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Everything posted by runningblind

  1. All of your opponents are eager to see him and your offense perform also
  2. I mean, when the bar is still at trip height, it's a fair argument.
  3. Overthinking is a good word to sum up Nebraska since Osborne left. It fits with these uniforms, it fits when they do in the GameDay experience like @krc1995 mentioned, it fits with firing 9 win coaches etc. The conference does it to, that's how we get forced things like the heroes and heartland trophies, and they deny anything organic from actually happening. Sports media does it also and it drives me nuts. Not every highlight is a "catch of the year candidate?!", and stop telling me about potential no hitters in the 6th or 7th!
  4. This. Our draw is the sellouts (I'm honestly shocked it's still going but the University knows they better keep it going by any means necessary, or really watch the bottom fall out). There are much better places to watch football games IMO, as far as fan experience, seating quality, amenities, restrooms, ingress/egress, tailgating, on and on.
  5. Every year I think the alternates can't get anymore meh, but yet they do.
  6. I don't know what I'm saying half the time either. I just meant they'll probably keep him around because he's Dylan's uncle, despite middling o line performance, to be sure he sticks around.
  7. I think you're right on the 99%, because this seems like such a non issue to me. They'll fix it in the fall.
  8. You can say stuff like that all you want, but in this day and age with the transfer portal and a 5 star QB who can leave at any moment, I would disagree with you. We have to have a difference maker at QB to have a chance to get this train rolling. Now I don't disagree with what you said, or in principle, but I just don't see it playing out like that at all. Things are not about performance alone anymore, far far from it. I don't really like what the sport has become either.
  9. Didn't Hartzog take his spot basically last year? Then he came back to play a little later? This is one that feels like cherry picked stats versus actually watching film. Remember the pick against Illinois he had where he didn't have to move and the QB missed the throw by 15 yards?
  10. The horseshoe sucks too. I was super underwhelmed when we visited.
  11. If you don't think Bonds is one of the top 5 best hitters to ever live, you don't know baseball. He was the best before the steroids. Neither needed to cheat to be great, but they did, so give them an asterisk but put them in there.
  12. Baseball needs to get over itself. It is called the hall of FAME, and not the hall of whatever we choose it to be and whomever we want to let in. Build a controversy/betting/steroid wing if you want, but these guys were still some of the best baseball players ever. As a fan, let me make up my own mind about them by reading and learning in the exhibit at the hall, and stop telling me what to think.
  13. As much as I would love that, they will be completing bombs on NDSU. They match up well. They might give up 250 rushing, but CU will win.
  14. The weather argument has always been overblown. Serious though, the whole "bring those Southern teams to Lincoln in December!", bit is a bit silly, it won't make much difference. It won't help a completely over matched team win. Pelini was a very solid coach. I was one complaining he couldn't win big games, because well, he couldn't. I also didn't really want another 9 win coach fired, that was ludicrous. We had a good thing going and we screwed it up, but it was also on the decline, let's not kid ourselves there either.
  15. I'm actively trying to forget anything to do with that freaking dingleberry, yes.
  16. I hope anywhere on the line means inside for him. I still think he's got potential, just not at tackle.
  17. Frost had a huge roster and got in trouble with analysts doing too much. Well, part of that was him not showing up to practice on time and someone needed to coach, but I digress...
  18. Fans may NEED to chill out, but they never will. You both have a point.
  19. You're only going to get games they have on NBC/Peacock. You also said streaming in the title, but listen to in the post (as in radio I took), which are different things. I think you can listen to games on the radio for free on the internet still, but to watch you will need a streaming service that has all the channels they will play on. I use Hulu live TV and haven’t missed one in a few years.
  20. I love this school. We can't have nice things. My completely uniformed gut reaction is the offense is gonna be much better, but the defense will regress and we will be about the same. It will continue the trend of not being able to put it together on both (all 3) sides of the ball for 20 years now.
  21. Arrangements like this are interesting. What if White doesn't end up leaving? Defense regressed some, but is still solid but he only gets middling offers? What then?
  22. Personally, I am over hiring ex Huskers. I am for hiring someone who can do the job, no matter where they went to school. As for this situation? We aren't getting anyone this late in the game who wasn't hired by any other school already for 2024, so someone unemployed or it will be filled by a GA type. Not great a few weeks before camp. Guess we have a built in excuse for a potential leaky secondary, right?
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