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Everything posted by Crazyhole

  1. This isn't true. I've seen prairie dog's devour an entire elephant carcass in 10 minutes flat. Even the local honey badger population steers clear of the prairie dog towns. I've heard stories of a single prairie dog taking down a timberwolf.
  2. Surprising to say the least. I thought he would embrace the frost offense.
  3. Is he the assistant head coach , or assistant TO the head coach. Dwight Shrute wants to know. But in all seriousness, the buyouts on these contracts generally have a requirement that the former coach make a reasonable effort to acquire new employment and it has to be at market value. So Riley can't go in and get 100 bucks a month salary just because his salary is being supplemented. That would potentially put him in breach of contract and would void the entire agreement.
  4. I can only imagine the fans' response if Pruitt turns them down as well.
  5. The thing that is most overlooked in the frost/Kelly and leach offenses isn't the 1 on 1 scenarios that it creates for the receivers and backs, it's doing the same thing for the linemen. It'll probably be our saving grace for the next 2 years as our linemen have a lot of work to do in both technique and in strength. Once we have more developed and experienced linemen it won't be quite as necessary to create those matchups and I could definitely see a more osborne-esque blocking scheme up front later on, as it helps to wear the defensive line down over the course if the game much more.
  6. Tre was a strong runner for having the knee issues. My biggest concern about him running in frosts offense isn't his knee though, it's his hips. Maybe it was an effect of the knee problem, but I've never seen a running back who has such a lag between his hip movement and his feet when he cuts. Against faster defenses he is going to have a hard time changing directions if that issue doesn't improve. Better backs use their shoulders and upper body to initially change their momentum. Defenders are taught to read a runners hips.
  7. Maybe I misunderstand a few of the posts on this thread , but Nebraska has never been screwed out of an opportunity to prove itself in a bowl game. We've been given an awful lot of opportunities that we actually didn't deserve to play the best team in the country.
  8. I would love to hear a conversation between Mike Riley and Bob diaco. Riley: good morning Bob. Bob: mornings are like an oyster being pulled out of the water and being opened. You know there's a pearl in there but it has to be pryed out. Like with a crowbar or a really strong pencil. The pearl is there for the taking but life makes it a strain to get it. I feel the strain mike. Can you see the strain? It's on the table we built and are building mike. Mike: that's a great thought Bob, we should put that in a book of inspirational quotes that Bob: (interrupts mike) with a cat on the cover hanging off a cliff. I might put up the money for that book and have it be about cats and the struggles they have like kids and family and I love them all. Siamese and Persians and 4 year old kids learning life and football and how to make soup with all of the ingredients. Mike: that's deep Bob and it reminds me of a story Bob: (again interrupting) the ocean is deep and full of fish like whales and octopuses and lobsters Mike: those aren't fish Bob Bob: cats love fish. Chapter 2 should be a story about a cat waking up in the morning and finding an oyster and using the jaws of life to open it but finds a pearl and then trades the pearl for a comb for his wife but his wife sold her hair for a watch made out of oysters and pearls. HEY! IT'S TACO TUESDAY AT WENDY'S! Mike: WENDY'S doesn't do taco Tuesday and it's Friday Bob. I do like frostys and chili at WENDY'S though. Bob: you're like a son to me mike. Like a child full of wonderment and prestige and finding waldo in memorial stadium with a bunch of cats. Chapter 3 is going to be a picture book with waldo playing fullback. Mike: what's a fullback? Bob: it's like TGIF at bw3 with the babybacks on a beautiful family sitting at the table they built starting with the legs and the top and the dinner we all made from the ingredients for soup and frostys. Do you have any meth Mike? Mike: I have some Xanax bars and a pitcher of margaritas. Bob: let's roll. Hold my oyster
  9. Bob's defense would have been better if he had been allowed to hire his brother Carl Diaco.
  10. Correct. Not necessarily contacting their personal employment representatives but think about how many people you would have to contact if you were moving 1500 miles away in 10 days.
  11. Don't read too much into that. It's not cleaning out their desks in a literal sense, just finishing up paperwork and making phone calls that need to be made prior to the move.
  12. Mullen was plan C. All 3 essentially gave Moos a "Yes". It's telling that the Mullen to Florida deal happened so quickly, because if Moos was at all concerned about not getting #1 or #2 he would have slowed that process down.
  13. We've offered more than 4. UCF is doing their due diligence in trying to keep him but it's already over. We have driven the cost of coaching up significantly this year. Mullen should be sending Moos a thank you bouquet.
  14. Also, Mullen was one of our backups. If moos was at all concerned that frost wasn't coming he would have done something to slow Florida down from hiring Mullen.
  15. TAMU is going to luck out. ASU is going to end up paying for sumlin to leave. I questioned whether they would buy him out and then turn around and buy Fischer out just to give him a huge contract. They've got money, but damn that would be an expensive transition.
  16. No later than next Sunday. Monday AM at the very latest.
  17. It was the only question he dodged so it should be pretty obvious.
  18. Agreed. Having frost out there affects people's perceptions. Fuente was my first choice last time and I'd say he's an equal choice this time. I'm just thrilled that it appears we will get one of them.
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