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Dogs In A Pile

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Everything posted by Dogs In A Pile

  1. That's quite a stretch considering we've only won 6 division games total in Frost's 4 year tenure.
  2. Short Side Option - Herbie's Hangout - Northwestern Preview Good breakdown of teams.
  3. Sean Callahan said they waited in order to shorten the time they were on the field. Apparently the longer they are on the grass/turf, the more difficult they are to remove.
  4. I don't know if this was already posted but Short Side Option's season preview is out. Short Side Option - Herbie's Hangout - 2022 Season Preview
  5. Cool. We haven't even taken the first snap yet and we are already working on excuses for the season.
  6. I agree Fleck should be higher with his proven successful seasons no matter how quirky he is. But HCSF at #14 is exactly where he deserves to be with his proven failures to this point, especially considering the vast amount of support and resources he has at DONU.
  7. Just to show how worthless these picks are he had us at 6-6, 4-5 conf. last year and we all know how that turned out. Probably has something to do with his picks this year although I personally don't think he is too far off.
  8. It wouldn't surprise me if they don't release a depth chart before this first game. Frost said in the presser yesterday Blackshirts will be handed out the first day in Ireland.
  9. Wasn't he the guy the won 4 more games in 3 seasons than our current coach has been able to win achieve in 4 seasons?
  10. I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully, we will be strong enough where it won't make a difference. I wonder if HCSF will suggest he not do that in the future.
  11. I'm guess they still have to mow the 95% that is natural grass. Maybe the Irish just aren't as lazy and we are.
  12. They will be leaving Omaha Monday evening on an Aer Lingus direct charter flight. The flight is about 8 hours plus the 6 hour time difference which should put them arriving in Dublin about 10 am Tuesday. They plan on returning immediately after the game hoping to leave by midnight which should put them back in Omaha somewhere around 2 am Sunday morning.
  13. If the forecast holds up it looks like it will be a nice evening for football.
  14. Win big next Saturday and they will get snatched up quickly.
  15. 3 miles outside a city of about 100k in the desert southwest. We don't have cable or fiber (satellite for TV only) so it is Century Link DSL (massively overloaded), T-Mobile home internet or rooftop microwave receiver. Actually I can get good speeds during the day up to about 20 Mbps or so. But things go down hill in the evening with speeds of 3-8 Mbps so streaming anything but 480i can lead to buffering issues. And the evening is about the only time I watch TV. I tried T-Moble Home Internet but it was almost identical to what I currently have but a little more expensive. Verizon 4G speeds are good here but they don't offer Home Internet in this area. Starlink is over capacity in the area so they are out until at least 2023 at best and even then $700+ up front and $119/mo. for 50-100 Mbps doesn't seen like a very good value. Xfinity is suppose to be bringing fiber out here but I first heard about that last year and nothing has been done so I'm not holding my breath. They would have to cross BLM land which can take years to approved. Actually there are still 10's of millions of people in this country without high speed access. There is supposedly money in the recently passed IRA for high speed but actually getting it built out is another matter. It seems like money flows into the ISP's never to be seen again and with very little infrastructure actually installed. My guess is Xfinity will halt any plans they have while they get in line for some free gov't. money. This is all parallels the roll out of electricity in the early 1900's. Most people were hooked up in a timely manner but it was several decades before everybody finally was hooked up.
  16. I'm not thrilled about any games going to streaming services since it locks out those of us without high speed internet access.
  17. Looks like it could have been but I think one of the bye weeks is a lock now that fall camp is over.
  18. Or Purdue maybe. I wonder if they will play it by ear depending on how the season is going.
  19. Kind of sucks for those of us without high speed internet access making streaming impossible but like you say it isn't very many games and I doubt they will try to put the marquee matchups like OSU/Mich on a pay service.
  20. It looks to me that this ranking is based on sheer number of fans so it isn't surprising to me that NE with a relatively tiny population base wouldn't have the raw number of fans. Now fan intensity is another matter.
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