seeing Conservatives organizing huge events to protest Obama when he won in 2008. We are talking mass protests across multiple cities, California threatening to secede, etc... I am all for peaceful protests, but c'mon, the guy hasn't even gotten into office and the left is already complaining non-stop. Right. Our "responsible" Republican leaders in Congress just met up and decided they were going to fight everything he did. I know they won and everything, but I loss a massive amount of respect for the GOP this cycle, for numerous reasons. Not that I loved them to begin with, but I'd like to be open to them if they'd act like a responsible, respectable party. I don't think I'm alone in this regard. Are you saying that GOP leadership fighting against an agenda they disagree with is the same as people protesting the rightful outcome of the election?
  5. RacistTrump is deemed as a racist, mostly cuz he is supported by a bunch of racist ppl. Yeah. As a trump guy I have the guts to recognize there are still really nasty racist ppl in this soceity. So, pardon me if I'm confused. So....Trump needed to court and win the votes of racist people to win. But, when people say racist people support him, they are wrong? yes. there are racists that support trump. I myself have acknowledged that. there are also left wing, demon-worshipping, globalist nutjobs that supported hillary. the point there is that Trump supporters who are legitimately not racist are being labeled as such by generalizing. for a bunch of anti-stereotype self riteous ppl, the hypocrisy is pretty strong. So much this.
  6. I disagree as it is a result of two things. How the media unfairly covered him and the pure ignorance of those who are protesting. You can't reach out and talk to ignorant people who won't listen in the first place. The only thing that needs to change is that these protesters need to grow up. I mean the entire left is embarrassing themselves from the "celebrities" to the leftist media and then the ignorant masses. He made this bed himself and people are upset the media reported it. Are you saying that if Hillary would have won and she made a great speech, you would have stopped hating her and embraced her? There is a difference between reporting it and the sh#t show they did. They coverage was very unfair as the liberal media was in the tank for her. They didn't spend any time talking about her flaws, they just hammered him 24-7. Not saying he didn't deserve some of it because he said some stupid sh#t, but if they are going to be hard on him, then they need to be equally hard on her and that was far from the case. No, I still would think that she is the most corrupt person to ever win office, but I wouldn't be out protesting and saying that I am going to leave the country (kind of hard, I am already stationed in South Korea) just because someone I didn't like won the election. I wanted Obama to be a good president so he could bring the country together, once it became obvious that he was going to be one of the worst and created the worst division in our country since the 60's I didn't throw a fit, he was still my commander in chief. You live with it. While watching ABC it was over the top obvious how in the bag they were for Clinton, the didn't even try to hide it. That is fine, but if they are going to be the propaganda arm of the Democratic party, I'd just like for them to admit it, not act like they are an unbiased news source. Second, these people have the right to peacefully protest, but isn't it too little, too late? Third, yeah the f@#k Trump cries, etc. they really don't do their image any good.
  7. This is a lesson that's very tough to learn, apparently. But it's a matter of history, and should not be ignored. Obama could not unite the country. Political rivals united against him before he ever took office and vowed to obstruct everything he did. That is not Obama's fault. He hadn't even been sworn into office. If you want to blame anyone for the greater divide in this country during Obama's term, blame the Republicans. Obama tried to work with them. They conspired against him. Hypocritical nonsense. When the Rs don't break from their core beliefs they're being obstructionists, but when the Ds won't, they are sticking to their guns and fighting for what they believe in. <rolls eyes> That's not what I was referring to, I was referring to Obama saying that Tray von Martin looked like his son if he had one, or him and his DOJ speaking out against Ferguson without having all the facts which just incited more violence.
  8. Thanks, Obama. (Not kidding) Obama didn't divide this country. People upset that a Black man was elected president divided this country. Not kidding. I don't think the reason the country is divided has anything to do with Obama one way or the other. I think it's divided because there is nothing called "honest disagreement" in politics anymore. Political opponents aren't considered to be honorable, decent people having honest, differing opinions; they are considered horrible human beings who must be destroyed. In my opinion this started during the 92 Bush/Clinton campaign and hasn't stopped since. Great point.
  9. I agree with some of what you say, but I want to touch upon this. I don't know where you all watched the coverage, but I did on ABC. They pretty much said that the stupid uneducated rural white male vote is what won the election for Trump. Pretty deplorable.
  10. Thanks, Obama. (Not kidding) Obama didn't divide this country. People upset that a Black man was elected president divided this country. Not kidding. This country was divided prior to Obama. It's even more so after. He was supposed to unite the country, but instead his presidency drove a much larger wedge in the divide. Remember hope and change?
  11. This. It's a nice thought, but wishful thinking Knapplc.
  12. Unfounded? Trump said he is going to build a wall. He said he is going to prosecute his political rival. He said he is going to prosecute the women who accused him of sexual assault. He said he is going to deport Muslims. He said he wants to make it easier to prosecute journalists. Your choices are that he was lying, these are metaphors, or he's going to do any/all of these things. If he's lying he's not worthy of your vote. If these are metaphors, explain what they mean. If he really does any or all of these things, those fears are 100% founded. I'm of the opinion that most, if not all of those things will not happen. Call it a hunch and if I'm wrong I'll cop to it. If he does somehow prosecute those who have done illegal acts, I applaud those actions.
  13. No, you don't get it. Those are some pretty neat talking points however. The unfounded fear is ridiculous. I hear all this nonsense about, "what am I going to tell my kids?" Tell them that this is how our country, a representative Republic, has decided to choose our president. Those who are planting unfounded fear in their children's heads should be ashamed of themselves.
  14. Now that the ban has been repealed, I'd like to see serious changes in how it is handed down as a sentence. Use it on people who admit to their crimes or when DNA evidence is obvious. As an FYI, Nebraska doesn't have life without the opportunity for parole that can be handed down as a sentence. That needs to change.
  15. I've not heard this, do you have a quote you can link?No...just posters posting how great he is and might be gone after a year I see. I thought that him petitioning for that 6th year was telling.
  16. I think that many of us feel that this year is now over. Our chances to make it to indy are slim.
  17. I've not heard this, do you have a quote you can link?
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